The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Okay, I'm going to watch them!!! lol

I think they should forever remain single. Eric's probably just "complaining" since he knows his character will never have someone. So, when it comes down to it, it doesn't seems like Eric's idea. :)
Aaaahhh, thaaaank you CSIElizabeth! And...I dunno about the last name thing...I always thought it was...but was never reaaaaaaally sure.

D: Harry Potter! Ack, we were even in a town where they were selling it on Friday, and we left, and by the time we got home, it was already midnight. I was nottttttt very happy. Gah. I suppose I'll get around to it sometime.

Heh. I don't really remember/really know what else you're all talking about. Ha. I normally manage to keep myself out of the loop on these things. I apologize; someday, I'll get better!
Firstly, just quickly, Greg's grandfather's name is Olaf Hojem. Greg's middle name is his mother's maiden name, and Papa Olaf his his mother's father. (I have my mum's maiden name as my middle name, too)

And I hope that if they do give Greg someone, it'll be Nick. I just can't stand the thought of Greg with a girlfriend. But then, it is important to me that he never said "girlfriend". hat intrigues me...
Ah! I was gone for like two days, and I come back to like 30 posts. God, I love this forum :D.

Anyway, as everyone has already said, I really hope that Greg does not get a love interest unless it's Nick. I mean, I hate when they through in a random girl (like that blond in Built to Kill Pt.1) when they have had a perfect partner right in front of them for seven years! But, at least Eric said "love interest" instead of "girlfriend," so there is still a sliver of hope ;)!

Oh yes, going back to the Emmy topic, I was watching E! News just now and it seems as if every show under the sun except CSI was nominated. I mean, as much as I love House and Heroes, I would much rather have CSI take one of the nominations instead.

Oh, and gregslabmouse, about the bowling: believe me, you aren't the only one who has done that. I have done it numerous times as well as many people on my team. I mean, I've tripped, fallen, dropped the ball etc... I think it happens to everyone :lol: (or maybe I'm just part of an extremely uncoordinated team :D)
Hey guys. :) I think I've posted in here a while back but I thought I'd post again. I just watched a few CSI episodes and noticed a lot of Nick/Greg scenes. Like, really shippy. :lol: And it's... amazing. :p It's weird because when I was watching it surprized me how they weren't together, considering all their flirting and stuff. o_O

I'm a Sandle shipper, so when I heard Eric wanted a love interest of course I wanted Sara but that's not going to happen but... Greg = single + Nick = single = :devil: I would actually believe it if they got together, which surpizes me. But I guess that's why I'm posting. This ship is hot and believable. ;)
Lmao sandersidle! (welcome back!) That's saying a lot coming from a Sandle fan. Considering Greg did flirt with Sara...but Sara's always wanted Grissom. *sigh* That's where we get the theory that Greg flirts with everyone...Nick's just the only one that flits back.

Sometimes (sometimes) I wonder why we all think it's so obvious. Then I think of one random scene and remember why and wonder why I was thinking that in the first place.

You could plug your ears and close your eyes and you could smell the flirting! lol :p
Well well well. I read that post from sandersidle. Made me laught out loud.

:confused: :confused:

Twins... Hmm you cant smell the flirting. FARTING YEAH but flirting no. OR THE SEX yeah lol.... Oppps sorry lol..... :devil:

Question- if its so obvious to me, you , them and the garden flower pot, so why isn't it obvious to the producers and let them get together.... i read on a fanfiction site, think it was from futurecsi1313- where she rightly describes Greg as a flirt who would flirt with everyone and every thing... Which is soo true. Just so happens that Nick Flirts back. :cool: :eek:
Long sigh, maybe I should get Harry Potter and his side kicks to make a love spell and let the love be joined...
I had a little fight at the spoiler thread. Sorry for making the scenes so bad.
But I have more to say. Hating Greg and is a different matter to hating GSR.
GSR is just a romance storyline that writers were passionated about during the past two seasons,
But the Greg matter isn't like that. He's actually one of the team.
They hated his guts and wanted to exclude him from the others so called "the original cast members"
I honestly don't know why they hate such a beloved, fond guy
but I couldn't really hate them because I love George/Nick and look forward to seeing him more on the show.
Just couldn't understand them. I had to indure it and I didn't and that was my problem.
I'm gonna have some anti-depressant now, I mean, I went to the LJ N/G community
and favorite beloved writer catloverx2 have put a new casefile. I guess that's a good news.
Well just chill now. I at first had no idea what you was talking about...

