The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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twins1729 said:
I love that scene in Up In Smoke.

(Nick processes the burned ID card. Greg walks in and looks around at the monitor.)

GREG: I'll take "video spectral analysis" for two hundred, Nick. AW, GREG'S FLIRTING!

NICK: Yeah, it's a charred piece of plastic found in chimney guy's pocket. It may be a credit card. I'm trying to get some ID off of it.

GREG: That's a gym membership card.


GREG: The logo in the corner -- it's Burt's Gym -- I belong to the one on Flamingo.

NICK: Oh, yeah? You, uh ... been pumping iron there, Greg?YOU CAN TELL NICK'S VERY INTERESTED, AND HE'S FLIRTING

GREG: Yeah, a little, uh ... Muy Thai. It's competitive kickboxing. Gotta balance weights with cardio, you know what I mean?WHAT'S WITH GREG TRYING TO IMPRESS NICK?

NICK: Yeah, okay, thanks. Anyway, I'll, uh, check it. Maybe I can get a membership name.NICK KIND OF WAKES UP FROM THE TRANCE

GREG: Oh, you won't. Member names are printed in black ink. VSA only brings out the colors.

NICK: Oh. Maybe it'll help us clear up the photo.

(Nick works on the photo and comes up with a picture.)


Okay, I'm adding Shooting Stars and Up In Smoke!

Hay there you lovely people....

Been reading some post, they crack me up big time. I love the screen caps. Hmm especially the desert one. Oh and i so love the love. Dont really post much here guess its because I'm stil new here. :devil:
Welcome to The Love, candygirl! :D

Wojo said:
Here's something Eric had to say at the CBS All Star Party July 19th:

On screen, Szmanda says, he's about to meet with producers in hopes of finally getting a love interest for his character. "I do need a love interest or something," he said. "People need to see how Greg lives outside of work. We've gotten to see that from every other one of the CSIs."

This does not sound good for us Nick & Greg fans... :( Well unless his love intrest turns out to be Nick! Otherwise I'm all for more Greg time away from the lab.

This is not the first time Eric says something like that, always before starting to film a new season.

And he has never said "girlfriend" but "love interest"....Gender neutral. ;)
Yeah I was reading what you said, and starting to panic. Yeah thats right, love interest. *cough* *Nick Stokes *

Ahh i better not start reading too much into this. Long sigh, I hope we get to see some of him with Nick time. I had a theory and I wrote to the creator about it lol. My co-workers and friends thougth I was barmy. They know I'm weird lol, so they expect me to do crazy stuff like that.

Hay i even typed out the letter. LOL.

Oh and thnanks seabird!!!!
Argh, a love interest. Probably it'll be not possible that Greg suddenly turns to a gay character.
No chemistry but he recenly has appeared to like Sara's character.
Maybe Eric wants to move out from that and start new relationship.
Um. I don't think he'll fight with his boss even though I don't like GSR either. Gah, it's so unrealistic. :mad:
Tell the truth, I hope that Greg's got nothing to do with the GSR, hasn't evolved in anything with this case.

You know, sometimes I can't even guess what Eric's got on his mind.
No matter what Greg turns out, only he and Nick's relationship'll have the sexual tension,
in other words, the real chemistry :D

ahh, it's such a relief that Eric said something like that before and still no change.
True, but saying that what makes everyone think that he hasn't been bisexual from day one? He just chooses to have dates etc with women.

Yeah of coure only his and Nick 'ship has that much sexual chemisty and not do anything lol.GSR, well it dwindles in compared to the loved up Sanders'N'Stokes. I even had hopes for a yoBling! between Catherine and Warrick but even that fizzled out...

The love is by far the most endurin sexual chemistry from day one to season seven.

To answer your questions about Greg not suddenly turns to a gay character. Sometimes a person has feelings, maybe dead down and ignores them until a certain moment in their lives and Sweet Jane! it happens.

I think that Greg knew about the GSR. He just didnt look shocked at all. Even Warrick- "Mr Laid back 2007" looked a bit taken back. Not Greg, think he knew.

Hodges found it out, and put two and two together. I thnink also Hodges knows that theres something going on between Nick and Greg, but probably not to sure what.

Ok i think about this for far to long lol.
Yeap, people can be aware of their true inner sexual orientation unexpectedly.
I just meaned that even my imagination goes around, the show will not admit it.
It goes far away from the show's essential feature.
But I think the subtle hints can increase the show's power. The earlier seasons used to have that.
These days I'm not so sure. Yeah, they have to admit it at some point :)
I've reading the spoilers for season premiere and, omg, all sounds sooo boring and predictable... :rolleyes:
"Grave Danger" revisited

This show needs a MAJOR shake up! Why not put some Nick/Greg (Love) in it?

