The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Nick would be better being in charge, remember Cath almost broke up the team >_>'

I <3 the manips, I have found my newest wallpapers now :D.

Btw, the pic of George in the tub (>:3) is from a show he did previously called Savannah, he was killed off in the pilot, but the character was so popular they showed him in flashbacks and eventually as the character's twin brother. George Eads Twins=<3
Yay! George Eads twins, one for both of us! lol

Hi there anza! Apartantly Carol's the one that said SanFran, so I don't know about London.

That's a great *happy* thing for Greg in season 8. Have him get to a level two. Lots of Nick, please! :D
I think it was Carol who said SF in S8 and London next season (9), I think they plan a European version of CSI only to be shown over there, called CSI:London, they have been talking about doing this since S5.

I am still holding out hope that it will be our boys who go to SF but I'm pretty sure who it's gonna be and the thought makes me sick. Of course maybe they will all go!! Let's all go to SF and leave the dayshift in charge...yeah right.
^^ Hahaha, sounds like many different dreams I've had... Of course NEVER ending in Greg and Nick sharing a room :rolleyes: :devil:

I'll actually be mad if they forgot about Greg getting promotions, though I wouldn't be surprised. If it would mean taking attention away from GSR for 5 seconds....
I was actully surprised that they even gave Greg a story arc beginning with FannySmackin since it didn't revolve around GSR. But yeah, I hope he does get a promotion.

I have another theory as to why the boys don't work together, I'm posting it here instead of the 'why is this' thread. (feel free to post it there)
Our fandom is one of the biggest slash parings our there, we have a hugh fanfic archive(WMTDB) and numerous LJ communities and forums dedicated to Nick & Greg. It has even made it into the press. So what if TPTB are trying to douse the flames so to speak, keeping them apart in hopes of calming the storm?
Mistakingly thinking that if they don't have too many scenes together, people will forget or turn away from them? Well I have news for them - NOT WORKING! if anything the fandom is growing... :D
^^ haha, true. It's not making us forget at all, more like making us loathe TPTB and the current 'cannon' ship...
I agree. Every week I see a new fan in all the forums I frequent. :D

It's the biggest slash pairing out there right now. Not to mention CSI is the biggest show out there. :)

Plus it's one of the biggest slash pairings of ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!! And that says a LOT!
Nick/Greg is about to be challenged in regards to the biggest slash pairing out there right now in terms of Doctor Who/Torchwood. The latest Doctor Who episode in the UK was a crossover between the shows, and was written with clear flirtation, subtext and eye-sex between Captain Jack and the Doctor. Very hot episode, and with both shows having a large fanbase...

See, here's another reason I'm so frustrated with CBS and TPTB. The BBC has allowed not only a bi-sexual character (Captain Jack Harkness) onto a normally tame show (Doctor Who), but not only had Jack and the Doctor kiss at the end of new season one, but actually writes and allows pure subtext! (Add the fact there are several gay kisses in Torchwood...) And you'd expect the Doctor Who fans to complain or stop watching and protest... not so. They didn't care, and in fact seem amused.

So why the heck can't we have Nick/Greg? Doctor Who survived it and I'm hanging out for the next episode (Jack's still on it), so why can't CSI?
Well, I don't get BBC. So I don't watch it.

I don't think that it's that big in the US with general audiences. IMO.

But I still think that it should happen. Until I know exactly what every one of TPTB think about it, I'll try not to judge. Some might be perfectly happy with it and want it to happen. But higher authorities are the ones that don't want it, including CBS.
Doctor Who and now Torchwood are pretty popular here in Australia. Ironically, they're airing on two different networks because ABC didn't want Torchwood because it was too 'Adult', lol.

I believe CBS needs a major shakeup in their ranks to drive out the sort of people who are scared of taking risks. After all, if you didn't take risks, no one would advance.
Haven't been here in a while! Real life, a job, and personal family issues/drama have taken over my life even though I'm always online lol. Just in the background.

I love the new manips I saw! I did another episode tonight, even though twins said she had it already. I just felt like doing it. I counted the episodes I have and so far I have 11 out of 24 episode summaries for season 7 done. I know that next week is supposed to be Leaving Las Vegas, followed by Redrum and I am not sure about the week after that.
Clarrisani said:

See, here's another reason I'm so frustrated with CBS and TPTB. The BBC has allowed not only a bi-sexual character (Captain Jack Harkness) onto a normally tame show (Doctor Who), but not only had Jack and the Doctor kiss at the end of new season one, but actually writes and allows pure subtext! (Add the fact there are several gay kisses in Torchwood...) And you'd expect the Doctor Who fans to complain or stop watching and protest... not so. They didn't care, and in fact seem amused.

So why the heck can't we have Nick/Greg? Doctor Who survived it and I'm hanging out for the next episode (Jack's still on it), so why can't CSI?

My thoughts exactly, Clarrisani. Why not CSI?. Nick and Greg being gay would explain a lot of things that we've seen along seven years.... ;)

I LOVE the gay kiss scene from "Torchwood"!. It's so romantic and touching...*imagines Nick and Greg kissing in that scene...sigh*

If anybody wants to watch it, the scene is posted on youtube; you only have to do a search on "Torchwood Captain Jack Kiss". Or PM me and I'll send you the link.

Yeah, I saw that. All the comments were, "I have know idea what's going on, but that was freakin' cute!" lol

I KIND OF knew what was going on because I was told about it, but other than that, I didn't.

But something like that on CSI would be so many ammounts of perfect! They need to do something where it seems like Nick and Greg are so right for each other, and make each other so happy. That any haters can't help but love the couple.
I have faith in the end that the love will pervaile. It just takes time, like any good think, and we cant give up on it.

As for Sanfran, I think that "IF" Sara die's it would be Griss who go's because he will be traumatized and he will need to leave Vages for a while. As for who will go with him maybe Warrick.
But it could also be Cath and Warrick or "IF" Sara dose live Griss might go becuase they would say they were despreat for the modren day sherlock to come help them solve a case. But I do really still hope for Nick and Greg. Even if it is Nick, Grissom and Greg aleast they will be together.
Nick, Greg, and Warrick would be cool. All the guys.

*thinks* Yeah! lol

If the Nick/Greg fanbase keeps growing like it is, there will be so many fans that makes the ship. I believe it's become almost the 2nd biggest ship on CSI.

Since Snickers and PureJoy are dying. *laughs* Sorry. lol

Sandle seems to be rising, but that's the only one. They're still no where near us.

This is base on every site I'm at. :D
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