The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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twins1729 said:
You can email Shacky at She's happy to do it.

Cause Purejorja and Omaetoy barely go past Living Legend I think.

Everyone ALWAYS says that about PR.

I'm thinking about making a shirt saying:

Power Rangers:
Star Trek for Morons!

My dad laughed, he's a Star Trek fan. lol

Twins you shoot me down... :( I'm a star trek fan. Am i a moron too????? ooh the words- how it pains me from deep inside. I shall continue and try to be strong. LOL. Im in the process of writting a Nick story to my Greg Story good job i didnt use Star Trek as my back burner.
No! I just meant that PR fans are too stupid to like Star Trek. lol

I'm working on a cast video right now. I'm entering it into's August "CSI General Themedd" video contest. I'll let you know how my Nick video does for the July contest!
That Star Trek bit made me laugh, for my dad is also a Trek fan. Granted, he enjoys Enterprise more than the originals, but his SciFi obsession kinda creeps me out :lol:.

Well, what can I say about PR? I just looked them up, and I was only 1 when they first came out :D.

Oh yes, and thanks for the email! I'm sure that NoHope will appreciate it.

Oh, and finally twins, good luck with your vids! As you know, I adore your Nick Stokes one, and I do hope it wins :D!
*reads NEGU's post and blushes*

Out of curiousity, which episode was episode 10 again? And it's such a pain that Omaetoy stopped uploading clips. It was great for fanvidders, but I guess if you're just not interested in a site anymore you stop working on it. And PureJorja's run by the same person, isn't it?

Hn. Anyone remember my fic 'Seperated' and how I made everyone cry? Seems I haven't lost my touch. Wrote a fic for a Doctor Who/Torchwood challenge last night and just posted it. Got one response already telling me that I made them cry. I am good. :devil:
OMG...Could this be true? :D

According to Vegaslight, from the spoiler section, episode 802 is tittle "A La Cart". Catherine and Warrick work closely together and....Nick and Greg also seem to!

*crosses fingers* ;)
Hey, could one of you do me a favor and do the summary for tonight's episode for me? I'm getting ready to go out of town for my cousin's wedding (I'm the bridesmaid) and tonight is the rehearsal/dinner so I don't have time to watch it. Thanks!

Ooh yay for above spoiler!
That the episodes were going to be called Dead Doll, Aftermath, Epiphany, High Roller and Death (In that order). I hope that the summary for episode two is the same! BUT THAT'S ONLY WHAT I HEARD FROM THE TRANSCRIPTS LIST!

BTW - Do you think that they'll start right after the finale and then it'll eventually say "Three Months Later" or do you think it'll just be that late from the premiere?

I'll do the summary Elizabeth!
Hmmm well thats something to look forward to surly?. Damn me being in england. I cant wait till next year to watch the new season of CSI... Hmmm have to think of a way *cough* *cough* to watch it. :devil: :D :cool: :eek:
twins1729 said:
That the episodes were going to be called Dead Doll, Aftermath, Epiphany, High Roller and Death (In that order). I hope that the summary for episode two is the same! BUT THAT'S ONLY WHAT I HEARD FROM THE TRANSCRIPTS LIST!

Those titles came out om the IMDB back in June and are wrong, it was false information, the second ep is called "Al la cart".

Nick & Greg wiork the B case, it involves go-carts.
I am really, really hoping that spoiler is true. But knowing TPTB, things will change just before or during the filming, so come the actual airing of the episode we'll discover it isn't true anymore. Way it always seems to go.
Hmmm as long as we get Good Nick and Greg interaction in the upcoming seasons its all good. They could investigate death in the old folks homes. I dont care.... LOL Or misadventure in a gay sex shop... Oh how funny would that be.... LOL.
You've got to remember that Nick did identify a sex shop just by the font at one point, so one can assume he's been in there (the team sure did despite his arguments). Maybe he and Greg have already had a misadventure in a gay sex shop, and suddenly it will all be revealed...
Really? Hmmmm like i said I've not seen all of the episodes. Which season and what episode is that from lol.
Ugh my windows Movie player has now stopped working for good just when I was in the middle of doing a Nick and Greg video.
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