The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Hey, don't pick on me. The episode doesn't air here until Novemeber, remember? And since omaetoy stopped uploading it takes me a lot longer to find clips. As it is I found that particular clip on a Billy Petersen website.

Y'know, I've got to wonder. Was that looked planned? Or did Eric and the editors give us some fan service? :p
Yes, you have to you think the ass checking from "The Hunger Artist" was actually written in the script?.

In season one, Sara asked Nick which he liked better: leather or lace. He hesitated at first, but finally, he said: "Lace".

Clarrisani said:

And, finally, there is the line in "Dark Motives" when Nick finds a pair of lacy womens underwear, and what does he say? "Think these will fit on me?" Well, something like that. Need to play that game again...

Well, now we know for sure that Nick likes lace! :devil:

And don't forget he doesn't like boobies...


...and he's an ass man! ;)


He's so NOT a ladies man! :lol:
No he's not. If he was, he'd have a girlfriend. It's the biggest "duh" I say to fans who think he's straight. Greg's not so obvious, and was never described as a ladies man. But he doesn't have a girlfriend either. I'd say that's another great "duh."

Especially after Nick said that the implants were "too big for his taste," and in my opinion they weren't that big at all. Plus, he's an ass man, and that just futhur more justifies him checking out Greg's ass. Plus, we know that Greg has a nice ass, so it works with that too!

Lol, okay Clarrisani you're off the hook! :p
*huge sigh of relief* Good. You had me worried for a moment there. :p

I know that once I finish all this bloody marking I'm definitely going to play Dark Motives again, especially now that I've downloaded the patch so that the cases are in English and not French. Interesting quirk, that.

Y'know, I've been lingering around CatNip lately, and I've noticed that they have been given a lot more fan service than us. Wouldn't it have been great if it was Nick and Greg that went out dancing? And we all know that that was a friend of Nick's that he went off with before heading home to his man. :devil:

Btw, head to the CSIWiki and watch the Catnip fan vids. Some of them are brilliant. We need more... Oh, and they're building a Nick/Greg/Gil section, so if anyone has any stories or vids... *hoping to outdo GSR with another ship* That's the thing that bugs me about the CSIWiki - it's turning into one big GSR worship. And my broadband crash trying to get into the main Music Videos page. Someone seriously needs to divide that area up into genres so it will load properly without killing computers.
CatNip is Catherine/Nick. Lately I've been beginning to pay more attention to the het ships of CSI, and my two faves in terms of het are CatNip and Sandle. My overall favourite, however, is Cuff'Em - Brass/Sofia.

And as much as I love the arse check, I prefer the looks more! And that look in Living Doll is really starting to get to me...
I freakin' hate CatNip (YoBling fan), not as much as Snickers though, which I proudly refer to as "god-damn-snickers." :devil:

So, my dad owns his own convenient store, which we both work at. Sometimes he shops for random things at Sam's Club instead of a warehouse. Sometimes my step-mom gets things for our house there, because 5 kids are a lot. Anyway, she just bought this HUGE bag of small candies, like Halloween candy. Twix, Milky Way, 3 Muskateers, and...Snickers. So, I go out of my way BIG time not to eat a Snickers by accident or otherwise. That's how much I hate Snickers.

I really have been wanting to fix up that video section on the WIKI for a while. Since I'm not the only one complaining, maybe I'll actually do it. Plus, I saw your vids on the G/S/S page and they're cute. Not the biggest fan of threesomes, but I watched :D.

Hey, do you want me to delete the Shipping video I uploaded for you, or do you want me to keep it on my account?

Nick and Greg have the best subtext. Het, slash....whatever! It's the best.
I'll let you know with the Shipping vid. I plan to upload it next and will make the switch, then I'll PM you when I'm done. And in all honesty, only one of those vids was pure G/S/S, and that was "Loving You's A Dirty Job". "Unfaithful" was Greg cheating on Nick with Grissom, and Nick knows it. They're over at WMTDB if you want to keep them.

