The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Jeez, we could go out on a limb and write WP or something. I really can't think of any executive producers off the top of my head.

I really only know Carol, and even if it wasn't about GSR, I think something about Nick and Greg would be WAY at the bottom of her list.

Damn, we did a whole page of post just chatting. lol
Not just chatting - we were on topic.

Maybe we should send it to Carol, and put a PS reading 'and don't disregard this just because it isn't Grissom/Sara - a lot of fans have noticed really do want to know'. Never know, we may end up with some sort of response. And if more than one of us sends a letter asking, the higher the chance we will get a response of some kind.
Okay, if a few of us send letters, that would be cool. We could all send them to multiple people as well. The whole killing two birds with one stone thing. lol

Well, yeah we're on topic! We're kicking serious Nick/Greg ass! lol I'm just surprised that we got through page 9. lol

EDIT: Someone's reading it! lol
I'm not. We were having a good debate at one point there, so we were bound to go over a page. See, this is what happens when more than one member of the Fort is online. :p

I doubt we'd get any sort of response from WP - he's already inundated with letters from fans, no doubt. We'll have to do our homework - who's the producers? Chief story editors? Key writers? That's what we need to find out. Then where to write too.

EDIT: Reply on the 'Why Is This?" thread
And that's awesome!!!!

Yes, you do that. Find all of the TPTB to write to and then post their names. Ask all members of the Fort to write to as many as they can.

About the reply. It's like they're saying that Nick and Greg are both immature in their own ways. At least that's what I got.
That's the impression I got as well. See, there's a response we never thought of. If people continue to post their insights there's going to be quite a collection that we never considered. And honestly, I don't think maturity is the reason. Well, not in Nick's case, anyway.

I'm going to go hunt around imdb and see what names I come up with. I'm not sure how to find out how to contact them though. Might need to ask someone else about that.
Okay, that can be your project as I head to dream-land. lol

It's almost 5am here. And as much as I'd love to keep chatting and getting to page 11, I must say goodnight.

BTW - I posted a response and feel free to do one yourself. Adding what you said about Nick not being immature. Becuase I don't really think he is, but I could see their opinion.

I'll check on the post in the morning. :)
Almost 7pm here, and I'm starving. Better go put the sausages on the grill, then hit the shows and finish the year 7 report comments so I have less to do on them tomorrow. Then I can't start the year 9 reports. Fun!

I'll put together the list and post it. Hopefully someone can help us with the addresses, unless they're all care of CBS. Could be.

I might go take a look at your response and write that Nick isn't inmature in my eyes. Get the conversation going. Sleep well! And you get better, okay?
This is TPTB address, I was going to suggest that we write and let our feelinga about GSR and Nick & Greg working together be known. You can bet your ass that GSR fans are writing, they are organized like Terrorists.

Name you want to send to
c/o CBS Television
7800 Beverly Blvd., Room 18
Los Angeles, CA 90

Or you can write at this address (or both)

Name of the writer you want to send your feedback to
c/o CSI
100 Universal City Plaza
Bldg. 2128 Suite B
Universal City, CA 91608
Thank you Wojo!

I just checked the list of current producers, and WP is listed as only being 2000-2006, and CM only as a writer. The current Producers are as follows:

Jerry Bruckheimer
Jonathan Littman
Kim Cybulski
Naren Shankar
Kenneth Fink

I'm eyeing off Naren Shankar myself, or Kenneth Fink. Or we could just write to the big man himself - Bruckheimer. :devil:

It is indeed time we write. And if you head over to imdb, there is a full list of writers including what years they have written for. Just look for those that are still current. Let's see if we can get GSR reduced to a more tolerable level, and have Nick and Greg finally work a case together! Or, at the least, just plain more Greg.
And more Warrick of course and less Catherine! lol

But I definatley plan to write several of them and I hope everyone else joins.

Sound disappointed, not mean. And try to give them pointers, don't tell them what to do.

Even though it'd be nice to say, hey I like GSR, but I don't need to see ALL THE TIME. You're ruining it for me and I'm sick of it already. Don't you realize what you're doing? You're hurting your own kind.

Oh, and thanks Wojo!!!
I think we shouldn't try it...I mean, come on, we are bound to get carried away and mention something pertaining to George/Eric, maybe we should let it alone, and see what happens. I know for a fact directors, producers, and writers get pissy if questioned.
I think the best way to go is to just write and tell them you miss Nick & Greg working together and asked them give them cases together, I don't think asking them why is a good idea either. I wrote to about 6 procuders, including WP and Davis Rambo too, and the President of CBS Les Moonves.

I told them I thought GSR was ruining the show and we got way too much of it shoved down our throats.

* More continuty
* more Warrick
* more variety in the parings

ETC... I reall think it's the best way to go, just ask that they work together, Eric & George will give us great subtext on their own. I'm just worried if we go about it the wrong way it could spell trouble for G & E and we don't want that do we?
Again make sure you include your distaste for GSR! thanks
hi guys!!

i have never posted here before... actually i have never been on this thread until yesterday... i just by accident opened this thread and read the first post...

omg i can't believe what i saw. E/G might be together?? wow that's a story. i have never heard about it before so it's kinda a surprise for me. I don't watch LV regulary but i like them even if i think that Greg's changed since season six... i liked him more before. Funny that's kinda 'romance' between co-workers i'd never expect... i guess that would be the first fic-ship who exist in RL too... :lol: ;)

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