The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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greglabmouse said:
Some writers might get mad about someone questioning their show but it's a very different thing to show concern and what the fans would like to see, which as far as I know, is something they WANT to know

I think you're right. And that's the reason TPTB recently created the CSI boards. To know what fans would like to see on the show.

Wojo said:
My problem with Hodges is that he is just annoying and sticks to Grissom like glue, the main thing is thay TPTB are trying to make him the comic relief instead of giving that job back to Greg, I know Greg's job as a CSI required him to be serious but please, that does not mean he can't be funny now and then. Hodges is not funny, he's annoying.

My thoughts exactly.

Lately, there have been too many "comical" scenes involving Nick and other characters: Hodges, Mandy, Wendy, etc....I think that wasted screentime should belong to Nick and Greg, like they used to do in earlier seasons.

Remember the CHEMISTRY on their scenes together. There's NO comparison... ;)





OMG! I just figured it out! GHR!! Grissom/Hodges...wait, ewwww. You're right, Hodges clings to Grissom more then Sara, that cannot be healthy.

Why end Warrick's marriage? Even if it is totally random.
Well, as a YoBling fan (Catherine and Warrick) I want him to break up with his wife so he can get together with her.

Plus, I think the only reason they had Warrick get married was so that Catherine got jealous and we knew that she liked him. It's for YoBling, not against it.
In TGTBTD he said maybe it would of worked out, or something like that. So you know that him and Tina are at least seperated. So him getting a divorse is pretty set. It just has to happen.

I like Hodges...when he's like in ONE scene and episode. If he ever ends up in the opening credits, I'll be pissed.

I think they should definately cut down on his time. I'm sure there were some episodes where he was in it more than Greg. Plus, Greg doesn't like him.
As soon as Hodges joined the show in S3 he's always had more screen time that Greg. Before him Greg always did both DNA and trace, why'd they need someone new? this why I resent him.

I agree with Twins that Warrick's marriage was just a ploy to get him and Catherine apart. That way the writers could spend all their energy on GSR (which makes me sick), his marriage has been "On the rocks" for a long time now, I just want it over so that he can move on.

I hope our letters do some good, maybe they will take notice and allow Nick & Greg to work a case together next season. It's just so frustrating.

you know how they love to name eps after movie titles, a great one for a Nick & Greg centric episode (like them going to SF) would be: Nick & Greg's excellent adventure
No, the writers like YoBling too, it's just that GSR gets in the way.

There was an article last summer, after season 6 where TPTB said they were definately going to explore YoBling. I think they were going to do it, but the MK/GSR storyline was to hard to fit around. So now we're waiting for season 8 for it.

I plan on them ingoring A LOT of the things we say. But Catherine being the most hated character (which I'm loving to tell them) will hopefully convince them to give us less of her.

There's also a few random things that I hope they'll listen too. Including Nick and Greg working together. As much as some fans hate GSR, I think there are plenty of fans who like it. But a lot of fans 2nd favorite ship is YB, so I definately see a chance of that happenening.

I plan to give them a lot of my personal statistics. Just polls and other random stuff that I've seen accross the Internet on CSI fan sites.
IMHO Sara is more hated than Catherine, I like Catherine myself and as far as seeing her less, I seriously doubt that would happen because she is the lead female on the show. Marg and William are the stars, the rest are supporting cast. I don't like Cath getting all the drama but those eps are higher rated. So you can ask for less Cath drama but they won't show her less in general.
Someone was saying something about what we know about the characters. Catherine - Is there anything about her we don't know? lol

We barely know anything about some of the other character's personal lives. I understand that Catherine's the main female character, but I really wish they would cut down on her drama. How many times can her and Lindsay have things happen to them. Thank god her dad's dead.

After everything settles from the premier of season 8 we better have some light stories to fall back on. With Nick/Greg interaction, YoBling, less lab rats and some episodes with A and B stories. Less "high profiles cases" too. That's getting old.
I'm agreeing with most of all of this, but I have to admit... I LOVE Hodges. I wouldn't want them to cut down on him, really. He's taken Greg's place as the 'main lab guy' I don't like that he has taken his place as 'main comic relief, too, though...

And before this season I always said I didn't have a least favorite character, but after all this I have to say Cath has taken up that spot. I just wish they would make equal time for everyone in an episode. They can keep the drama-filled scenes to the main character or whatever, but at least split up the rest of the scenes equally.
I personally don't like how they filled up the lab tech spot after Greg left. No one can replace him.

I also think they should give characters equal time. I understand that Cath and Grissom will always be up top. But cut down on their drama and just give them the A cases.

We haven't seen Grissom and Catherine work together a whole lot in a bit, they can do that again. Warrick, Sara, Greg, and Nick can split the b-stories equally. Now this can't happen every episode, but that would be a good way to keep it even. I'm also sick of the entire team working on cases. All the characters don't get enough screen time. Greg usually gets shafted the most. >(
Just saw Leaving Las Vegas. Made a point of timing how much screentime Warrick and Greg got. If anything good came out of that episode, it was the fact that Sara had just as much screentime as them - next to none.

I'm definitely going to send something in from Australia. I am sick to death of having to curl up in a ball and groan through the GSR scenes. My god they are so awkward. These two used to have some semblance of chemistry. What the heck happened to it?

Australia is actually sliding away from GSR into Sandle I noticed. Since Grissom and Sara got together, the fans have started to loath it due to the fact they push it so much. That would probably be the key point in my letter. And Leaving Las Vegas proved that there needs to be less Catherine.

And I miss Nick and Greg working together. Can't wait for Fallen Idols...
Grissom's leaving was the highest rated episode here in the US! One problem I have is when CSI allows one or two charactors the centrl part of the episode while everyone else takes a back seat, alot of times this happens when it's centered on Catherine(I liek her I just don't want her to get all the attention). I am sick of GSR shoved down my throat, I can barly watch the show without getting pissed off at either that, or the lack of Greg or no Nick & Greg. I just want to enjoy the show again. I encourage you to write (and everyone else)
Our highest rated episode thus far was Fannysmackin', followed very closely by Post Mortem. The MCSK episodes actually don't fair so well. Everyone seems to be more interested in Greg. Not to mention those episodes were great for The Love.
>_> and they see said rating and say, OMG, they must want some more GSR and less Greg?!

Blah, I relized I don't mind Sara that much she just gets annoying after a while, however, recently, Catherine has began to grind my nerves...
Catherine bugged me in Leaving Las Vegas with the whole 'pop a button every time you answer' thing. That was taking the stripper thing waaaay too far.

We had lots of Nick in LLV, so that was okay. But the only scene with Greg was Grissom talking about his court case. I don't know why they even bothered save to say 'hey, we haven't forgotten', then procede to forget about it for most of the season.

I hope they bring the James family back in S8 and Nick has to help Greg through it. It will certainly make things interesting.
The whole show is just giving me a headache right now. I think they've veered too much off the point of the show for the sake of good ratings. Bleh.

Good news, though, my mom came home with season 1 today, so I can go back to the good old times.

Anal swabs, HO!
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