The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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gregslabmouse said:
I'm agreeing with most of all of this, but I have to admit... I LOVE Hodges.

Ah, I totally thought I was alone in that! But, even though I love him, I still wish Greg would end up with the jokes and whatnot. I miss that. I'd write, but once again, I'm not too...well written. -hehe-

And, if you don't already know, I agree with the rest of that. x3
Hey guys.

I'm planning on writing some people soon. Seeing that you guys are pissed is making me pissed more. lol

As much as I say I dislike a certain character, I always like them. I can't think of a character that I DON'T like. I used to HATE Sofia before she was a detective. But now I actually like her, I also like Cuff'Em. Any news about Louise leaving the show?

Speaking of that, I heard that Jorja is signed on for another season. So whomever had thoughts about that being a publicity stunt, you're correct. :p
twins1729 said:

Speaking of that, I heard that Jorja is signed on for another season. So whomever had thoughts about that being a publicity stunt, you're correct. :p

Where did you hear this? Do you have a link. I don't want Sara to die but do want GSR to.
I wish I could say it was from a credible source, but it isn't. That's why I did the whole "I heard" bit, lol.

I basically heard it here, I think. Just different threads. Something about a season 8 conversation. If I can find the person who said it, I'll ask them personally.
thanks, just wondering.
Well I think that if TPTB want this whole thing about Sara's fate kept secret until season 8 starts I can't see them letting any info out in advance. I do agree it's a publicity stunt. I almost wish JF would not return so so GSR would end, that's how much I detest it.
Whoever made this avatar was right!!


What a pretty crime solving team they'd make!

TPTB, are you listening? :lol:
Hey, let's spread word of the Love and tell them to come here.

So many times I've seen fans, but they don't come to the Fort. Which is understandable because you can't expect all the fans to be in one spot.

Though, I think if spread the word and told everyone this is where a lot of us chat all the time, they might come.

Hell, maybe I'm the ignorant one and there's a place where fans chat even more. Besides LJ's becuase I hate them. :p
LJs are a lot better than Yahoo!Groups. Those things tick me off, for the sole reason that they keep eating my posts. Bugs me, that.

Well, the thread seems to be doing okay. There certainly have been a lot of other theories as to why the boys are kept apart that we wouldn't even consider. I think we have all developed an opinion of our boys in our mind and hold them in high regard, thus we really can't see them as flawed.

Of course, the whole thing about Greg making too many mistakes bugged me. Catherine has made way more mistakes than him...
You know what buggs me to no end??

When Catherine and Sara got hurt (cut on the face) they both wear their hair off their face to expose it more. I'm sure it's the directors fault but it's really annoying. "A Little Murder" and "Weeping Willows" for Cath, and "Empty Eyes" for Sara.

Plus, in WW, when Catherine shows up on the case with the cut on her cheek. Everyone's in awe. What happened!!??


Sorry, that's terrible.
^^ lmfao

This is the only place I come to talk about The Love, I only use lj for graphic showing-off purposes :lol:
I don't like LJ's cause they're CONFUSING! and Myspace's are evil. I have this friend who was harrassed - someone hacked into it and posted her address and phone number and basically said "I'm a whore, come get me" - on one and now I'm almost scared to have one.

Plus, I have random profiles and blogs on dozens of other sites, I don't need a website for JUST THAT.
LOL yeah.
I was harassed on myspace too quite a bit. Someone just started to today, grrr...

But I can't get rid of it, that's how I keep in touch with all my friends. Guess you just gotta take the bad with the good :lol:
I always think I should open up my myspace again. Decorate it with power rangers and Nick/Greg.

Then get in touch with all of my friends from high school. lol

I'm bored, maybe I'll do that now.

How do you get layouts?
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