The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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I like your idea. And I agree less is more! I have had way too many ways that they get together!! Not like too many is a bad thing!!! LOL Some would never happen. Well not happen on the show, but in fan fiction it would! ;)
Hey all! I've been a busy bee! lol

I've finished my video for the contest, but I'm not allowed to upload it until the...3rd I think. lol Eventually.

My other half has done 10 episodes of the episode guide for season 2! (She has season 4 done, in case you didn't see that).

Here's the link!

Also if you haven't voted for the Top 10 Episodes yet, here's the link again.

Also, I've made some banners (at the request from some people!) Specifically candygirl

All are loved themed (duh!) and you can choose one, if you want one. I'm not forcing you to! lol

I'm not posting the images, cause you can only post 4 or so at a time.

Here's some older ones that I may have used or posted before.

If you need help posting it in your profile, just let me know! Also, if you need an avatar, I can do that too!
Hmmm me likes them all - rubs hands together... However i love the best are the winks and flirts...

Also i really like that baby i cant help it... Them two i'd like so how do i put it on my profile..... Avatas as well hmmm yes please... Thanks...
I PM'd you candygirl! lol

Oh, one last detail. You can have a banner OR text. Not both. Just a rule the higher powers enforce, lol.

Okay, if someone else (for some reason) wants to use a banner, just make sure it's not the one she (or anyone else) used! :)
ugh.... computer is being slooooooooow on me so the banners are taking 4ever!!!! Anyways your video twins if i'm taking about the same one, its been posted and voting is going on right now!!!! The one on Nick, right?
Where is this illusive video anyway??? Hmm good luck twins. I read your mail.. dont think its working... Old eye of london- is ancient.... I was around from the time of the dinosaurs- and I'm not talking about Barney here lol...

Oh one true love- there banners are hot to trot....
I've heard that recently CSI had been under criticisms for lacking chemistry between characters and their life stories too atypical. I think it might have been caused by some stiffness TPTB has had. Seasen 7 was like a peak of their stupidity that they had annoying GSR stuff and somewhat gloomed Greg (though I love every bit of Greg). If N/G ship comes to cannon it will be great but It can be hard in their stupidity and I wish at least they would give back N/G the way it had been. Get back N/G the way they teased each other, and the really close pleasurable friendship and then the subtext. Just that, I don’t expect them more than that.

And nice work, twins!! It must be a tough job to check every bit of N/G scenes and you’re doing it :) :)
IMO if N/G became canon TPTB would screw up the relationship. I really just want what NEGU has mentioned. The old banter, the humor and freindship, the flirting and touching, the looks. The subtext, my own imagination and fanfic can fill in the rest.

Like this scene from Empty Eyes, how the guys communicate their feelings with just a simple look between them.


Wojo- nice pictures there. But its true- god can you . imagine this- (sit back and either laugh or cry or both)

A mini- snippet of life not at CSI....

A new lab rat walks into the evidence room lets call him Bob. There is a big scene, needing all 6 field agents. Bob walks in and gives Grissom a note. Cut to- Nick, bored and frustrated from not well getting anything at all in . that department... Suddenly notices this random Bob. Bob who looks familar, acts in a almost cany way.... Hmm, Nick thinks rubbing his chin...

Where have I seen that from....
This radom Bob kinda looks like someone as well- Hmmm Thinks Nick who can that be.....

He glances at Greg... Duh! Greg- who has left so many subtle hints towards Nick- thinks whats left..

Oh yeah a invite from the Sanfransico (sp!) Gay pride... Greg's mouth drops, his eyes fall to the ground...

Nick gets up.. walks over to Random Bob- whispers "Hay how ya' doing?" Greg meanwhile bangs his head on the table...Muttering for the love of mankind- "Why not me?"

The end.

People - how worse can the PTB mess it up? After 7 years of flirtin, touches, looks- even a declaration of marriage. How can TPTB really mess it up. I'm sure that Eric and George will batter the producers- including the talented Billy over the head with a blunt force instrument of their choice. : :eek:
TPTB can easily mess it up, by causing friction in the relationship such as making one of them cheat on the other, having them break up or fight all the time. That is what I mean by messing it up. It would never live up to our expectations.

btw candygirl1uk , if you want your banner to show up you need to fix the closing tag, add the / so it looks like this [/IMG].
Wojo said:
TPTB can easily mess it up, by causing friction in the relationship such as making one of them cheat on the other, having them break up or fight all the time. That is what I mean by messing it up. It would never live up to our expectations.

btw candygirl1uk , if you want your banner to show up you need to fix the closing tag, add the / so it looks like this [/IMG].

Thanks got it working!!!!

Yeah i know what you mean though. I would hate for them to split up- even though there not offically together. In my corner of the world- in my head they so are. But saying that, oooh can you imagine if one of them had a someone else the whole season- friciion in the workplace.. It could be good tv. Then they would make up at the season finale.

