The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Wojo said:
twins1729 said:
That the episodes were going to be called Dead Doll, Aftermath, Epiphany, High Roller and Death (In that order). I hope that the summary for episode two is the same! BUT THAT'S ONLY WHAT I HEARD FROM THE TRANSCRIPTS LIST!

Those titles came out om the IMDB back in June and are wrong, it was false information, the second ep is called "Al la cart".

Nick & Greg wiork the B case, it involves go-carts.

I just realized that I was wrong before I came here. They may have changed their minds on the titles, but who knows! I have to mod the spoiler page on the WIKI better! lol

Let me know when more titles come out so I can add them before anyone else does.

Welcome STACY! aka only_true_love

Okay, seriously, how many people have I brought to the Fort! lol

I should start wearing a sign taped to my back saying "Come to the Fort! Where all The Love fans play!"


It's great!

I LOVE all the newbies!

Oh, and I'd suffer PMS cramps everyday for the rest of my life for that spoiler to be true!
candygirl1uk said:
Really? Hmmmm like i said I've not seen all of the episodes. Which season and what episode is that from lol.

Season 5, Episode 6, "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom". Basically, the return of the Blue Paint Killer. I liked it because I like that storyline, plus there is the whole 'recognise that font' from the sex shop with Nick, the whole adorable thing Greg does when Catherine calls him 'cute', and Greg and Nick processing a van together. Really must rewatch that episode again...
-feels speechless- Um. I'd say something but I'm afraid I'll jinx it.

But I'm sure TPTB (which, uh, stands for something obvious, I'm sure, but god forbid I remember that...) will pull it away once again. 'oh, we're going to dangle this in front of your eyes, making you build up hope, and theeeeeeen...WE'RE GOING TO PULL IT AWAY!'

Stupid September. I've always disliked it, even though my birthday's that month. D: August, too, really. Oh well. I'll cross my fingers, but until it's known for sure, I don't want to get too excited...(well, I DO, but...for the sake of it actually happening, I don't.)

Hehehe, twins, your comment about suffering from PMS made me giggle outloud. Kind of gave me the image of a mad scientist (ha!) because I just woke up and my hair's going in about three hundred directions.
suckerforasmile said:
Hehehe, twins, your comment about suffering from PMS made me giggle outloud. Kind of gave me the image of a mad scientist (ha!) because I just woke up and my hair's going in about three hundred directions.

Hehehe! I can picture that!!!

Okay everyone! Time to vote in a new poll! I hope y'all enjoy it! It's for the top ten Nick/Greg episodes.

Here's the link and be honest!

Top 10 Nick/Greg Episodes

And we're doing the season 4 episode guide tonight!!! PROMISE!!! At least 1 episode! :D
To twins or anyone that can help~ In season 1 "Pledging Mr. Johnson" Nick and Greg wear somewhat matching shirts!!! It the shirt Nick is putting on towards the beginning of the episode. The one that Sara asks, "Your not going to wear that are you?" And Greg wears one that is similar when he goes into the break room and talks with Grissom!!! My question is does anyone have still pics from this episode or know a site that would have it?? Most sites that I have found dont have season 1 still shots for CSI!!!
Hi again Stacy! Thanks for posting the link for me!

I know EXACTLY what you mean in the episode hon!

Seabird is the one that usually has all the pics, will you post them?

OTHERS-Stacy is a NEW converted Love fan, she used to like SoNic, but now she's dedicated to LOVE. :D

She's doing the season 1 summaries for me since Jon is no longer available.

BTW-Stacy, just to let you know, don't double post, I'm looking out for you, and Mods DO NOT like it, I've gotten in trouble before. You can edit your posts all you want!

Keep voting guys!
only_true_love said:
To twins or anyone that can help~ In season 1 "Pledging Mr. Johnson" Nick and Greg wear somewhat matching shirts!!! It the shirt Nick is putting on towards the beginning of the episode. The one that Sara asks, "Your not going to wear that are you?" And Greg wears one that is similar when he goes into the break room and talks with Grissom!!! My question is does anyone have still pics from this episode or know a site that would have it?? Most sites that I have found dont have season 1 still shots for CSI!!!

The UGLY :lol: shirt from "Pledging Mr. Johnson":



Also I've just noticed that in season six premiere, "Bodies in Motion", George and Eric were wearing very similar ( if not identical) t-shirts:


the closet

Yeah Pledging mr Johnson, Nick's shirt is long sleaved but Greg's is short sleaved, the color is the same and pattern is very simular.

And in What's eating... I loved that scene with Greg sticking it to the maggots, Catherine was right; that's cute!! Plus I wondered the same thing about the sex shop.
Yay! Spoilers! I really do hope that the one Wojo posted is true. And, wait a minute, what does TPTB stand for anyway? I never really knew, so I always assumed it was like the producers and editors of CSI :confused:.

Oh yes, and I know exactly what you mean about hating September, suckerforasmile, for I do too. I mean, with school starting again and everything, it is just so boring, but at least I have the premieres of all the shows I watch within a two week span. That is the only perk of September, IMO.

And I never noticed the shirts were so similair in Pledging Mr. Johnson. That is really neat, and it does make you wonder if they are sharing the same closet or at least are shopping together ;)....

Ooow! A poll! I love voting! *runs over to click the link and vote :D*
TPTB - stands for The Powers That Be - in other words those who are in charge (and doing a lousy job of it IMO)
Its Funny really. That everything about Nick and Greg is soo subjective. I think that Eric and George have their own hands in this.... I'm not going to say anymore about hands being placed anywhere *cough*. :confused:

Like when Nick calls Greg doll, thats not in the script George kinda said it. The whole rock and love sign, also not in the transcripts. Now call me crazy old eye.... but do you think that infact Eric and George really want their characters together.... It may not seem as strange as I've just laid it out to you- the fellow LOVE fans.

They both, Eric and George hint at love interests...Which then get Us the fans all in a bit of teather and much heated debate follows.

Its like all this talk about the stars so called personal life.. Am i really that off, by saying that its life imitating art imitating life? :confused: :devil:
I for one think they Eric and George could possibly want their characters together. I'm mean, as you stated, they do certain things that aren't in the script, hinting towards us that SOMETHING is going on.

Eric and George both have admitted they put subtext into the show, what kind of subtext, they didn't say, but subtext nonetheless.

I think that they both wouldn't have a problem with doing it, I mean, we've heard rumors of George that aren't pleasant, but they're only rumors.

I just hope that they realize how ground breaking it could be. And also, how much we'd love it! :D
The spoiler!! *falling off the chair* I’m gonna die with happiness. I have a feeling TPTB won’t screw with it this time. They do really need to work the case together perfectly parted from other cast members. When the spoiler flew that finally N/G would work the case together in the Fallen Idols, I got really excited but it wasn’t like that in the end, although it was better than there weren’t any. Considering the spoiler, I think they finally realized that there were lacks of their interaction and it’s the time to make good at that.

And yeah, candygirl1uk!! I’m also a GE/ES believer and I really think their real life chemistry affected N/G scenes and that would be the reason why there have been so many N/G shippers till now. GE/ES being sort of same to each other while have been together, and sometimes happens to were the very similar shirts. I watched Viva Las Vegas a while ago (the no-pressure, no-AC, stinks-of feet shower, yay!!) and there also N/G seem to wear not identical but very similar shirts :) :)
Thanks for posting the pics seabird!! And what is this spoiler that is going around??? Tell me, Tell me, Please!!! And if you post a pic on here would you just put the IMG Code, like you would else where??
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