The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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OMG I am back!!! I have been gone for awhile now. and when I came back I had to play catch up and read about 7 pages of posts. That took me a very long time.

Fist off hi to all the new people. Welcome to the fort, its great to have you.

I have read the spoilers and I hope its not true that the lady turns into Gregs love intest. I would like to think that she is not there to replace Sara because she is swing shift. and I dont think the team would take to kindly to having her just come on and take Saras place. I cant see Greg wanting to date her if that is the case. He might feel like he is betraying Sara in a way because they were or are really good friends. So I cant see Greg or Nick wanting to date the new girl. Dose that make sence.... I hope so.

Twins thanks for sending me the pm I cant wate to see the finished episode guides and the new musice vidos you have been wroking on. I also want to say that I am sorry you got banned for 7 days on the power rangers board. That is so retared. If it makes you feel ANY better, my lovely dad got booted out of the American Idol chat line for being rude and he got a life time bane form it. It was pretty funny, he was so mad.

and just because everyone elts is saying it I want to say this to... I love Harry Potter lol. I finished the new book in two days I was so proud of myself lol. And now I can come back to the love.

Will this is it for me now. I hope I can post more soon, Take care everyone talk to you later. :D

p.s. I am now at 93 post. I cant wate to get to 100 then I can put up my Nick and Greg aviator. I am so excited :D
Wow, so much posts. I really don't know how I can keep up with it!

I just wanna say that I'm still working on fiction and videos. Oh, and I didn't win the contest. :( It's okay, I just hope that I win something for my cast one. :)

I hope that angry letters working Clarrisani! It would suck if you missed Fallen Idols!

QOTU that cracked me up too!

If we're the nicest fans...are GSR ones the rudest? Is rudest a word? Should I be asking so many questions?

Welcome back NickyandGreggo!:D

Lastly, I remember just a little while back, before some of the newer members were here. I would make a post when I woke up at about noon. Then I'd go to work and come back at 10 at night and there'd be one or two more posts if I was lucky.

Now I'm just floored with everyone talking back and forth! There's like 10 posts that I get to read and I'm not used to that. This ship is definitely beginning to sail a lot faster. If TPTB are trying to keep up down, they're doing a terrible job!

Long Live The Love!

Oh, and here's the poll again. *cough* Rebecca *cough*
There was the time that was the reading mode not writing anything. At that time I just gave my ears to you guys talking the subtexts and caught it and took a few photos of the boys. But it’s been a summer vacation these days and I suddenly decided to register. After that things hell a lot changed to me. Sometimes I got too worried if I might offend someone’s emotion and sometimes I feel that disregarded. I might be too sensitive that needed some rest now, but I realized that it’s a pretty tough job to support one ship and balancing the weight properly.

Because I registered recently I thought that it’s just me that feeling that spending more times of a day to catch up those than it'd used to be, but I feel that this ship’s growing flourishingly. It’s good, and I hope that everybody would find some rest here and spread The Love. Hehe, Long Live The Love!!

Peoples, go up to the poll if you didn’t. I already did it when it was first posted :D
Thanks Twins for reposting the poll. I went and voted lol. I remember when I first came here I was a lerker for a few months then I registered. I was alittle unsure how I would be acepted because everyone seemed so at ease with eatch other and I didt want to be told to leave. But I was blowen away at my warm welcome. Thanks (twins, wojo and I know everyone elts). So I hope if there are any lerkers who are reading this, I am telling you to come on in and join the love :D. The only time I have been yelled at on this thread is by the mods :confused:, in my defece I was new and they can be mean :(. But everyone looks out for one another here cough twins cough ;) and I havent been yelled at anymore. That makes me happy :).
I can see almost any pairing in CSI:LV, even het which is odd for me as normally I don't like het all that much. (I actually really like Gil/Lady Heather!) But Gil/Sara is only pairing I hate, as I've never seen anything from Gil along those lines and I'd always viewed Sara as having a hero worship type cursh in the early seasons rather than anything real. I would have been happier if the powers that be had paired Gil up with Catherine, simply because I have always viewed them as being on reasonbly equal standing and lack the power imbalance I've alkways thought Gil & Sara have had. (Ok so Gil & Lady Heather would have a power imbalance too, but that's different and they don't work together either so... :)
I'm glad this is a hoppin' place! It just makes it that much more fun!

