The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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You're only allowed to link two videos at a time on that page. Kinda sucks, but I guess it stops people like us with several videos to out name. And it's multi-ship... I do wonder how long it will be before someone starts a ship-fight there. All someone need do is mention not liking GSR and off they go again.

Y'know, we never did find out who won the CSI Music Video awards that was on LJ. It's been nearly a year since they were supposed to announce who won.
Oh, jeez. That's hillarious. I mean, bad for the entries, but it's probably funny by now!

All my videos are uploaded. Only on youtube right now. I'm going to add them (and send them to shacky) tomorrow or tomorrow night!

I'm off to bed now. Something that should've been done a few hours ago...

It's funny, yeah. My vid 'Viva Forever' was nominated for best cast centric, only they forgot to add it to the list. Then there were other vids they forgot... I think they've abandoned it because of the errors, lol.

I keep meaning to send my Nick/Grissom to my sister (made it for her). Went to send it to her at one point but it's just over 10mb, so I'll have to YouSendIt to her. Keep forgetting. I'm so bad with these things...

Night Twins!
Twins: Don't feel bad, I never noticed it either! Until you stilled that image. lol, that really is a cute picture! hehehe. And yeah, if I hear that song again, I'll be sure to let you know! I'll also be sure to check out your new vids as soon as I get a chance.
I'm finally gonna start the Harry Potter book (please don't beat me up for starting it late, my tae kwon do instructor already threatened me with that!) so that will probably take me away from fanfic and such for a few days.
And yeah, a Nick/Sara dream would be a nightmare!!! lol.
Nope, I don't ship GSR, but that doesn't mean I want a ship fight, though the prospect of one actually sounds like fun...I know, that contradicts everything I've said before about not having to defend The Love. It would be cool to tell people who aren't shippers or even into the show that I'm in the middle of a battle in full defense mode...
Well, Harry's been calling my name for what? Two weeks now? Guess I'd better go pay him some attention now...
QOTU said:
Twins: Don't feel bad, I never noticed it either! Until you stilled that image. lol, that really is a cute picture! hehehe. And yeah, if I hear that song again, I'll be sure to let you know! I'll also be sure to check out your new vids as soon as I get a chance.
I'm finally gonna start the Harry Potter book (please don't beat me up for starting it late, my tae kwon do instructor already threatened me with that!) so that will probably take me away from fanfic and such for a few days.
And yeah, a Nick/Sara dream would be a nightmare!!! lol.
Nope, I don't ship GSR, but that doesn't mean I want a ship fight, though the prospect of one actually sounds like fun...I know, that contradicts everything I've said before about not having to defend The Love. It would be cool to tell people who aren't shippers or even into the show that I'm in the middle of a battle in full defense mode...
Well, Harry's been calling my name for what? Two weeks now? Guess I'd better go pay him some attention now...

Yes Queen i so know what you mean. I recieved my book when it came out- i got a gift voucher from work as a birthday present.Sooo I bought the last harry potter book.

My friends have also moaned at me, to hurry up and finish it... So I'm plodding my way threw a very very good book. The only problem is that when ever I start to read it- Nick and Greg are litterly thrusted into my mind. Now correct me if I'm wrong here -lol- there is no way on earth that harry potter looks like Nick and Ron looks like Greg... So why cant i finish the book?.

Because if you haven't guessed I'm a lunatic... Who is deeply engrossed with two said CSI agents... Nick Stokes and Greg Sanders....

However Potter and Co are fighting back. You go get them gang!- theres only enough room in my sick brain for male-to-male sexual bonding and dogging. Hmmmmm... Chapter 190. LOL.

Queen- enjoy the book.

Twins- hay i didnt see it either.. Think I was too engrossed with Nick checking out Greg's butt to even realise that Sanders was smirking...

Good good!!!- :eek: :rolleyes: :devil: :p :p :p
Candy- yeah, that's what I'm afraid's gonna happen to me! I just know Nick and Greg are plotting their revenge of my short fanfic break. But I swear, as soon as I get this book done, I'll be back at the keyboard. I just have one more chapter to write for an old fic that I started in 2003 or something (which I'm DYING to get finished!) and then all my attention will be on those two lovely boys. I swear.
The question is, will they listen?
Maybe Nick and Greg are upset because Ron and Harry don't look like them? If that's the case, this could get ugly when I start the book in a few go prepare for battle then...
Good luck getting through the rest of the book!
QOTU said:

Nope, I don't ship GSR, but that doesn't mean I want a ship fight, though the prospect of one actually sounds like fun...I know, that contradicts everything I've said before about not having to defend The Love. It would be cool to tell people who aren't shippers or even into the show that I'm in the middle of a battle in full defense mode...

