The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Oh, NEGU! I truely love you! lmao

Their like our own Lance and Reichen before they came out as a couple, :p

On the previous page Seabird posted this spoiler Stacy. :D

According to Vegaslight, from the spoiler section, episode 802 is tittle "A La Cart". Catherine and Warrick work work closely together and....Nick and Greg also seem to!

*Is excited*

I think that if TPTB screw with us again, we'll have to break out our pitch-forks and torches.
Oooh I'm excited about that one! *does happy dance* But I won't get carried away they've led me along for 7 years before this. They've even given me increadibly false hope by saying that it was going to happen countless times but nothing coming of it.

At least we know Greg's going to keep being a geek. That's always a comforting thing to know. Everything won't change over night.
I'm excited but at the same time cautious because we have had spoilers like this inthe past only to be disapointed when the episode airs. I'll remain hopfull but at the same time expect the worst.

BTW - only_true_love ,please try not to double post, you can use the edit button to add something else. Just so you know double posting is against the rules and I would not want tthe mods to get on you. :)

This case the boys work has to do with G0-carts and a body found dead on the track.
All the spoilers and pics are awesome :D!

But on the other hand, I too don't want to be too optomistic and be disappointed the night of the episode. I think I'll keep my expectations low (maybe, as in, ours boys being in the same room together :rolleyes:) and if anything else or more happens, I will be pleasantly surprised :).

Oh, so it means The Powers That Be? That's awesome, for they sound very mysterious... :cool:
Hopefully TPTB learned their lesson before and just keep what they have. It seems like enough people are happy about it.

I'm done with the Season 4 episode guide on the WIKI! Finally! (Thanks to Rebecca aka nickyandgreggo)

I'm working on 2 and 3 next! (2-Clarrisani and 3-ME!). Stacy is working on 1 right now aka only_true_love.

My friend Moggs on was supposed to do 5, but she's been busy in case someone wants to do that for me. CsiKat from mostly WMTDB is supposed to do 6, but I'll see how she's doing. If she can't, I'll need someone to do that too. Season 7 is fine.

We'll just do season 8 when it comes on! Episode by episode and would like to be done with the others by then. :)
I personally am afraid the season 8 premire will be too revolved around Sara and Grissom >_>

Blah, if she survives and gets more continuation then Nick, I will not be pleased >:O
twins1729 said:
I for one think they Eric and George could possibly want their characters together. I'm mean, as you stated, they do certain things that aren't in the script, hinting towards us that SOMETHING is going on.

Eric and George both have admitted they put subtext into the show, what kind of subtext, they didn't say, but subtext nonetheless.

I think that they both wouldn't have a problem with doing it, I mean, we've heard rumors of George that aren't pleasant, but they're only rumors.

I just hope that they realize how ground breaking it could be. And also, how much we'd love it! :D

Well im glad that someone else has spotted it. I thought that it was only me. The mad eye of london - lol. Maybe they came up with that- hmmm wasn't they like flat mates- house mates? for a while- or so i read somewhere.Maybe thats where the idea originally came from.?

Now its a whole thing altogether.. Think that they should get their own way. After all Billy and Joja wanted GSR.
As much as I want Nick and Greg to be together, I don't see it happening any time soon, unfortunately. Just today I was reading an interview with James Marsters about how much he loves the British show Torchwood (I know there are some fans on this board - I'm squeeing at the spoilers already) and how great it is that it's so open and fluid regarding sexuality, and he mentioned how freaked out American audiences still get with same sex relationships, and how he loves that the UK audience are so much more interested in and accepting of seeing gay characters on screen.

Being in the UK myself, I really can't comprehend why US stations (especially CBS) get so freaked out by gay characters. The sky is NOT going to fall in if two guys kiss on primetime.

TPTB, are you reading this? Let Nick and Greg get together, for goodness sake. You might even gain a whole new demographic.

Serenity said:
As much as I want Nick and Greg to be together, I don't see it happening any time soon, unfortunately. Just today I was reading an interview with James Marsters about how much he loves the British show Torchwood (I know there are some fans on this board - I'm squeeing at the spoilers already) and how great it is that it's so open and fluid regarding sexuality, and he mentioned how freaked out American audiences still get with same sex relationships, and how he loves that the UK audience are so much more interested in and accepting of seeing gay characters on screen.

Being in the UK myself, I really can't comprehend why US stations (especially CBS) get so freaked out by gay characters. The sky is NOT going to fall in if two guys kiss on primetime.

TPTB, are you reading this? Let Nick and Greg get together, for goodness sake. You might even gain a whole new demographic.


Seee I think its cause we live in England. Come on now. TPTB- we dont live in the middle ages. Homosexuality- or being gay has been around for as long as sex has.

:rolleyes: Plus done sensitivly dude it would be sooo hot seeing Nick and Greg kiss. :devil:
As Serenity says, if this happened on the show, the sky wouldn't fall; CSI is getting old, this show needs a major shake-up and to attract younger viewers who use to be more open minded and gay friendly.


And if THIS happened on the show, then Nick and Greg would make, without doubt, the hottest TV couple ever! :devil:
I can just picture them on the cover of TV Guide with their arms around each other. "The Hottest New Couple On TV!" *sigh*

They'd get so much publicity and free advertising. GLAAD would be extatic and they'd get a TON of more gay-friendly viewers. More than the amount of people that might leave the show if anything like Nick and Greg ever happened.

I seariously don't see the problem...

CSI has been somewhat anti-religion with their "science first" attitude. I don't see too many religious/rebulican viewers enjoying this show.
omg that make me the happiest gal in the world!!! hehehehe
Hopefully, sometime this season there will be a moment for these 2 similar to the ending of "Way To Go" episode!
only_true_love said:
omg that make me the happiest gal in the world!!! hehehehe
Hopefully, sometime this season there will be a moment for these 2 similar to the ending of "Way To Go" episode!

Now what I've said unsure if it was here all we need is something small but important enough for the love fans to finally see them together. I might've posted it here, basically my idea- less is more folks- theres a major case and all the csi's are needed.

We see Greg in the shower, on the bed is his phone ringing. We see someone unsure who is in his house/flat/even motel for that quick sex we all get... cough- well- We see Greg has a brown door- cut to his washing his hair... then we hear a door slam. We see Nick coming out of a house/flat/motel...

The detail- is in the door. Same door right. Nick pick is talking on his cell.

Less is more right guys? I sent the producers my snippet of an idea... So us fans get it, but the non-fans dont. See?
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