Twins- I do believe you are correct, that rudest is a word. And you're probably right about GSR fans. I'm glad that cracked you up too!

Michael- I agree, Sara's thing with Gil has always just been a hero worship thing. And Gil doesn't ever really show that much emotion so it's hard to tell with him. Though the way he acts around LH is a little different...*hint* *hint* lol. But yeah, he's always seemed to be an almost father figure to Sara. At least, that's the way I see it.

So, I just spent all day planning my next CSI fic, which will be full cast, AU. And when I say full cast, I mean FULL cast. Though LH isn't in it(I tried to fit her in, honestly!), I did my best to put in everyone I could think of, minus a few detectives. Still might need more planning, don't know. It's called Till Death Do Us Part, and I'm hoping to get working on it soon, so you can all read it. And I promise to post a new chapter on Live and Love soon. But it might be a few days so be patient, and your wishes will come true! The next chapter will be from Greg's pov!
I always liked GSR. I always looked at it in Sara's view. Because I do like her. Just not THAT much. I just knew she had it bad for Grissom and wanted to her be happy. However, I'm getting sick of it shoved into my face and I'm also sick of GSR fans. They're ruining it for me and that's hypocritical of them.

I just fixed up The Greg Files a bit! I have a new contest going! (I have too many responsibilities!!!!) But they make me feel important!

Thanks for voting NickyandGregg and I agree, if there are ANY lerkers. We would love for you to join! :D

I'm off. Like I said. I promise, promise, promise to write some fiction. I just have to take a shower now. lol
Ahh everyone busy writting.. Good thing to see.. I myself have just finished a snipet to follow on from my story. If there are people on here, that want to read it and who have no idea... Mail me and I shall send you the link...

Never let it be said that I dont love Greg. Cause my version of Greg is that geek within me.. Who tries to please everyone and ends up not pleasing the most important person... Him?- or myself?? ......

My relationship with my Nick and Greg has now formed a special bond. I am so much in love with my men ( My charactes in my stories...) That they compliment the onscreen ones...

Ok lost- so am I!!! lol....

Twins - i saw the email about the Greg Filles...

Dont get me wrong I do like GSR.... But theres no passion... There is love but not like THE LOVE.... THAT OUR men share...

Gun shot residue got to love them.... I know GSR....
NGR- just doesnt have the same ring to it.. Thank god we know it as THE LOVE..... Even our boys have fancier shipper names...

Right im off now to read the final pages of Harry Potter- Come on Queen... Catch up lol...We need to exchange our ideas and thoughts...

Hmmm Ladies- whist your all here.. I've got an idea... Who's with me???

Ok call me crazy, weird... Mad even... But I suggest that we the fans... write pen to paper to the stars and collectivly send the letter in as one...

Dumb idea... Good one? If anyone wants to join my band of merry men lovers' then email me...

Thanks! Night alll.............. 24 more posts before I get my avatar... :cool:
Candy- LOL....I love that...Gun Shot Residue...not sure I ever connected the two before. But that's an interesting comparison Grissom Sara Romance = Gun Shot funny! And you're right, there is no passion there. It wouldn't be so bad if the GSR fans weren't so rude about it.
And don't worry, I'm just about half way done with HP. I'm getting there! Trying to read about five chapters a day, but today might only get to one. I blame the boys, heavily!
Now, what kind of letter are you thinking here? I actually just sent one in to CBS last week to get signed pics of cast and crew. But that could be a year in coming. They always are. lol. I'm assuming you mean something to say we want The Love to be serious cannon. If we can get enough people to do that, sure, I'd do it.
I'm currently tinkering with my second Doctor Who/Torchwood fan fic for a writing challenge that's on at the moment. There are just so many more moments you can play with with Jack/Doctor or Jack/Ianto. Must say I really do love fandoms that do fanservice.

