The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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Of the very few Nick/Greg scenes in season 5, that is a great one.

If only Greg had a minute to himself, he could've snuck of with Nick to the show.

Some other good season 5 Shot Sherlock?...What's Eating Gilbert'm thinking.

Okay, anyone else?
Ha, it's been so long since I watched WWSH...being that I slept all day and am now doing...nothing, I should watch it.

But, I don't remember it...what happens? -feels stupid- Ack. Actually, I don't remember either of those... Bah! Maybe I'll just go watch. And write...Yeah.
I had SUCH a weird dream last night. I was on the set of the TV show Supernatural, I was actually working there, (God, I wish) and there was a set visit from George, Eric, Marg and Jorja. They were sitting in a booth at the restaurant (yes there was a restaurant for some reason) and I went over and introduced myself. George and Eric were facing eachother on the inside of the booth, Jorja beside Eric and Marg beside George. George immediately stuck his hand out to shake, and then Eric did too. Marg and Jorja just said hi. Then I asked Eric could I have a private word with him, so he slipped out of the booth and we went for a walk. I turned around to him and said "OK, this is the thing. You've got to show that Greg is gay." and he was like "What?" and I went on to say "Greg is obviously gay, but he's never actually said it. You have to find a way to say it. I wanted to say this to George as well, about Nick, but I thought you'd be easier to talk to." He just nodded.

Then we walked on and bumped into TR Knight from Grey's Anatomy and I was all "TR will talk to you about this some more" and went back to whatever I was working on on the set.

I have no idea what goes on in my head sometimes.
Serenity said:
"I wanted to say this to George as well, about Nick, but I thought you'd be easier to talk to."
Ahahaha. That was simply the greatest bit. I'm not sure why. It's always so much more amusing to hear others dreams...I'm not quite sure why...
Clarrisani said:
One of my favourite season 5 scenes, that one. I actually screencaped it with the subtitles - Greg was definitely wanting to go join Nick in that shower. And who knows, the reason Nick said it was probably because he knew Greg was there...

I sometimes wonder if it did happen because when Nick arrived at the crime scene Sara said "You are so late!" Did Greg slip into Nick's shower after all? Hmmmm

I changed my avi...again :)
Clarrisani said:
"Dark Motives" when Nick finds a pair of lacy womens underwear, and what does he say? "Think these will fit on me?" Well, something like that. Need to play that game again...
o_O he says that?! I've gotta finish that game... and you're right about the several types of stereotypes, but then again, I try to avoid stereotypes as much as I can. But, I've never seen Queer As Folk, so I can't really compare Nick and Brian.

As for the comment of Nick coming off as gay, I think Hodges making that comment would be perfect XD.
Nicole was just talking to one of our gay friends from California and he also said he never watched QAF.

She said that gay guys like Sex and the City more than QAF and he said that he did like SATC. lmao!

I don't like sterotypes either, but they do exist and they're usually correct. As bad as some are.

Lastly, I loved that dream!
Queer as Folk was created for and marketed toward women, so it really doesn't surprise me if gay men don't watch it. And honestly, I hate stereotypes myself, but mankind just has this habit of unconsciously using them, that's all.

But Nick just has this gay thing about him, that's all. I swear, take Nick to LA and CSI Matt Glazer's gaydar will be going off again.

EDIT: Just watched the clip where Grissom tells the team about him and Sara (didn't have the sound on), and Greg looks straight at Nick. Interesting.
Wow I missed a lot. I got whisked away to my grandma's this weekend... the old lady has no internet... *bangs head on desk*

Ok, time to play catch-up. I've missed a lot of little moments like those I think. And did he really say that in DM?? I swear I beat that one, but I don't remember that! *makes mental note to play again*

I wouldn't know about stereotype gays, because all of my gay friends are different, and I'm pretty dense on that kind of stuff anyway :lol: but one of my gay friends watches CSI, I used to watch it with him, actually (he has a crush on Nick, lol) I should ask him what he thinks about the boys. Besides that I only have one friend that watches CSI enough to have an opinion, and he has always thought Nick was at least bi (and I trust him, he's an acting major, being taught how to portray a closet gay character, lol)


Twins, I started taking notes on my first chapter, so I'll get started actually writing soon :)

On another note, I'm planning on getting WoW this summer to play and help me in my CSI withdrawl, lol, but it got me wondering, if Nick and Greg were in the game, I wonder what classes they would be? I think Greg would make a good rogue, or bard maybe... I don't know about Nick though... lol, sorry, that's the geek in me talking...
Hi Loki, yeah I've been trying to work on that too. lol

EDIT: Just watched the clip where Grissom tells the team about him and Sara (didn't have the sound on), and Greg looks straight at Nick. Interesting.

That's what I said. lol

And I said they better let us believe that since there was only one scene with Greg in the finale.
I've watched that scene several times and Greg definitely is looking at Nick.

If you like Nick/Greg AU fics, go to What Makes The Desert Beautiful or nickngreg LJ and read "Stokes, Sanders and the Lost Tribe of Samartia".

Perfect characterizations, great dialogues, adventures in the jungle, a lost diadem...and the boys falling in love. ;)

Amazing fic. *off to read the new chapter*
I've been reading that fic and I agree, it's really good. It's suspensful, and very exciting to read, and oh yeah the falling in love...sweet

Yep, Greg does look at Nick in that scene, it's very telling isn't it?
It is. It makes me think that there is definitely something going on, because it was a very careful look. And the timing was perfect. Grissom reveals the relationship, and Greg looks at Nick like 'we're not the only ones hiding here'. Has me tempted to write a short fic, that look. Can't wait for the episode to screen here.

I do dub thee look "The Knowing Look"... :cool:
Yay! A new moment. Took you all a while to finally see it though. I mentioned it the night of the airing. JK :p

I can't wait for the premiere even more. Screw Sara and GSR. What's going on with that look?!

I made some more bannger GIFS again.

If for some reason you like it you can use it.


My other one is my new banner.
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