The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Well, it's official. The Nine Network have taken CSI off. And thus I must wait for more Love goodness - still haven't got Fallen Idols yet. Basically, all the shows I watch are no longer on, or on at idiotic times. Someone is conspiring against me, I swear.

Also still waiting for Season 6 to come out of DVD. I swear, it is really starting to bug me. *sulks*

You know what would be nice? Nick/Greg in the books. At least, more Nick/Greg in the books. Already had a few moments (no Twins, haven't forgotten, will do it), but to have some really, really good moments...
Aw, that stinks Clarrisani :(. That doesn't happen to me often, for I live in the states, but when it does I really get annoyed too. And about the books: I have heard a lot about them, but have never seen them or knew what their names were. They sound very interesting though :)

Oh, QOTU, I read Power/Play a few weeks ago, and I also thought it was awesome :D! I really loved it: Catlover really is a brilliant author. And about the hair: it is fun and extremely cheap to do it at home, but there is always the inevitable mistake or accident :rolleyes:.

And suckerforasmile: Bright pink hair is awesome, just not on me! And I don't think I've ever been called emo, for I've always been in the geeky-nerd category...

And to all you Harry Potter fans out there, I have never read the books, but I do see the movies, if that counts as anything. But a lot of my friends read it and I have been hearing all about it, so I already know the end :lol:.
That sucks so much Clarrisani! I wish there was something I could do to help, but I can't think of a thing! Do you get there, where they play the episodes on intertube?

Yes, yes, and yes lil_love_fan! I don't read HP either, I just see the movies. People always say that there's so much kept out and blah, blah, blah. But I really don't care all that much. I watch the movies for fun and reading isn't fun for me. :p Except fanfiction, that's a major exception.

Speaking of fanfiction, yes I'm still working on what I said I'd be working on. But I only have one chapter done in one of my stories and my sister still needs to beta it and help me choose a title. As soon as it's uploaded, I'll let you all know. I won't say it will be a not do it later!

Elizabeth I PM'd you about the episode guides. I can't wait till we're done! :D
I have two fanfics that I'm working on. One is for the 'Storm' challenge on nickngreg LJ and was sent to my beta,I don't know when I'll post it since I am going out of town next weeekend. The other I am still writing, it will either be AU or roleplay I havne't decided just yet. I will let everyone know when they get posted.

I also havne't read any HP books but have seen the movies (except the latest one, but I will), I have thought about reading the books but that's as far as I've gotten. :lol:

Don't know if I'll be watching Fallen Idols Thurs I'll be in Dallas (Nick's home town?) for my niece's wedding.
Clarrisani said:
Well, it's official. The Nine Network have taken CSI off.

what is nine network? what does this mean. are they cancelling the show!!!!!! Nooooooooooo!! no more csi, no more nick & greg ++++++++++++++++++++++++ :eek:
Nine Network is in Australia...has nothing to do with CBS or the US of A. So you can relax.
Got your PM twins and replied. I'm absolutely giddy over the fact that I submitted the episodes and forgot to do spell check lol. I had to fix Big Shots as one of the sentences didn't make sense. I forgot exactly what it was Nick did so I'll have to watch the episode next week to see how much he helped.
Hello alll... Hope that you've all had a good day or having a good day...

Just watching the episode where Nick and Greg do hand signs for "rock" and "I love you".....
Maybe its been said before but sorry if it has- just before Greg turns around and leaves he has a really cheeky smile on his face- slight suprised.... Has anyone else seen that too?

I've finally found a good movie maker that I can handle- try to upload it on youtube and its aparently too large.. ugh back to the drawing board lol...
About HP- it's true, they did cut a lot out of the movies. They're not as good as the books, which is why I don't watch them any more. Originally, I wasn't going to read the books at all, but my grandma bought me the first four and I felt obligated. Now I'm into them, but I'm not pushy about it. hehehe, I'm not like GSR fans, won't force it down your throat!
As for the two boys, I've got a new idea for a story, somewhat shorter than Live and Love. I won't say much about it, but it's going to be in the future, and will include some Gay Pride, especially from Nick, who's not known for that in a lot of fanfic. It's based on an old song, but I won't say what it is until the story is posted. I don't know when it will be posted, hopefully soon. But as you know, I'm still working on Live and Love, as well as some other fics for other shows. But, I'm really liking the idea, so who knows.
Anyway, I've got work to do, and this public comp's keyboard is driving me nuts!!!
QOTU said:
About HP- it's true, they did cut a lot out of the movies. They're not as good as the books, which is why I don't watch them any more. Originally, I wasn't going to read the books at all, but my grandma bought me the first four and I felt obligated. Now I'm into them, but I'm not pushy about it. hehehe, I'm not like GSR fans, won't force it down your throat!
As for the two boys, I've got a new idea for a story, somewhat shorter than Live and Love. I won't say much about it, but it's going to be in the future, and will include some Gay Pride, especially from Nick, who's not known for that in a lot of fanfic. It's based on an old song, but I won't say what it is until the story is posted. I don't know when it will be posted, hopefully soon. But as you know, I'm still working on Live and Love, as well as some other fics for other shows. But, I'm really liking the idea, so who knows.
Anyway, I've got work to do, and this public comp's keyboard is driving me nuts!!!

Hay Queen- I think that idea about gay pride is a very good starter. Cause its gay pride- its meant to be a celebration of all things gay.... I've missed london gay pride and i didnt even know about Brighton Gay Pride. Brighton is a costal town by the sea in the South of England.. No I'm not gay... Anyone can go to Gay pride...
Wojo said:
QOTU said:
but I'm not pushy about it. hehehe, I'm not like GSR fans, won't force it down your throat!

:lol: :lol: that really crakced me up, sad but true.

Wojo- I thought you'd like that!

Candy- It is Gay Pride, but it's not the parade or anything. It's more subtle, more romantic, and secret. Since I only just came up with the idea there's still lots of kinks to work out, since it will be totally AU, so you'll just have to wait till I get it written to understand it, probably. For example, I don't even know if the rest of the cast will be in it, and what rolls they might/might not be playing. I guess I'd better get to doing something, rather than just talking about it! hehehe...back to work!
twins1729 said:
That sucks so much Clarrisani! I wish there was something I could do to help, but I can't think of a thing! Do you get there, where they play the episodes on intertube?

Oh the joys of "You must be an American resident to view this file". Gotta love it. I'm just going to wait until they do get around to airing them. And considering CSI is always in the top 10 programs for the week, it shouldn't take that long. At the moment I'm writing as many letters of complaint to the Ten Network to get Torchwood put back on during primetime, not 12am. Once I've done that, onto the Nine Network about CSI. Someone seriously needs to do something about the tv stations here...

I will get around to that vote when I can. Need an episode guide in front of me so I can remember which episode is which.
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