The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Double Cross was the season 7 episode where a woman was murdered and strung up on a cross in a church just like Christ. I think she may have been placed there exactly as He was. I doubt it would have offended people much though because they know it's a crime drama and the writers probably did a lot to make sure they didn't step on any toes with this one.

I need to get ready for work (hah I almost wrote Nick) I just had to get my morning Nick/Greg fix along with my coffee. Toodles!
*sniggers* Got another moment (this time Torchwood) for you to convert, Wojo!

Ianto: "If you're interested, I've still got a stopwatch."
Jack: *looks at him* "So?"
Ianto: *smirks* "Well. Think about it. Lots of things you can do with a stopwatch."
Jack: *smirks* "Oh yeah. I can think of a few."
Ianto: "There's quite a list."
Jack: "I'll send the others home early. See you in my office in..." *looks at watch* "...ten."
Ianto: "That's ten minutes..." *pulls out stopwatch and starts it* "...and counting."
*Jack rushes off.*

*sighs* Loving Torchwood more and more. And just so you know, all of Ianto and Jack's flirting (and references to more) lead up to a kiss in the season finale... why can't they do that for us! *cries*

And just so you know, I now have a new theory about TPTB. Notice that they're keeping Nick and Greg apart, and lately, Catherine and Warrick apart (by not having Warrick). My theory is that they're trying to take everyone's attention off other pairings so that they won't overshadow the GSR, which YoBilng and The Love clearly would.
Well, they'd only overshadow it because they're better...I mean, no offense, but...I feel that GSR is somewhat...forced. No, you know what, I'm pretty sure that it's forced, not just 'somewhat.'

Oooh...Well. I've never seen that episode. Thanks for the info, though. Maybe I'll have to watch it's...on...D:
I think CSI: Crime scene investigation should change it's name to GSR: Gastrointestinal systematic retching. Because GSR sure makes me sick...

Greg: "Nick, will you step back, your flashlight is poking my back!"

Nick: "I have no flaslight G"

Greg: "Well then, lets meet in the supply closet in 5 mins"
Clarrisani said:

And just so you know, I now have a new theory about TPTB. Notice that they're keeping Nick and Greg apart, and lately, Catherine and Warrick apart (by not having Warrick). My theory is that they're trying to take everyone's attention off other pairings so that they won't overshadow the GSR, which YoBilng and The Love clearly would.

I have nothing against GSR but Nick and Greg....Warrick and Catherine... I think they so match and they exude so much hotness just by standing beside each other that they'd overshadow ANY other pairing on the show ;)






THIS is chemistry. Sexual chemistry. :devil:
Yay! YoBling. :D

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Avid Queer as Folk fan here! I would actually like to see Ron and Daniel (CowLip) write an episode of the show. :p Though I'm still bitter from the finale and how they treat fans.

Uhhh....give US what WE want. NOT what YOU want to do. It's simple.

That goes for QAF and CSI.

CowLip ruined Brian and Justin and I'll never forgive them for that. It was as if they were purposely mocking fans. grrrr

I wonder if any of TPTB from CSI would do that to us. That really makes me mad.

So, I had like...8 new comments on my newest video on youtube. I thought that maybe a couple of people were chatting back-and-forth. Then I remembered I entered that video in a competition at Most of the reviews were "This is great! I dont' like slash, but I loved it!" :) I'll let you know how my video does.

There's also this new member at the WIKI chatting and adding things. I'll see if I can send her this way! I think that's it for now. I think I'll change my banner - and maybe my avatar - in a second.

Bin lurking here awhile. twins1729 incourged me to post here. The Love is my second fav ship after YOBLING. I mean who does not love boylove. I saw the episode where Greg passes his field test and Nick cant keep his hands off him. mmmm delsih. ;)
Lol, you didn't lie. WELCOME! :D

Hmm...where is everyone. I mean, it's been like a DAY. O_O

Well, I've been lurking around the WIKI some more. Man, I ignore the site for a month and it looks like crap. 2000 contributions here I come!
Welcome MsCatherineBrown!

Clarrisani said:

*sighs* Loving Torchwood more and more. And just so you know, all of Ianto and Jack's flirting (and references to more) lead up to a kiss in the season finale

I'm so loving Torchwood too. I've just watched the Jack-Ianto best moments on youtube and, OMG, they kiss!!

why can't they do that for us! *cries*

You mean something like this? I'd die. But I'd die happy :lol:


I love that one.

Is there another scene where it looks like Nick and Greg are about to kiss? Or where at least I could make the right angle?

I'll make a GIF for that. :D
Ooo. Now you've got me wanting to watch all the Nick/Greg moments to see if there's any you could edit to make it look like they kiss. Oh yeah, and I'm going to send another Nick/Greg fan this way. Met them on the Australian Torchwood forums. I'll send them the link and see what happens.
Oh, thanks!!!!!

I'll make one for all of them. :D

And if I can find the actual clip, I can have it even more animnated. I'll work on it tonight.

I might not make them avatars or banners. Just little animated manips we'll show off.
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