The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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I'll say it again.

Even the episodes "revolved" around Greg have little of him in it. *ugh*

We got his angst this season (FINALLY!) and it was like TPTB thought that was enough. It's almost enough to make someone go insane... :eek:
twins1729 said:

I personally believe that deep down they know that Nick/Greg is very, very, very believable and they feel threatened. If they're pushing for other ships to become canon.

Maybe they feel that Greg is taking over Nick's stories. I'm sorry, but they worked TOGETHER, then their storylines would intersect and Nick and Greg fans would be happy.

It makes me upset too, because, of course, I consider myself a Nick fan. So those people shouldn't feel so entitled to spread their hatred.

Amen to that, Twins.

A bunch of pics to cheer NEGU up :







twins , you made me laugh. It was a kind of mystery.
I was seriously about to investigate why they don't like such an amazing man,
and I finally understood. Nick/Ecklie I get that :lol:
I agree with you. Most of Greg's fan will feel the same.
Even in Greg centric episodes Greg wasn't enough at all even though they won't admit that.
I don't care their thoughts anymore. I care about Greg and my beloved perfect couple N/G
and I believe Greg's charm will melt even that evil TPTB down in the end

And thanks Wojo , I've always admired the way you love Greg, and generous support.
It's such a relief that there are good fans of Greg like you. Eric is a lucky guy :)
and I'll be rooting for you anytime.

Ahh, I got your message just now, seabird ! I'll reply that soon. Thanks, you guys saved me.
Y'know, I don't mind the occasional Ecklie/Greg *runs and ducks objects thrown at her*

I think, given the poor reception S7 has had, it's quite possibly that we'll see some changes come S8. Hopefully one of those changes will include more Greg, since that is the #1 thing people are asking for along with more Warrick. Add the fact Eric has actually had to go out and create his own way of... well... being creative (namely "Secret Funtime"), TPTB might recognise the fact that he has waaay too much time on his hands and it's their fault. That, and Eric wants the old Greg back too.

I think a lot of people are threatened by Nick/Greg and how plausable it is. Unfortunately for TPTB the subtext between these two has been in the show since the pilot, and there is no way of escaping that. I mean, what can you do when you have two brilliant actors with such a great on screen chemistry that like layering in the subtext just to make the fangirls 'squee!'.

Happened on Buffy/Angel too. Difference is that subtext was not only supported by the creator, but they actually wrote it into the show (Spike had a line about not being intimate with Angel... except for maybe that one time...). I really, really wish TPTB would wake up and smell the subtext!
Clarrisani said:
Y'know, I don't mind the occasional Ecklie/Greg *runs and ducks objects thrown at her*

I think, given the poor reception S& has had, it's quite possibly that we'll see some changes come S8. Hopefully one of those changes will include more Greg, since that is the #1 thing people are asking for along with more Warrick. Add the fact Eric has actually had to go out and create his own way of... well... being creative (namely "Secret Funtime"), TPTB might recognise the fact that he has waaay too much time on his hands and it's their fault. That, and Eric wants the old Greg back too.

I think a lot of people are threatened by Nick/Greg and how plausable it is. Unfortunately for TPTB the subtext between these two has been in the show since the pilot, and there is no way of escaping that. I mean, what can you do when you have two brilliant actors with such a great on screen chemistry that like layering in the subtext just to make the fangirls 'squee!'.

Happened on Buffy/Angel too. Difference is that subtext was not only supported by the creator, but they actually wrote it into the show (Spike had a line about not being intimate with Angel... except for maybe that one time...). I really, really wish TPTB would wake up and smell the subtext!

Ahh all them lovely pictures of Sanders'N'Stokes sent nice pleasent feelings all the way into my old bones. LOL..Yeah im old ladies.

Did I hear the words :devil: Eckile. Clarrisani- no no no we dont need any time at all with Ecklie.

Lots and lots of time with the men.!! YAY baby.

Yes i agree with you about it being plausable. It has been there since day one. I can tell you for nothing- if they was both straight it would've eitther worked or they would've given it a go. You Know?

I mean dont get me wrong I love the interaction between Sara and Gil.. But enough all ready!!. :lol: Its not like Grissom sweaps her off her feet now is it. He reads her poety to get her into bed- No scrub that one out. Sara pushed the kicking and screaming Grissom to the bedroom. Where Sara borrows some of Lady Heathers chains.

Hmm potential sub plot to a story!.

Unsure who posted this comment but I started my life as a fan on the CSI website, then WMTDB.. Then live journal, where i just read fiction... Now because of the twins I'm here..

I just like to be able to chat to as many THE LOVE fans as possible. We really should just stick together... Cause not everyone can see the love- and some people have been watching it since day one. After a gentle encouragement, i found the youtube video's and bob's ya uncle. :p :p

Yeah i was a huge Buffy and Angel's fan... Hmm they most certianly was at least once intimate with each other. Then again the act of blood letting - is better than sex apparetnly. Go ask a vampire...Yes I think at one point both Angelus and Spike was dating Dru at the same time.... If dating is the correct word.

Getting back to our men... As season 7 is the first one i seen the majority of it- some I've seen via repeats (re-runs). It was a good season. Just that now Greg is in the field I would've expected more air time.

Ahh but the one scene he was in- In lab rats kinda made up for it nearly... "Kiss My ass"- Swoon. Never thought that Mr Sanders could be a naughty boy...

*cough* :cool: :devil:
Ahhh "Kiss my ass" the one line I would love to be able to quote from Greg over on the spoiler thread... :devil: But I refused to stoop down to their level.