However life over here, on the FORT. Why is it called the fort... is more tranquile. Go chill, have a drink, a snack... go watch Nick flirt with Greg. Read some fan fiction....

I saw a old episode and omg!!!!!!!!! boys boys boys... the flirting... tiny hairs wiggled and danced on my skin....

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. :lol: I'm full with the happies are you ???
Yeap, thanks candygirl1uk for the kind words :)
Once I was terribly depressed but I'm nearly getting over with that. Thank you again.
The old episodes of our boys are always amazing.
Yeah, it's the time to put terrible things out of my mind and take some nice N/G scenes.
Awww...I hate that.

A LOT of Nick fans....for some reason...don't like Greg. They're mostly Snickers or CatNip, but some can like the weirdest slash up to Nick/Ecklie. So I have no idea!!!!

I personally believe that deep down they know that Nick/Greg is very, very, very believable and they feel threatened. If they're pushing for other ships to become canon.

Maybe they feel that Greg is taking over Nick's stories. I'm sorry, but they worked TOGETHER, then their storylines would intersect and Nick and Greg fans would be happy.

It makes me upset too, because, of course, I consider myself a Nick fan. So those people shouldn't feel so entitled to spread their hatred.
twins1729 said:
Awww...I hate that.

A LOT of Nick fans....for some reason...don't like Greg. They're mostly Snickers or CatNip, but some can like the weirdest slash up to Nick/Ecklie. So I have no idea!!!!

I personally believe that deep down they know that Nick/Greg is very, very, very believable and they feel threatened. If they're pushing for other ships to become canon.

Maybe they feel that Greg is taking over Nick's stories. I'm sorry, but they worked TOGETHER, then their storylines would intersect and Nick and Greg fans would be happy.

It makes me upset too, because, of course, I consider myself a Nick fan. So those people shouldn't feel so entitled to spread their hatred.

Yes twins - once again you say the right words. :lol:

Ah anytime, I'm far too old for sillyness.

Yeah they're probably scared. Correct twins. I did laugh when one person said that Greg had a lot of scenes. EXcuse me are we on the same sheet here?

:devil: :( :eek: Ecklie and Nick.? Since when? O yeah NEVER.
NEGU said:
I had a little fight at the spoiler thread. Sorry for making the scenes so bad.
But I have more to say. Hating Greg and is a different matter to hating GSR.
GSR is just a romance storyline that writers were passionated about during the past two seasons,
But the Greg matter isn't like that. He's actually one of the team.
They hated his guts and wanted to exclude him from the others so called "the original cast members"
I honestly don't know why they hate such a beloved, fond guy
but I couldn't really hate them because I love George/Nick and look forward to seeing him more on the show.
Just couldn't understand them. I had to indure it and I didn't and that was my problem.
I'm gonna have some anti-depressant now, I mean, I went to the LJ N/G community
and favorite beloved writer catloverx2 have put a new casefile. I guess that's a good news.

I was right there with ya! So I know how you feel, I was pretty upset by the whole thing but you know what? I am a Greg fan and damn proud of it, I will not allow others to intimidate or bully me into not discussing Greg in the spoilers, if there are spoilers about Greg I sure the hell will express my opinion and excitment over it and those who don't like it can kiss my.....thanks for letting me vent.

Now back to our regualrly schedualed Nick & Greg lovin' :)
Yeah I know what you mean. Dont worry to much, I still cant believe that some people thinks that Greg has a lot of screen time. Infact he gets less than Dr Robbins lol.

Some episodes I swear all Eric does is say maybe two words. Thats it. But hay If he's cool by it then so am I. Who am I anyway? just some random woman from England who happens to be a fan lol :( :rolleyes: :mad:
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