I never minded GSR myself. Some great moments have come out of it, such as when Sara asks Grissom to tape her up and Grissom says "I love my job," to which Catherine replies "it shows". That, and 'Butterflied'. It's the fans that get to me. Not all of them - some are very nice - but others almost make me want to stop visiting forums and sites. Like the Wiki - overrun by them now.

I actually find the CatNip fans to be nice as well. I think fans of The Love are amongst the most open minded, is all.
So true. I'll ship anything as long as they don't oppress The Love. Now, let us all lie back, sip our iced tea or root beer float, and watch Nick & Greg. Life is good. :)
D: I depress you all with my dreams, I just know it, especially the one I had, like, two hours ago. I do believe it had something to do with Eric leaving the show...Which was weird, cuz I got all these documentaries running through my head about how his career went downhill from there (xD, you know the ones...right?)...even though I'm pretty sure it was his decision to leave.

Ack. New fiction, anyone? Recommendations? Anything? I need to read. And I need to write. So,
twins1729 said:
I always liked GSR. I always looked at it in Sara's view. Because I do like her. Just not THAT much. I just knew she had it bad for Grissom and wanted to her be happy. However, I'm getting sick of it shoved into my face and I'm also sick of GSR fans. They're ruining it for me and that's hypocritical of them.

I just fixed up The Greg Files a bit! I have a new contest going! (I have too many responsibilities!!!!) But they make me feel important!

Thanks for voting NickyandGregg and I agree, if there are ANY lerkers. We would love for you to join! :D

I'm off. Like I said. I promise, promise, promise to write some fiction. I just have to take a shower now. lol

New Contest???? And how many more days til the wonderful CSI episode that will hopefuilly make All The Love fans go giddy!??? :p :D
58 days until our episode!!! :D

Yes, new contest, please visit. for details!

Guys, please keep voting (even if you have to again!)

I'll write a letter if we all agree to, like I said, I'd give my arm for them to become canon, that's how obsessed I am with The Love!

On other good news, yay, new episode of Power Rangers last night and I also heard the brand new Backstreet Boys song!
Suckerforasmile- Um....that's a nightmare! That's awful! Well, to help cheer you up, there is lots of good N/G fanfic that should ease your mind a bit. I just posted chapter 7 to Live and Love, even though I wasn't planning on it for awhile. People say they're liking it so that's cool. As for other fics not done by me, Ms-Maggs is in the process of writing an AWESOME fic in two parts. (on The first is Where You Are written in half and half GSR and The Love. But it's great, you'll love it, I promise! Especially Greg's very excentric mother! She cracks me up every time! The second part is called The Day Before you, and she's not done with it yet. Lots of comming out, hilarious/angry family meetings. But you'll love it!
I'd mention all the dark stories I'm reading right now, but let's think happy thoughts, shall we? Even though mine's not at the moment(sorry about that...should change in future chapters though, some nice love, and fluff moments, I hope.)

Clarrisani- That was a great scene with the duct tape! lol.

Twins- 58 days?!?!?! Ooooooooohhhhhhh...*moans in pain to heart* that's just toooooo long! As much as summer is my fav season of the year for all time, I just can't wait that long for the new season! GAH!!!! Whatever will I do?!?!
And yeah, writing a letter, I'm up for that! Ah, and a thought just occured to me! I'm about to take a copywriting class, which could take a few weeks or longer once the materials come in the mail, but it's a lot of marketing and letter writing stuff, learning how to convince people of things, you know. That would come in mighty handy here I think. This will give me more of an incentive to get the course done quickly! lol.
And BSB has another song out?! I didn't know! Is it another album? That would be so cool. I've actually been using #4 for a lot of my writing lately.

Yes, yes, I know, I must get back to HP to get it done. I just found a bunch of clips from Rainbow Bright on youtube and now I'm into that for the moment...God I loved that show and all the movies! lol, sidetracked, I know.
ok, bye all! Have a wonderfully Nick and Greg filled day!
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