You can't win with GSR fans, a lot of them are just plain crazy! I try to avoid them at all costs. :lol: :lol: They don't like me either.

Love fans are so much more fun, mellow, laid back. We don't attack people for not sharing our views (unless homophobic comments are made then I go into defence mode), plus we are not crazy. :lol:
QOTU said:
Candy- yeah, that's what I'm afraid's gonna happen to me! I just know Nick and Greg are plotting their revenge of my short fanfic break. But I swear, as soon as I get this book done, I'll be back at the keyboard. I just have one more chapter to write for an old fic that I started in 2003 or something (which I'm DYING to get finished!) and then all my attention will be on those two lovely boys. I swear.
The question is, will they listen?
Maybe Nick and Greg are upset because Ron and Harry don't look like them? If that's the case, this could get ugly when I start the book in a few go prepare for battle then...
Good luck getting through the rest of the book!

Aww thanks hun.... Hmmm after posting earlier i had every intention of reading more of my potter book. What happened???? yeah you guessed it.. My two men- hehehehehe I wish........

Think that they're jealous of the youthfull Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. Hmmm maybe Greg really secretly wants a scar like Harry.... It would fit nicely with the lab explotion scars.............

- Ok i need to get a life lol.

Wojo - your correct there.. We love fans are chilled out down to earth slightly odd people. A person is either odd like Greg or controlled and centred like Nick. Or maybe a hybrit lol.
Wojo- I have to agree on all points there. It's those homophobic comments that put me in defense mode. Since I don't see where Sara and Gil have chemistry, why should I get angry at those who can't see that Nick and Greg have it? And you are so right about The Love fans being fun, laidback, and not crazy. Having just joined, I already feel like I've walked into a second family!
Candy- Would Greg really want another scar? He might, if it could prove to the world that he'd somehow saved Nick's life in a horrible fight, and thus gained him as a boyfriend. lol, who knows? I mean, I was watching True Vinyl this morning, and Eric hardly looks 32. He looks closer to 25, I think. hehehe.... Nick looks like he could be 30. lol, so maybe Nick somehow convinced Greg that being teenagers again was a good thing! Blame it all on Nick!
"Wojo - your correct there.. We love fans are chilled out down to earth slightly odd people. A person is either odd like Greg or controlled and centred like Nick. Or maybe a hybrit lol." - slightly odd people, I like that. I think I am slightly odd. Well, it was Max Evans from Roswell who said "There is no such thing as normal", and I believe in that because it's sooo true. Now when talking about whether I'm Greg or Nick, I would have to say I'm closer to Greg, with a little bit of Nick thrown in. I guess that would make me a hybrid of the two of! lol, I should introduce myself like that from now on. I mean, hey, I've almost got Greg's season 7 hair cut. It's a little shaggy like his, but in a more girly fashion. Crazy, huh? Yeah, so I'm QOTU and I'm a hybrid of Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes of CSI...nice to meet you!, I see what you mean as I'm supposed to be reading HP get started then!
QOTU said:
Wojo- I have to agree on all points there. It's those homophobic comments that put me in defense mode. Since I don't see where Sara and Gil have chemistry, why should I get angry at those who can't see that Nick and Greg have it? And you are so right about The Love fans being fun, laidback, and not crazy. Having just joined, I already feel like I've walked into a second family!
Candy- Would Greg really want another scar? He might, if it could prove to the world that he'd somehow saved Nick's life in a horrible fight, and thus gained him as a boyfriend. lol, who knows? I mean, I was watching True Vinyl this morning, and Eric hardly looks 32. He looks closer to 25, I think. hehehe.... Nick looks like he could be 30. lol, so maybe Nick somehow convinced Greg that being teenagers again was a good thing! Blame it all on Nick!
"Wojo - your correct there.. We love fans are chilled out down to earth slightly odd people. A person is either odd like Greg or controlled and centred like Nick. Or maybe a hybrit lol." - slightly odd people, I like that. I think I am slightly odd. Well, it was Max Evans from Roswell who said "There is no such thing as normal", and I believe in that because it's sooo true. Now when talking about whether I'm Greg or Nick, I would have to say I'm closer to Greg, with a little bit of Nick thrown in. I guess that would make me a hybrid of the two of! lol, I should introduce myself like that from now on. I mean, hey, I've almost got Greg's season 7 hair cut. It's a little shaggy like his, but in a more girly fashion. Crazy, huh? Yeah, so I'm QOTU and I'm a hybrid of Greg Sanders and Nick Stokes of CSI...nice to meet you!, I see what you mean as I'm supposed to be reading HP get started then!

