The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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I totally see what you are saying NEGU. I mean, they look like opposites (Greg or Eric is skinny, young, light hair/ Nick or George is muscular, older, and has dark hair) and not to mention the personalities of the characters (can't compare Eric and George, for I don't really know their personalities :lol:).

They essentially seem to be two fitting halves, thus balancing each other out and creating a whole :D.

I mean, if you put the blonde guy with Eric/Greg, they both have similair pyhsical traits, thus making them seem like two of the same half.

Hope some of that made some sort of sense :confused:.

All in all, Eric/Greg and George/Nick just seem to be meant for each other :D.
I've seen part of Loveless, Twins, but not all of it. Loved the theme music (have the theme music), but the story was... odd. My fave boy love anime is Gravitation. Hot guys (Eiri Yuki voted #1 hottest anime bishonen/beautiful boy), and an awesome soundtrack. Not to mention it's hilarious.
Trying to get my hands on F.A.K.E. at the moment.

And I'm pretty sure that blond guy is one of Eric's friends.
I'm not really into the action in anime. I usually don't like it at all actually, lol. But my sister sat me down and had me watch Loveless and I thought it was cute. She has the theme song (credits, I think) on her myspace. :)

I definately think that Nick/Greg and George/Eric are the perfect example of opposites attract. Though they do have a lot in common and that just makes them so perfect.

With the characters, you have goofy/alternative Greg. He's a geek and a little whimpy, I guess you could say. Nick's more of a tough-guy and a jock. Serious and sensitive.

I believe they're perfect together. :D
So true!

Go to this thread and vote Nick/Greg as the best ship:

Best Ship-Slash!

Because there's some UNDENIABLE chemistry here: ;)






Okay, who are these 63 people who voted for them? (Over the past year) And why aren't they here? lol

Does anyone know what's happened to some of the members that aren't around as much? I believe I remember some members and have been told they still Love the Love, but are just busy.

Any members hang around in the LJ strictly and don't come here???? Etc....
There are people who lurk the LJ and WMTDB and don't come here, mainly because they're just there to read the fics, watch the vids and view the pics, not so much participate in the community. Not much we can do about it if they don't want to join us, although it would be nice to have more people in here.

Oh, and just to let everyone know, the Primetime Emmy Nominations were announced. None of the actors/actresses were shortlisted. Yep, Eric and George missed out again. You may begin throwing random sharp pointy objects at the organisers now.
What does CSI have to do??????????

Seriously, Marg was the only one ever nominated and that was very early on in the show.

The only reason stupid Greys gets viewers is because they always win.

I'm sorry, but an exaggerated soap operea with a homophobic cast member doesn't deserve anything good. And I don't even know if they're nominated this year! I'm still venting!
i really really really think that this a load of Bull Poo !! CSI is WAY better than more than half of the shows that were nominated and they DESERVE to win.
Ok, I'll admit it: I was once a lurker! Actually, since about the beginning of this year up until about last month I was lurking on WMTDB. I mean, I don't really have a good excuse, other than real life and bowling/homework in particular. I mean, I had practice or a match almost every school night all winter long. But I think the real reason was that I was too lazy to join and participate.

Phew, it felt good to get that off my chest :D.

And about the Emmy thing: I can't believe that no one from CSI was nominated! Grrr :mad: *growling at the organizers.* Maybe if I drop my bowling ball on their feet they would change their minds :devil:.

In all seriousness though, CSI is definitely a better show and deserves some form of Emmy recognition.
They weren't nominated AGAIN?!?! This year was like, some of the best acting of the entire show (storyline-wise and dramatically, I guess) what the hell? I don't understand why they're not on there! What do they have to do, stop doing crime scenes altogether and turn into a soapy sitcom?? GRRRRRRRRRRR


lol bowling, last time I bowled I threw the ball backwards and almost hit my friends, I thought that only happened in movies but noooo, really clumsy people really can accomplish stupid things like that...
IMO the Emmy's and other simular award shows are nothing but poularity contests and have little to do with real talent.
The Emmy's, for me, is the industry saying "Hm, who do we want to have the ratings this year". I do feel for the actors and actresses, though. I'm sure they'd all love to get some recognition for what they do, especially when they work so hard. We all know who the real winners are, after all.

Almost tempted to say lets make an Emmy or fan award and send one each to our boys. We all know George got screwed over for 'Grave Danger', and now Eric. They just need some moral support at the moment - I'm sure they are so ticked off right now.

EDIT: Torchwood's doing major fanservice in season 2. James Marsters guest stars, and his character and Jack... well. Can't repeat the quotes from the actors here. But let's just say there will be many happy fangirls.

I say we highjack TPTB and force them to take lessons from Russell T Davies.
Here's something Eric had to say at the CBS All Star Party July 19th:

On screen, Szmanda says, he's about to meet with producers in hopes of finally getting a love interest for his character. "I do need a love interest or something," he said. "People need to see how Greg lives outside of work. We've gotten to see that from every other one of the CSIs."

This does not sound good for us Nick & Greg fans... :( Well unless his love intrest turns out to be Nick! Otherwise I'm all for more Greg time away from the lab.
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