The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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yay new people! *hands out cookies*
Sorry (again) I haven't been around. This is a super busy month, birthdays, reunions and parties everywhere, lol. I can't say I haven't been enjoying myself, but I miss you guys :p

The eppy list is looking good, and I haven't had a chance to really visit the wiki since Twins became mod :(

I'm loving all the pictures :D they make me happy after all the lack of Nick/Greg action in my life lol
New person! *hugs lil_love_fan * Welcome!

I know what you mean by the lack of Nick/Greg, gregslabmouse. I'm having to get my boy love from Torchwood these days (Jack + Ianto = happy Princess). TPTB should take lessons - Torchwood knows how to do fan service! :D
Hi there lil_love_fan!!!


Loki!!! I gave you a chatter a while back. Have you gotten it???

I can't believe I'm raking in some fans. Everytime I see a Love fan, I tell them to come to the Fort. Some come on their own. Lil_love_fan just wanted to know if it was okay to jump in.

I said, of course!!

But this is the best forum to talk in. I made a huge Ad-link on the WIKI. Saying it was the best forum. :D

I don't know how many people have told me that Love fans are the most polite, plesant, welcoming and dedicated.

Some fan-groups should take lessons! lol
Aw, thanks everyone! *feels loved* :)

I really love that pic seabird posted.

I really do believe that every single love fan I have ever encountered has been really nice! I mean, from Gaia to the LJ to WMTDB and even, everyone who likes this pairing is amazingly pleasant.

I better stop before I run out of synonyms! :lol:

Oh yes, I have visisted the Wiki, but that was a while ago. I also must say that the whole section there dedicated to The Love is AWESOME! It is hugemongous! Wait, did I just make up a word? :rolleyes:lol.

In all seriousness though, it really is a great representation. Awesome work twins! :D

I also agree: other fandoms really should nicen-up!

Thanks again everyone :D
I know what you mean by the lack of Nick/Greg, gregslabmouse. I'm having to get my boy love from Torchwood these days (Jack + Ianto = happy Princess). TPTB should take lessons - Torchwood knows how to do fan service!
LOL! I don't get to watch any shows like that. Actually, the only show I've been able to keep up on at all is Bleach, and thats only because it's on in the middle of the night, and now with my new job I can't even watch that! *grumbles to self*

Oh well, working slow graveyard shifts gives me plenty of time to daydream about our boys :devil:

Twins you sent me a chatter? Like in the chatter box? I'll have to check it, I'm falling so behind, I haven't been able to keep up with the Greg Files! Shame on me. I even had to drop my Greg claim for the 100 icons challenge... not to mention every other icontest I had to drop...

Stupid RL, you're getting in the way of my fantasy world!
Welcome to the ship, lil_love_fan !

Ahh.. Sorry if this is out of the topic, but anybody please help me. I'm in panic, now
I found this photo from the Eric/Greg Pic Thread (thanks, Dizzney for posting this)
You can see the blond guy right next to the woman.
To tell you the truth, I'm a believer of George and Eric as a couple
But this blonde guy is letting me down lately. I'm losing all of my hope now.
I read some posts in LJ Eric/George community telling that this blond guy is somewhat working as a CSI crew
but I don't know. I saw Eric's pics taken in Burma and guess what, the blonde was even there :(
Eee! I leave for a few days and we get new posters! Welcome!

xD My cousin watches Bleach. She's quite a fan. I sometimes watch it with her, and she gets really mad, because I end up having all these questions, and then she tells me to shut up and go watch TV downstairs. Ha.

Boy love? (yay!) On another show? D: Sometimes, I wonder how I can be so out of the loop as to some things. -shakes head at self-

And I was going to ask about some QAF episode I missed while on vacation, but I can't remember what happened the episode before that. XD Ha. I'm stupid.

Eck. I think I'm having a bit of a CSI: withdrawal here. I haven't seen/done/written anything related to them in a while. I tried the other night (in a crappy motel room in Nebraska, I may add), but it ended up...really bad. Really really bad. I could use time tomorrow to work on an idea I have....Off to sleep - twelve hour trip back home tomorrow! -is not at all enthused-
Well, thing at the top of my list at the moment is the Primetime Emmy Award nominations and who gets through to the shortlist. After that, season 8 and many hopes that we'll get more Nick/Greg interaction this season. Maybe even work a case together, which would be perfect. And something even more perfect involves our boys, a swimming pool, and lack of shirts... :devil:
'Blond guy' looks very much like the guy who is Eric's best friend, so obviously he's going to be photographed with Eric.

Hope that calms you down a bit!
I have some friends that watch Bleach and other anime, but I am easily confused by anime, so I really don't watch it.

And concerning other boy love: I am like suckerforasmile in that I am soooo out of the loop :eek:. I mean, I saw the Jack/Jack Torchwood kiss on Youtube and parts of Brokeback Mountain, but otherwise I rely on my crime shows (mainly CSI and Criminal Minds). However, now I can't even rely on CM for my slash needs because Mandy Patinkin quit, and I loved Reid/Gideon :mad:! I am still depressed by that.

Well, the good news is that I still have The Love. This ship was my first OTP and main one :D.

And I still have season 8 to look forward to. Hopefully a case or two.... or ten together and some more flirting is in the near future :devil:!
Wow, I leave and so much goes on!
*Looks at photo of blond guy* Hmmm...he isn't as good looking as George, so I don't think we need to worry too much.
Ah, I love anime, one of my faves is Getbackers, there is even more subtext then in csi :O. Anyways, I hope season doesn't let me down in fan service :(
Boo to the blond guy, unless he's just Eric's friend.

My sister got me into this Japanese cartoon with guy/guy, it's called Loveless. It's not anime because it's not available in America. It's on youtube with only English subtitles. It has 12 episodes and I'm up to 9 and they're saved in my favorites. Lemme know if you wanna hear more about it.

I can't wait for the fall! Cooler weather and CSI!

Also, I saw Harry Potter last night. *yay* It was okay.

See you later!
Serenity said:
'Blond guy' looks very much like the guy who is Eric's best friend, so obviously he's going to be photographed with Eric.

Hope that calms you down a bit!

I believe you are correct Serenity ,I think this "blond guy" is a childhood freind of Eric's, He was also in the photshoot of Eric's new house awhile back, I think Eric might have hired him as an assistant.
lol I like how we are calling him "blonde guy"
I hope they are just friends, but if not he IS pretty cute, I wouldn't object.

Ooo guy/guy anime is the best. There's none on Bleach (at least none that I can see) there's tons of girl/girl but it's just not the same! D:

Harry Potter! I wanna see that soon, it has another slash couple I like (Draco/Ron, yeah it makes no sense, but it's hot)

I rererererewatched our season 1 dvds last night lol, I needed my CSI fix, it needs to come back soon! I miss our boys!!
Ahh, amen to that. Thanks for the reply, Serenity. That soothing me a lot.
I really hope that they're just friends and Eric's helping this guy a little hiring him as an assistant.

At first I was merely a fan of Eric/Greg but on an effort of knowing him more
got acquainted with this ship, and I fall in love with that.
Well now, I love George as much as Eric and I think when they're together
things looking somewhat balanced, you know what I mean? :lol: I don't know how to explain them
but just a balanced couple. And that totally makes me happy. I guess that's same as you guys.
And that blond guy looked, doesn't fit to Eric, and of course not beautiful as George, that's all :)
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