Hahahahahahaha- see I love this place its addictive. Well the fort is...

Sorry for the pun but i see a bit of Greg in me... :devil: :p

Why- dear reader you might be asking.... Well I see Greg Sanders eating baby food and making weird food combonations... Thats what I do if ya' all wondering.

Plus the whole random issues.
I blame the twins.... They're really cool. Now dont be going and telling them that thought.

Might cause big heads lol.... :eek:

Lol Queen- i thought that you was a female.. You've got a Sanders hair cut?. Wow..... thats obesssional lol.

Tut at you Queen for not even reading a chapter lol.
I am more like Greg because of my sense of humor.

BTW- CBS is showing a re-run of fallen Idols next Thurs.
candygirl1uk said:
Hahahahahahaha- see I love this place its addictive. Well the fort is...

Sorry for the pun but i see a bit of Greg in me... :devil: :p

Why- dear reader you might be asking.... Well I see Greg Sanders eating baby food and making weird food combonations... Thats what I do if ya' all wondering.

Plus the whole random issues.
I blame the twins.... They're really cool. Now dont be going and telling them that thought.

Might cause big heads lol.... :eek:

Lol Queen- i thought that you was a female.. You've got a Sanders hair cut?. Wow..... thats obesssional lol.

Tut at you Queen for not even reading a chapter lol.

The haircut wasn't on purpose, I swear! I had it cut really short for awhile and decided to grow it out again. One night I was at work, wearing a blazer type jacket and happened to catch a glance at my reflection in the glass and realized it looked a lot like Greg's current hair style, mainly in the back, since my bangs sweep across my forehead, and his don't.
I am completely female, I swear, but after seeing the hair that way, I think it might stay for awhile. Yeah, have I mentioned I love Eric? lol.
And now, I can officially say I've started HP. I'm in the third chapter, and yes, I'm in the Fort too...can't get enough of the boys *sigh* back to HP, must get this book done so I can give Greg and Nick my full attention just as they deserve.
Aw, sweet! Fallen Idols, I still need that for the episode guide!

I can't have short hair! It's too frizzy, I would have a 'fro!

I think we both are like Greg, probably a little of Nick here and there. Just depends on the moment, I guess!

Every time I meet someone new to the Love (whether or not they're a fan), one of the first things they always say is that we're the nicest, most polite, down-to-earth, welcoming, helpful, and friendliest fans.

I think that's a huge compliment to this ship.

Plus, new AND old fans are like this. It must be the Nick/Greg loving charisma!
Okay, first off, I watched all three of your new vids today twins , and they were all awesome in their own way. I will comment on each tommorow, for it is getting late. And the dedication was great; thanks a lot. And thanks a bunch for the clip name: it saved me a lot of time and is perfect for the vid I am attempting to start. :D

And about being more like Nick or Greg: I would have to say I am more like Nick, for I am very neat, reserved, and usually mellow, but I do have a Greg side when it comes to humor and fun, so it could be said that I am like a mutant between the two :lol:.

And I too have short hair, QOTU . It was probably the shortest and most Greg-looking two years ago, when I had brown curly hair. Now, it is a little longer and blonde, and it has been orange-red and bright-pink, but let's not talk about that fiasco. I guess it is a lot like Greg, for he is always changing his hair color/style, right?

Sorry I didn't cover everything I wanted to say, but I just read the last chapter of GSPD #5 and am still literally crying my eyes out. I am going to be depressed until the next one is up. God, I am just so depressed right now over that, and the music I am listening to isn't helping, for I ahve The Gift by Annie Lennox playing :(.
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