The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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That's hot! lol I had to do a double-take at first.

Then I was amazed at how good that manip is.

Yes I would love to see that next season. Showtime :devil:
Hehe, just whipping through these pages. x3 That's amazing.

Now what's all this talk about San Fransisco for? I'm confused. Maybe I skipped a few posts or just got lazy and forgot what everyone was talking about. >_< I'm not too bright. I burnt waffles today and have been completely absent minded, so, you know, it's no wonder I forget. Things just aren't working out for me lately.

And wonderful manips. :D They always make things better, don't they?
Carol said something about CSI locating to San Fransisco for an episode (maybe more, I don't know) in season 8.

And naturally we're hoping that Nick and Greg are the ones that go.

*Hoping and wishing*
Wow that's one hot manip!! Wish I would have thought of that myself! I'm thinking an ep like that would be shown on Skinemax. oops I meant Cinemax.
*jaw hits the floor and stays there... well, up until the point of fainting, in which the body soon joins it*

God I love that manip. That's exactly the sort of image I'd love to see in the show. Just one second. One second of it, and I'll be happy. Nice little fleeting moment that doesn't give TPTB the chance to ruin everything.

I swear, if we go four or five episodes in a row where Grissom and Sara don't work together and don't share exclusive screentime and both of them are at the lab, I'll go into shock. Mainly because I know TPTB aren't capable of it and love getting off on those two... okay, I just got a bad mental image of the writers etc in the planning room... *shudders*
Ah, ewwww Clarrisani! Why'd you have to make me think that. lol

I would be in shock as well.

Even the episodes where Grissom was gone, they just HAD to have to GSR interaction. One would've been okay. But they had to throw it at us.

Though, I'd rather lovey-dovey GSR than heart-broken Sandle or Snickers fans implying that Grissom doesn't love her and blah, blah, blan. That's more annoying IMO.
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh. Well. I feel as though that could bring on another spin-off, but that makes no sense...because it really should be NY's turn. Anyway, I doubt that.

And, just because I enjoy being pessimistic in circumstances such as these, I highly doubt these two would end up going. My best bet would be either Greg and Sara, or Grissom and Sara. Hell, even Catherine and Sara, because Greg's not a CSI 3 yet...( he's still CSI 1, isn't he?). So, yeah.

I'd love it if it were Nick and Greg, though. Though I think that speaks for all of us... :p
I believe he's technically still level one. I don't know what it takes to be a two, but to become a three you have to solve 100 cases...or something. lol

*Remembers Pilot*

I'm almost positive that it'll end up being Grissom and Sara going or Grissom and Catherine.

Though they could make up for it mildly and give us Catherine and Warrick. Give the YoBling they've been "promising" for a year.

I believe that a lot of us like YoBling here right? lol
Greg needs to have at least three years of field experience before he can take a test to become CSI 2. He's already got the three years, so really it's up to Grissom to decide if he believes Greg is ready to take the test. Personally, given what we've seen of him, I think Greg is ready or at least on the verge of being ready. Season 8 should see Greg become CSI 2. Unless the writers forgot, of course, because they were so busy... *ahem*

I don't think it will be Grissom and Catherine unless Gil is prepared to leave Nick in charge of the lab. He has left Warrick in charge before, and I think Gil is tossing up between Warrick and Nick as the ones to take over his job once Grissom and Catherine move on.

We probably won't know until the episode. I'm just hoping it's not Grissom and Sara. And I still hold to the fact it will be Sara and Greg, since they've both lived there.
If it's Sara and Greg, I won't watch it.

Immature...maybe. But I like Sara and Greg, just not when they're with each other, next to each other, talking to each other, etc.

You know, I don't see Grissom going actually. Now that I think about it.

It would make my life if Nick and Greg went. Even Nick, Greg and some one else.
Ignore my random jumping's just been a while. And I want my avatar back.

I agree with pretty much everything. But for character centric epppies, I thought Ellie (going back to season one) was pretty good. Not all characters took a backseat, but I really like the focus on Warrick and the old Sara. But that doesn't count, does it?"

I'm not even going to add to the GSR and Catherine thing. All I'll say is that during the latter half of season seven, they should have temporarily changed the name to GSC: With Hodges, too, instead of CSI.

I loved Hodges since his first appearance. But really, when he gets more screen time in one episode (you know the one) than Greg gets in the first three seasons, something is seriously wrong.

But, I'm holding out for September 20th. It almost seems like they have no choice but to focus on the rest of the CSIs, namely Nick and Greg.
Sorry for the consecutive post, but wow...I can't stop staring at the picture. So pretty.

I heard about the temporary relocation, but for London. Has anyone heard more concerning that? Something about Grissom being a modern day Sherlock Holmes.
*in love with manip*

That picture just made my month. :rolleyes: :eek:

Anyway... *rips eyes from pic to actually post something* about the Sanfran thing, I refuse to get my hopes up for Nick and Greg to go, just so I won't be horribly disappointed if it's not them... I WOULD like to see Greg and Sara go, though! Anything to get her away from Grissom, and if she's got her own boy toy now, she'll keep her hands off our greggo... If it's Sara and Grissom, though, I won't watch. All we need is an entire episode centered around them away from the rest of the team...
But to become CSI three, Nick and Warrick didn't have to pass a 'test', they just had to solve their 100th case. So I'd wonder if there's a big difference going from 1 - 2, to 2 - 3?

I'd really like to see Greg make level 2 this year, and for them to make an actual event of it, don't just mention it in passing. Actually show him solving his case. Then maybe we can have Nick congratulating him, a bit like he did when Greggo passed his proficiency?
Only this time, instead of a slap on the back (which Nick never seemed to let end) and champagne, maybe Nick can take Greg out to dinner. Maybe a movie... a little entertainment at Greg's place after the movie... ;)
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