Nick ALWAYS ;) knew the difference between "rock on":


and "I love you":

D: So, a little off topic from what you're all talking about, but consiiiderrrrinnnnng that I'm beginning yet another fanfic, I've gotta know - have they /ever/ touched base on anything about Greg's parents, other than the bit about his mom wanting, like, four children and only getting one? And I'm talking name wise, here, because I always see people using different names for them, but I wanted to make sure there wasn't any little pieces of info I should know before I go jump on the bandwagon in that area. (And yeah, I know there's always a lot of talk about his grandparents...that's right...right? D:)

Anyway, to tell you the truth, I'm not too worried about any kind of "love interest" he may acquire on the show. -sigh- Besides the subtext, there's really not any chance they'd get together. Ha. I sound so suddenly pessimistic. But really, it's so much easier to write or believe in something when you don't have the writers screwing everything up by throwing some random woman in there for the lack of their relationship to deal with. No offense to said random woman, but really...They should really just stop denying that there's anything there. At least acknowledge it on the show somehow, anything. Even if they don't end up getting together, it'd still be nice to see...something.

Though I still think that the relationship is better in the hands of most fanfiction writers. I've only come across a few that don't know what they're doing while writing in this fandom...but I think that's because it's just that much harder to write fanfiction, because if you don't get the personalities down, then someone's going to yell at you about how they're out of character...and yeah. But most of them /do/ have potential, just...not in the fanfiction area.
I hardly ever come across those, though.

You know, maybe if I posted more often, I wouldn't have as much to say.
My power's been out for the better part of the day, so I haven't been able to get on. :(

LMFAO Seabird.

Greg/Eric is always gender neutral. It works so well for us!

We should TOTALLY make Emmy equivalant awards for George and Eric.

Anyone know a sculpter?? lol

Nicole (the other twin, in case anyone's forgotten!) is a great artist and can draw one for them...or something. What do you think?

I definately think that Nick and Greg could both "come out" as gay or bi and the writers could make it believable. Whether or not either was "confused" or just "in the closet," I'm sure that ANYTHING could be explained. The writers can do what they want (which can be scary!)

I think if Greg or Nick is given a "love interest" it should be someone that we LOVE. Or someone we hate and are "supposed" to hate, therefore everyone would want him to be with the other. lol

If only...

Well, I can really think of anymore episodes to add to the list. I'll go through it one last time and make the poll. So we can vote and get the Top 10 Episodes, yay!
Hey everyone! I've been lurking around for a while. Real life took a hit. I got a job and then my stepmom had a miscarriage so it's been a rough few weeks. We're doing...okay. I just need to be careful of what comes out of my mouth before I speak. *zips lips closed* Anyway, I'm still reading everything, even contributed a little to csi wiki.

I think I like the idea of the relationship being up to the fan fiction writers because it seems like there always has to be drama in tv relationships and the writers could screw the characters up. It's more exciting being able to write how you think things would happen.

suckerforasmile, the only information I can recall is just his grandfather's name. He never mentioned parents names I believe. I was wondering, is Papa Olaf his first name or last?

I was writing my nick/greg fic and I realized that someone in the fic has the same name as two other characters in different nick/greg fics and they are the same role. I don't want to change her name because I like it too much now lol. It also happened in another fic with a different name and same role. How did that happen? I am not changing her name though, no matter what people say! And don't worry, no Mary Sues. No one is coming between my boys! ;)
:rolleyes: ;)

Yes go for it make them an award and send it off to them. Go on i dare you! What have you got to loose?

In response to the love issue defently someone who we all hate and that icludes either Greg or Nick. Its more likly to be soemeone that Nick will hate.
OOh then they can have a scene together where Nick is pissed asks him what the hell is going on. Greg says somethig atypical of Greg and he walks out.

Ohh that would be angst filled. Come on lets face it, if we are ment to believe that Greg has been dating women or even men all this time we would've seen it by now. WE see Warrick Catherine Sara and even Grissom get the hots for people, also vicer versa...

To me - is it me?. It seems that they are left in limbo. Even Hodges flirts with Wendy. She flirted back.

Get it on all-ready lol. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :eek: :devil:
Hahaha! Your post made me laugh. I'm so glad my parents are already awake lol.

That would be so funny to see. Nick jealous and Greg oblivious. There's a story out there somewhere with that storyline, isn't there? Hehe.
Hmmm, I like the idea of the statue, will they be in the nude? :devil:
<3 How Eric wasn't gender specific, that is prob. his way of dropping a hint x3. Also, I'm all excited that I got the newest Harry Potter book last night/this morning, Harry/Ron ftw x3
Guys, please stop talking about Greg getting a girlfriend! :lol:

As I said before, Eric (and also George) have said the very same thing for the past few seasons and it has not happened. Check out old interviews like this.

Go to this site and watch the clip of George at 2003 Emmy Awards. He talks about his character getting a "love interest" in the new season. In 2003. ;) It never happened.

BTW, the reporter makes a joke and call him "George Szmanda!" :devil:


It's funny because Eric was right next to him during the interview. Check out Eric's interview. The boy is so shy and adorable...*sigh*
Hmm well unless we know more then who can tell. You think that Eric and George will let their fans down???... Sob-sob i hope not.

Yeah i got the new Harry Potter book too, ot read that much taking my time....
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