The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Carol Mendelsohn is attending a television conference in Canada and she has told the reporters CSI is going on location in San Francisco during season 8.

They should send Nick and Greg there and make a new spin-off: a sort of gay "Murder She Wrote". :lol:
Messers_cupcake said:
hi guys!!

omg i can't believe what i saw. E/G might be together?? wow that's a story. i have never heard about it before so it's kinda a surprise for me. I don't watch LV regulary but i like them even if i think that Greg's changed since season six... i liked him more before. Funny that's kinda 'romance' between co-workers i'd never expect... i guess that would be the first fic-ship who exist in RL too... :lol: ;)


Welcome Messers_cupcake , might is the right word, it is only unconfirmed rumors at this point but it is possible.

seabird said:
Carol Mendelsohn is attending a television conference in Canada and she has told the reporters CSI is going on location in San Francisco during season 8.

They should send Nick and Greg there and make a new spin-off: a sort of gay "Murder She Wrote". :lol:

That would be so cool if Greg and Nick went to SF!! I know fat chance, but we can dream.
twins1729 said:
I'm glad that most of us here are older, and if they aren't, at least they act older. I have to deal with enough pre-teens in the real world.
AHAHA. I'm not a preteen, but I'm not an adult either.

It's been so LONG since I've been here! I only caught up now and I'm deathly afraid of having a few more pages to read by tomorrow night...Oh no..Oh crap. I had a really really good point and then completely forgot about it.

Considering that I'm not going to be here for the next week and a half (classes that take up my entire day), I'm not sure if I'll add into the RR or not...Maybe later, if the writing class I have hasn't stolen all my energy and actually decent plot lines. -shakes head- Stupid me. Being a writer. And that stupid 'I'm smarter than you!' kid doesn't get me to stab my eyes out. I forgot what was going on.
Holy nutso I missed a lot in only a few hours...

Has Greg really worked with everyone else besides Nick? I don't remember him having a case with just Warrick or Catherine, maybe it's not intentional. (giving TPTB the benefit of the doubt, I know)
Greg worked with Warrick the novel "Snake Eyes" and primarily with him in "Spellbound" . And Greg's worked with Catherine on a couple of occasions. Can't remember the episodes off the top of my head. Too tired.
He kind of works as her assistant a lot in season 4. But maybe never alone. I don't know. lol

When I write to whomever. I plan on saying that even though I'm technically as GSR fan, it's really too much for me. I also want to say that a lot of fans are sick of Catherine and we really don't need to hear more about her. Plus the lack of Warrick, and Nick and Greg. Though we don't neccessarily want to say anything about us being shippers, just fans of both characters and realizing that they never have scenes together anymore.
Best avoid saying anything about being shippers. I'm going to turn on the good old 'media critic' and talk about things like editing, camerawork, storyline etc. That way I can play with the relevancy of certain scenes to plot development. :devil:

Using examples of what we deam as 'good episodes' would help too, I think. Give them some idea of what we like. For me, I like things like "Rashomama" and "Gum Drops". All comes down to the way it's put together. That and they had lots of Nick and Greg.

I'll say that I did like "Fallen Idols," but I'll also tell them what other season 7 episodes I liked. Hopefully they'll think I'm a Greg fan before anything. :p

Fannysmackin', Post Mortem, Big Shots.

I really DIDN'T enjoy any of the episodes that revovled around Catherine too much. I did like Redrum because I thought they were all against her. Then it was kind of bull how they forgave her in a half-second. I really wish they would have continued with hurt Nick. :(
Catherine has gotten under my skin, she is not that good of a leader at all. She tries to act like she knows what she is doing when she doesn't.

San Francisco? You don't think this is gonna be about Greg do you?
Oh, I forgot about that.

If they send someone it better be Nick and Greg or neither at all. So they can be home together.

Catherine and Warrick went to Florida in "Cross Jurisdictions," Brass went to Hollywood in "Hollywood Brass" :p, Grissom went to "Jackpot". I know that last one isn't far, but that was an episode where he left.

So Nick, Greg and Sara are left. IMO Sara should stay with Grissom.

So...*gasp* Nick and Greg to Gay City USA alone. Can't get much better than that. Lol :D :devil:
Wojo said:

Welcome Messers_cupcake , might is the right word, it is only unconfirmed rumors at this point but it is possible.
thanks wojo!!

i know it's just a rumor... but still you don't hear such stuff often.... I mean it's okay, they can do what they want it was just a surprise for me :D
Greg has worked cases with both Catherine and Warrick but never just them alone, the cases involved at least someone else from the team, he's never worked a case alone with anyone other than Sara or Grissom.
Now it's all beginning to make sense. lol

Though just with Catherine though. Greg worked with Warrick in "Toe Tags." ;)

But Catherine is a given since she's so high up in the ranking. Nick is something more to think about.
Greg did work a case with Cath once, back when he was wanting to become a CSI. The episode escapes me, but I remember Nick saying that he was happy Greg was working the case and learning.
That was After the Show, that is true but since he has become a CSI he hasn't. However Nick & Sara were still on the case if I remember right but Cath & Greg were the main ones.

Twins, Your right too, I forgot about Toe Tags, that's how memerable it was (or wasn't)
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