Here's hoping we got some Nick/Greg interaction this season and maybe even work a case together!
Hmm lets hope. Dude I've seen the simular fight on another board. It wasn't pretty here, and its certainly not there. Thought I laugh out loud lots and lots...

I know us women have this inbread passion for being cats on a hot tin roof. But dude it is funny.

People saying well he's had more scenes that this one... Well GSR is the best and only ...........

LOL. I surfed a site, where the news that they was gonna let the GSR lay down for a bit. OMG! LOL I've never seen it...

ITs really all quite funny, but yet soo scarey. At least we still have our beloved show to fight over. Dude its not like global warming.. Just who gets the romance. Dude its not like GSR ever have sex. Hmmm we have our boys for that.

Sex and love go hand in hand, just like a packet of condoms and some lube....

Oh Question to you all- do you sometimes get confused and start thinking that Nick is George. Duh i know that he is- but hmmm fantasy and reality combine.? Does anyone else have fantasies not concerning Nick and Greg, but George and Eric together...

Damn! thats hot..... :devil: :devil: :devil:
I agree that we need waaaay more Greg regularly. I mean, going along with what Clarrisani said, if Eric has enough time to do Secret Funtime, then you know that he has a whole bunch of time on his hands. I just recently started watching some of the SFT episodes, and I must say that they are extremely pointless, but strangely entertaining. My favourite would have to be 'Dope Ass Warrior :lol:.' It was hilarious and reminded me of something Greg would do and his old personality in general. Because, we all know that he could have been a rockstar :rolleyes:.....

And if anyone ever is unfortunate enough to end up with Ecklie, well, lets just say that I would feel sooo bad for that person :eek:.

And candygirl1uk, your comment about the "kiss my ass" remark made me nearly spit out the water I was drinking in laughter. :lol: I am still cracking up over that....

And to answer your question, sometimes, but more often the fantasies that I have are more Nick/Greg related, probably due to my obsession with fanfiction :D.
Oh ewww Ecklie+any=fails.

I have fantasies about Nick,Greg,Eric,George.

By the way, did anyone notice the character Oliver Wood in Harry Potter is played by an actor named Sean Biggerstaff. I just wanted to point that out.

What is the date of the season 8 premire?
nickfangirl said:
By the way, did anyone notice the character Oliver Wood in Harry Potter is played by an actor named Sean Biggerstaff. I just wanted to point that out.

*chokes on lunch*

Damn you!

*reaches for water bottle*

Okay, back on topic *more water* I often have happy little fantasisies about Nick/Greg and George/Eric too - even wrote an RPS fic featuring the latter. I'm with Wojo in saying that it depends on my mood at the time which one I favour.

I'm glad to hear the talk that GSR is going to be on the backburner in season 8, because this might just mean that the writers are going to focus on the core of CSI - the team. I'm hoping for more mix and matching of the CSIs in the field, and my oh my do I have my fingers crossed for Nick and Greg working on a case alone together.

And just as an aside, those Ecklie/Greg stories weren't too bad. *runs and hides from flying objects again*
I love the Dope Ass Warrior. Eric singing!!! *laughs*

I would prefer Greg with Ecklie before Sara.

That Sara and Grissom were actually going to break up. Someone said they read it in TV Guide. I don't know exactly what it said though!

I really don't care about any characters except Nick and Greg and what they do and who they do it with! Preferable each other though.

OH MY GOD! I'm geeking out. I just watched the Power Rangers 15th Aniversary Team-up Special last night and let me just sty I'm still not over it yet. BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!! I just had to tell my friends. Xander looked AMAZING and my Bridge did his "buttery" thing that's a PR classic (look at banner) and Adam! ADAM!!! PR legend! Okay, I'm done!

See you all later!
Though Eric had enough time to do the SFT along with the season 7, I think the idea of it hadn't been shortly decided. One day I read the letter Eric replied to his fan that was posted LJ community somewhere(I don’t remember but the time Eric sent it to the fans was 1 year ago, and its contents were same to each other) and there was a hint revealing there would be something that Eric was going to do. It was written like that; ~ on a creative level, I’m developing a couple projects of my own which I hope I can share with the world soon. It just came through me that maybe that was the sign of it.

I finally realized that some people have had the problem that actually caused a historical disagreement, but I’m not like that and will say that I much fantasize them and happy with that when it comes to the real person ship. Yeah Clarrisani, I read your RPS fic what was posted on LJ Eric/George community and it was great! It is actually my fave RPS fic of our boys.

I went to CSI episode guide above the menu and it said that the first will be aired Sep 27th.
Wow, that is a later premeire date, but I think that they just want to keep the suspense in place as long as possible :rolleyes:.

And on the Grissom and Sara spoiler posted by twins, I really don't care about that ship anymore. I mean, it is just kind of 'there' for me now :p.

And I think that I used to watch Power Rangers, but I was a little kid back then, so I don't remember too much.

And one last thing: A N/G fan and friend of mine on Gaia was wondering were to get CSI clips, specifically ones past episode 10 of Season 7. And, knowing that a lot of fans make vids for this ship, I was wondering if you could tell them where to look :D.
You can email Shacky at She's happy to do it.

Cause Purejorja and Omaetoy barely go past Living Legend I think.

Everyone ALWAYS says that about PR.

I'm thinking about making a shirt saying:

Power Rangers:
Star Trek for Morons!

My dad laughed, he's a Star Trek fan. lol
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