The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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lol. Yeah, "Toe Tags" wasn't much at all. And if you count the novels you have "Snake Eyes" - Warrick and Greg were left behind to hold down fort at CSI while everyone else headed out to a gang shooting in the middle of nowhere.

And for the San Francisco case, if it happens, the logical choices would be Greg and Sara since they have both worked/lived there in the past. But hopefully it's Greg and Nick. There were enough Greg and Sara cases in Season 5.
That's why we have to hurry and write to TPTB. You never know. They might actually listen to us. :D

Hey I was thinking of something.

Say there's a funny situation or even a heart-felt situation (not romantic, though it would be nice) where one of the boys tells the other that he loves him. Just casually and maybe they'll imply "like a brother." We can take it as something more, but it would be interesting if CSI did something like that in first place. :D
I'd like to see a moment between the guys like there was in " Anonymous" between Warrick and Nick, where Nick told Warrick "I hate you", and Warrick replied "You love me". I moment like that between Nick and Greg would be great, and can be read any way.

Oh, and word is the writers from 'Two and a Half Men' might be scripting some episodes. Still in the works, though. I wonder what they can pull out for us if they do. :D
Huh, if they let them write episodes, we should be allowed to.

Loki and I came up with something like that. Where they hold a contest and whoever wins gets to write an episode of CSI. And they have to do it no matter what.

That MAY be wishful thinking ;), but you never know!

I'm sure we all agree on what we should write. :devil:
Oh, definitely. And we can all sit around the writers table, sprouting our ideas back and forth, and I'll convert them into a screenplay.

The question would be how much we would be able slide past the CBS censors... :devil:
I'm sure we could get away with a ton of stuff. Cause I'm sure that a TV-14 show can do more than CSI usually does.

Remember those two college kids at the beginning of "Iced?"

I'm thinking about something like that. But more romantic and hot. Only because of the two participants.
oh, yes! We can do the shower scene in my dream! Mmmmmmmm yummy :devil: :rolleyes:

I WOULD write, but I'm actually not much of a writer, and really wouldn't know what to say, or even how to get my point across.
But we're all going to brainstorm first and then Clarrisani's going to write the screenplay. :D

It's a win-win situation. I can't wait until this contest actually exsists so we all can enter and then one of us will be the winner and we'll have the story all ready!
I'm really going to regret saying this everyone, but...writers, especially writers for tv, get well, kinda angry when someone questions them. Maybe we should just sit back and observe. But of course, I usually have a worst case scenario outlook, I just don't want Nick or Greg killed off or George or Eric fired.
I think you're definately getting the wrong idea.

We already decided to keep Nick, Greg, George and Eric out of this.

We're just going to express our opinions and concerns for the show. Nick and Greg might be mentioned, but they aren't the only ones we're going to be talking about.

Less GSR and Catherine, more Warrick and Greg. Maybe we'll sneak in something about Nick and Greg needing to work on a case. We're hoping to have some Nick/Greg subtext as a result of anything they do. Even if it isn't about Nick and/or Greg. :)
Some writers might get mad about someone questioning their show, but it's a very different thing to show concern and what the fans would like to see, which, as far as I know, is something they WANT to know. At least for the most part. I don't know about the writers of CSI, though, but you know, for the most part :lol: I don't think anything we would say would be bad enough for them to take it out on the actors, or kill a character off.
I really don't see them freaking out and saying "You mean, some fans DON'T like what we're doing! Well, I never!" and then storm off the plan some more cruel/stupid things for the characters.

If they don't like what we say, they'll just do what they want to do. You know, like what they're doing already.
I think if they disagree with our point of view they will just file our letters away in the nearest trash can. But I think the more letters they get requesting GSR end and the Nick & Greg work together might get their attention. Never know. I sent out letters a few weeks ago.

I buttered them up first, told them everything I loved about season 7, like Greg's story arc and some other eps I liked then I told them what I didn't like (mostly GSR) and what I'd like to see changed.

*Nick & Greg working together
*more Warrick (end his marriage)
*No more GSR
*more team dynamics
*more variety in the teams
*no more charaters lives in danger
*bring back Greg's zany humor!!
*less Hodges
stuff like that, I covered everything not just N/G
I don't mind characters live's in danger because that just makes for a good story. Of course, there has to be assured evidence that they'll be okay. I don't want any deaths.

I agree with everything else you said.

However, not just less Hodges, but less of all the lab rats. Archie is my favorite and Archie Kao is my personal hero, but other than that I can't stand the rest of them.
My problem with Hodges is that he is just annoying and sticks to Grissom like glue, the main thing is thay TPTB are trying to make him the comic relief instead of giving that job back to Greg, I know Greg's job as a CSI required him to be serious but please, that does not mean he can't be funny now and then. Hodges is not funny, he's annoying.
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