The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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LV. If we do it in General, it'd get shifted back to LV. And don't ask me to sound smart! Yes I'm a teacher, but that doesn't mean I'm smart! Mentally drained here, remember? Reports? Speaking of which, I really must get off youTube and get back to work...
Lol, well do you want me to make it then?

In the CSI: LV thread.

I'll try to be neautral and keep it simple. It'll be the last thing I do before I go to bed.
We probably should plan it out a bit before we post. Maybe something like.

"Anyone else noticed that Nick and Greg have never worked a case together? Sure they've worked together on team cases or with another CSI, but never just the two of them. They're the only ones.

So, I pose this question to you: why? What theories do you have as to why Nick and Greg have never been assigned to a case without another CSI? Does Grissom keep them apart for a reason? Is there something else going on that means they can't be assigned together? Is it protectiveness or lack of trust? What do you think?"

So what do you think? What title should we give it? And I can do it if you want me to. I'm going to hang around and watch for responses.
Yeah, that sounds great. I'll stick around for a minute to see if we get any responses right away. If not, when you're sleeping I'll be awake to watch it. :)

Maybe "Why do they keep Nick and Greg apart?" or something similar. Maybe why don't they work together? Whatever sounds best.

EDIT: Remember to say that it's only about Nick and Greg, not the actors.
I'm a little reluctant to use "Why do they keep Nick and Greg apart?" because of the homophobes. They would read something negative into it, not bother to read the actual post, and then procede to post something way off topic. Probably need to be a little clearer. Not sure how, because it is a great title, but still. You know how some people seem to be.
Maybe something more simple that really doesn't say what it's about.

"Why is this?"

Or just something about asking a question or needing help. Clear and simple, just to get people to click on it. Then they can see what we're talking about in the actual post.
I likr "Why is this?" It does make them have to read the post. Maybe "Why is this? Your theories". That way we're posing the question, and asking for a response.
Sure, that sounds good.

Go ahead and post it and I'll go and see it. We can chat here a little longer to see if we get any other responses.

I hope we get some good and thought-out answers. :D
Okay, I've posted it. I was very tempted it give it a question mark icon on the new post, but I decided against it. Now it's just a matter of time to see if anyone responds. I say we lurk the 'Who's On' and see if anyone looks in. :p
Sounds great! And it looks good too. I plan to keep up with it. I'm not sure if I want it to last a while or day. I guess depending on what kind of answers we get. lol

I'm gonna change into my pajamas real quick and then I'll pop back to see if anythings going on.
I'm hoping for some kind of response. I mean, we've debated the topic in here, but it will be great to hear what other people think. And then we'll be able to discuss if further in here and have other opinions to look at, fall back on and talk about.

And who knows, maybe TPTB will notice said thread and responses (if we get any) and keep it in mind when creating Season 8.
That's a wonderful thought. TPTB listening to fans. lol

For me, it's unrealistic that Nick and Greg have never worked a case alone. And if it's said that they did, like they mention a previous case that was never an episode, that Nick and Greg worked alone on a case. Then it would feel like they were teasing us and we would know for sure that it was a George/Eric thing, not a Nick/Greg thing.

Until then, I'm excited for other opinions.
Yeah? That would be absolutely amazing!

It is unrealistic. I'm no expect on CSIs and allocating assignments, but I doubt it happens unless there is some sort of dislike between the two CSIs, and Nick and Greg are good friends. I kinda do hope we get some sort of reaction from TPTB. Maybe we should write to one of the producers or writers and ask them if there is any reason why Nick and Greg have never worked together, or if it is just an oversight.

I'm excited too!
Maybe we should. And have it be from all of us! lol

Ask them, just like the post. Why would Nick and Greg never work together. Unless, there is NO reason except a George and Eric reason. But if they don't want to say so, maybe they'll tell us a good enough Nick/Greg reason. Even if it's not entirely truthful.

Though I wouldn't want that, it'd be something.
It would. The question would be, who to write too. Carol never answers anything that isn't GSR related, apparently, or so rumours say. And you'd need someone higher up that still works on the show.
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