Hmmm what does anyone else think? From reading tons of post and boards etc, some people are saying that CSI needs some spice in the show. :confused:
And Nick and Greg are just the right thing to add!!!!!!!

Seriously, that would just bring so much to the show. I think it would help it, ten times more than it would hurt it! lol

Okay, I see what you guys are saying about them breaking up and all.

But Brian and Justin didn't really end up together at the end of QAF and I'm breathing.

I don't think I'd care if they dated and broke up in the same episode. As long as someone admitted that what we've been seeing is real. I'd like to know that they at least LIKED each other.

Sounds bad, I guess. But that's how I feel.


I kind of have an idea for a story where Greg's dating someone first (a guy). He's PERFECT. Like a gorgeous, rich, successful, smart, talented, doctor. lmao

But in the end he chooses Nick over him.

Should I write that?????


I also had a dream the other night.

Nick and Greg were on a case (no idea who, what, when, where or why!) but they were in a warehouse or something. It was dark and somewhat red tinted (maybe lighting) and they were somewhat sillouetted (sp?). They were facing each other and Nick had his arms around Greg and his head in Greg's neck. Like...trying or trying not to kiss him. I don't know really.

The funny part is, I was watching this, and saying " do people not see that!" lmao If that did happen, it would be canon.


I had another dream a while back where (for some reason) Nick and Greg were...not fighting...but competing maybe for Sofia's attention. They followed her and she's just ignoring them. They end up in a fair or something. With booths of people selling stuff (I think!). Greg trips and lands some weird nick-nack and gets his shirt caught in it. Nick procedes to wrap his arms AROUND Greg to un-hook his shirt. lol

Again, I was watching it. I was mad about the Sofia thing, but I felt the last part was like an apology to us from TPTB.

I have weird dreams, don't I?!
twins1729 said:
And Nick and Greg are just the right thing to add!!!!!!!

Seriously, that would just bring so much to the show. I think it would help it, ten times more than it would hurt it! lol

Okay, I see what you guys are saying about them breaking up and all.

But Brian and Justin didn't really end up together at the end of QAF and I'm breathing.

I don't think I'd care if they dated and broke up in the same episode. As long as someone admitted that what we've been seeing is real. I'd like to know that they at least LIKED each other.

Sounds bad, I guess. But that's how I feel.


I kind of have an idea for a story where Greg's dating someone first (a guy). He's PERFECT. Like a gorgeous, rich, successful, smart, talented, doctor. lmao

But in the end he chooses Nick over him.

Should I write that?????


I also had a dream the other night.

Nick and Greg were on a case (no idea who, what, when, where or why!) but they were in a warehouse or something. It was dark and somewhat red tinted (maybe lighting) and they were somewhat sillouetted (sp?). They were facing each other and Nick had his arms around Greg and his head in Greg's neck. Like...trying or trying not to kiss him. I don't know really.

The funny part is, I was watching this, and saying " do people not see that!" lmao If that did happen, it would be canon.


I had another dream a while back where (for some reason) Nick and Greg were...not fighting...but competing maybe for Sofia's attention. They followed her and she's just ignoring them. They end up in a fair or something. With booths of people selling stuff (I think!). Greg trips and lands some weird nick-nack and gets his shirt caught in it. Nick procedes to wrap his arms AROUND Greg to un-hook his shirt. lol

Again, I was watching it. I was mad about the Sofia thing, but I felt the last part was like an apology to us from TPTB.

I have weird dreams, don't I?!

Yeah your dream sounds cool though. I've never watched queer as folk. I'm assuming thought that it's the americanised version of the British one? I don't know lol

The only bits of queer as folk i've seen was on a tv documentary about 100 sexual scenes or something on channel 4 in england... Of course the gay sex scene made it. Hay i love gay sex- what does that make me lol Weird lol....

Regarding your Nick and Greg idea for a story yeah go ahead and write it. You could set it in the start of season 8, they either find or dont find sara... As the other man is a doctor- then put two and two together lol....

Oh and maybe through in some good old angst- like Nick hints at but to steal (sp?) a line from one of my favourite films brigit jones " But he never stuck his tongue down your blood throat bridget!"- or something like that.

Yeah do it lol- Greg gets frustrated and find some one who can fullfill his ideas....Enough with the help- ya get the drift.....
Lmao, that Sara/Hospital idea is good.

This guy is going to hit on Greg so bad, that Greg can't help but say yes to him!


I'm writing fiction today! lol

I have soooo many stories that I need to finish (out-side CSI world too!)

Oh, yeah QAF is an american version. Your version was more of a mini-series. Ours copied first several episodes and then came a completely different show.
Oh goodie, another fic soon to come our way. I have began a story too but I haven't gotten very far, hopfully It will see the light of day. :)
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