The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Sandle has been rising since GSR became canon, ironically. Seems that suddenly everyone realised that Sara/Greg looks better than Sara/Grissom. Plus that whole Fannysmackin' thing.

In terms of the biggest ships, it used to go GSR, YoBling and then The Love. But I've noticed that YoBling is starting to fade since Warrick got married, which means that The Love is rising...
Well, as I've said a thousand times on the YoBling page....I believe the whole point of Warrick getting married was so that we could SEE Catherine's feelings for him. I think from the beginning we're supposed to assume he was going to get a divorse. They've played to that a lot.

But The Love is still rising.

I don't get ships that involve Sara or Grissom that isn't GSR. They're not going to happen *mocks*.
Well, how do we know GSR is forever? We can't predict TPTB.

Honestly, I thought Warrick getting married brought Catherine's feelings front and centre. I remember her 'fantasy' speech very clearly. If anything, him marrying made her realise that she should have done something when she could (aka "Down the Drain") instead of backing off all the time.

And indeed, the Love is rising. It's odd, really. It seems every time I turn around there is a new fan of 'The Love'. Problem is many people will deny they like it so not to be flamed by others (which a lot of people believe will happen). As the world changes and people become more open minded, I guess they're starting to really notice the chemistry that has been there all along between Nick and Greg.
I think that, too. All we've seen of Tina is greif, and Cath actually told Warrick she liked him (shut up delusional catnip fans, she DID) so I think it's building up to that, and it's another thing that makes me think the love will never go cannon, if there will already be 2, but if the REST of the team is taken... :devil:
Lol, EXACTLY. For many reasons Loki.

I told my little sister that some CatNip fan said that "She said he was her fantasy, she never said she liked him."

She was like "What?!" lmao I'll never forget that.


Hey guys...I'm leaving tomorrow. *ahh!*

Away from the Internet until Tuesday night. If for some reason anyone wants to tell me something or wants me to do something...let me know.

I'm gonna have withdrawls!

Okay, I promise to write, write, write and Clarrisani, I'll be working on the episode guide. I hope to have it up soon after!
No rush, Twins. Just think it would be a good idea to get it done before Season 8 gets too close, that's all.

I'm disappering for a week in a couple of weeks - going on holiday with my bf. I've never been out of the state and living this close to the border I'm definitely going.

And I'd better get writing too. Before Jack/Doctor sucks me too deeply into the Doctor Who/Torchwood fandom. My god those guys are hot. And there's a line of dialogue from Doctor Who Series One I'd love to see between Nick and Greg on CSI:

*Rose and Micky hug*

Jack: Aw, sweet, look at these two. *looks at Doctor* How come I never get any of that?

Doctor: Buy me a drink first.

Jack: You're such hard work.

Doctor: But worth it. *smug grin*
I think something like this would be cute between the guys, Nick & Greg are about to process a house...

Nick: "Lets go to the bedroom"
Greg: "Ok but I usually insist on dinner first"
Nick: "In that case let's proces the kitchen"
Greg: "Good idea" *insert Greg's famous smirk here*

Ahhh, a girl can dream. :D
Love the double entendre,Wojo ;) . I miss their banter so much...

I was thinking that CSI shooting usually begins around mid-July, so I guess the first episodes are already written *crosses fingers and hopes Nick and Greg have scenes together*

And because I'm hooked ( I can't stop staring at it :lol:), I've brought the Nick-and-Greg-in-bed manip I posted before to the new page:

That's a sweet manip, looks like Greg is exhausted, Nick must have worn him out...well anyway I hope to start reading some spoilers soon because I hate not knowing. I am hoping Sara stays under that car but I am not counting on it.

Lets hope for a season 8 filled with Nick & Greg subtext and lots of screen time together!! :)
Wojo said:
...well anyway I hope to start reading some spoilers soon because I hate not knowing. I am hoping Sara stays under that car but I am not counting on it.

:lol: Oh my god, that made me laugh really hard. Oh man...And as for spoilers...I'm...not sure. I only want September to come quicker, mainly because of the blowup of new seasons and because of my birthday. xD

Is it obvious the new season I want most is CSI? Man. I feel like a nerd. Haha. Oh well. It's worth it, I think, for these two.

As for the whole 'denying the ship' thing for people who like it but don't say they do, I think that's...somewhat...I'm not sure. Stupid. I don't make it a point to say anything, but I don't deny it either. No one in my family even brings up gay people in television, unless it's blatantly pointed out to them, in which they're like 'oh, man, he's gay? didn't see that coming!' Haha. They're kind of...blind. :3
A scene like that would be perfect, Wojo. But somehow I doubt that they'll ever give us that. Hell, even if The Love became the #1 CSI ship in the world we still wouldn't get it. I bet many of the higher ups have their computers set to 'ignore' any and all pages, sites or posts dedicated to Nick/Greg so they can clain it doesn't exist.

We've got Sweet Jane here tonight. Not sure if I'm looking forward to it, though. I'm actually kinda hanging out for Torchwood on Monday because there's a lesbian kiss... why oh why can't CBS give us Nick/Greg! *goes on CBS exec & TPTB manhunt*
K, so I have this feeling that this doesn't really matter to the writing or whatever, but I when I was catching up on QAF last night, I realized something kind of...obvious. If anyone who had anything to do with CSI: was really homophobic, would they have had ...whatshisname from QAF (I think the actor guys name is Robert something, I could be very wrong...the guy who plays Ben, man!) and Hal Sparks be on the show, especially with the entire QAF thing beforehand, unless they really enjoyed their acting anyway...but you know, I just figured I'd bring that up. But, considering that, maybe they actually know what they're doing with everything. -shrugs-
It's not so much that they're homophobic more than they are too scared to and/or aren't allowed to push the boundaries. I mean, they always portray gay characters in a negative light, but this may be because it's how they're instructed to do it.

Oh, and it was Robert Gant. I looked it up. :p

And Doctor Who and Torchwood have Russell T. Davies, who was a producer/writer for the original QAF, and look what happened for them *points in the direction of the character Captain Jack Harkness*! Maybe we should steal Russell T. Davies and have him write a couple of episodes. That way we might get some Love! :devil:
Clarrisani said:
It's not so much that they're homophobic more than they are too scared to and/or aren't allowed to push the boundaries. I mean, they always portray gay characters in a negative light, but this may be because it's how they're instructed to do it.

Oh, and it was Robert Gant. I looked it up. :p

And Doctor Who and Torchwood have Russell T. Davies, who was a producer/writer for the original QAF, and look what happened for them *points in the direction of the character Captain Jack Harkness*! Maybe we should steal Russell T. Davies and have him write a couple of episodes. That way we might get some Love! :devil:

Well, the only portray them in a negative light because the only other characters that they can make gay are the suspects, so you know, it's not that they're doing it because they're gay, but moreso because they're a suspect...but, yeah, I see that. Ha. Makes more sense your way :p But, considering they've gotten so many negative comments because any gay person that ends up on the show is a suspect and therefore bad, wouldn't they believe it'd be a good thing to bring in a gay couple that doesn't have anything to do with a case?

I dunno. I'm sure that's been brought up before, but I just like to reintroduce things. :p

And, ha! I was right with the Robert thing. Didn't know his last name, though, so thanks.

Aaaah, yes. I second that motion. Let's steal him. :devil: Sounds like a plan.
Well, in the USA, it is a touchy subject. Then again, if the whole context of "Double Crossed" didn't offend people, then homosexual characters shouldn't. Then again...>_>;
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