And they do have the best subtext. Best subtext I've ever seen in a show! Just wish TPTB would let our guys build on the sexual tension. That would be amusing...
That would be a nice way to go. Do it with humor...hmmm...

It doesn't have to be serious, it could be the comic relief on the show.

Of course they would still have to do it respectfully, and in good taste to the LGBT community.

What do you think?
It would be great. I personally think the best show with sexual tension at the moment is Bones. I swear I'm always on the edge of my seat saying "just kiss already!" and they always end up in humorous situations. And it could be comic relief for the show, added bonus being we might get to see funny Greg again. And I'm sure Eric would be glad to have him back.
I remember reading a discussion about gayness on CSI.

It seems there was a planned scene for an episode in which Bobby, the ballistic guy, talks to Sara about moving to the day shift so that he and his husband ;) could have more time to raise their newly-adopted daughter.
However, TPTB cut that scene because it "supposedly divulged too much about the character's private life". :rolleyes:

People commented that every other gay character who's shown up on CSI is either being a corpse (always as the result of a lover's quarrel), a perp, a street hustler or suicidally self loathing.

Then, they came to the conclusion that the proposed Bobby "revelation" would have been dutiful...but dull, whereas a Nick/Greg relationship doled up in teasing bits and pieces over the different seasons, would not only be valid in terms of the characters' bios but also sexy as hell. :devil:

*hopes TPTB are reading all those comments*

These two have the best chemistry:

I don't see why they didn't leave the Bobby scene in. A majority of CSI fans already knew that he was gay, and it would have gone well towards ammending the bad reputation that CSI has toward gay people. As you pointed out, they're represented in a poor light, and TPTB are denying CSIs only real gay relationship. You'd have to be making a point of ignoring it not to notice that there's something going on between Nick and Greg.

*Also hopes that TPTB are reading seabird's comments*
*Also hopes!*

Well Bobby is gay, because Gerald wants him to be (Gerald's gay, for anyone who didn't know). Even though it was unaired and everything.

Though, when it comes to the unaired pilot when supposably Nick and Catherine kissed, that's not canon IMO. Though some demented fans think it is. Becuase they went out of their way to change the storyline and cut that part out. TPTB didn't want it to happen and I doubt that George and Marg did.

But with Gerald, HE'S the one that wanted it to happen. It's just that TPTB not only thought that it showed too much of his personal life, but a characters personal life. Which they barely even do with the main characters. Plus, it was out of the blue and kind of stuck out from the rest of the episode. Gerald was upset, but didn't take it to heart because he somewhat agreed. Though, Gerald still says he's gay, even unaired.

But the Pilot never happened, because they changed it not to.
I agree CSI has a problem with how they show gay people. If they are not victims then they are supects. Too bad they cut the Bobby scene, it would be nice to show a gay person on CSI in a good light for a change.

Speaking of ships, my fave het ship is Catherine & Greg (I used to like Sandle until I began to hate Sara), don't know why but I love the way they interact and flirt.

I'm not so sure I want to see Nick & Greg become canon because TPTB would just ruin it somehow. My imagination and fic reading (and writing) is all I need. :) Right now I just want them to work a case together!!
twins1729 said:
I freakin' hate CatNip (YoBling fan), not as much as Snickers though, which I proudly refer to as"god-damn-snickers" :devil:

Nick and Greg have the best subtext. Het, slash....whatever! It's the best.

I couldn't agree you more!. On both accounts. :)

George has said in interviews that he never liked the Kristy story line or the making out scene with Cath, finally cut from the "Pilot". He said that, when he did that scene "he had just come off a show called "Grapevine", where he played a womanizer, a sleeping-around kind of guy", so he thought that was one of those deals. But now, he thinks that "their contributions are much more substantial, behind the camera as well as in the front".

And he has also said this:

"As long as we stay away from making it just too slick and too cool and too kinda, you know, "get the girl", as long as we play against type, and continue to do that, I'll be happy".

Playing against stereotypes and some guy just not wanting the girls..... Of course, he doesn't want to get the girl. He just wants his Greggo! ;)

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