The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #15

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So, if I got an invatation to facebook its from you and not spam???? lol

I'll join anything Nick and Greg, but no, I don't have an account yet. I'll wait and see what others think.

You know, sometimes it seems like it may be Eric's doing for what subtext we do have. Then again, sometimes it feels like, if anything, Nick has a crush on Greg. So, I don't know.

You all have to agree that Nick (and George) is stereotypically gay. He's fit and shaves, he's sensetive and a romantic. I'm sorry, but his flame just burns. Greg can be thought of as gay also, but in a different manner.
twins1729 said:
Then again, sometimes it feels like, if anything, Nick has a crush on Greg. So, I don't know.

You all have to agree that Nick (and George) is stereotypically gay. He's fit and shaves, he's sensetive and a romantic. I'm sorry, but his flame just burns. Greg can be thought of as gay also, but in a different manner.

I agree with what you are saying about Nick, he just seems that his ladies man reputation is just that. He's not too knowledgable when it comes to women. Plus he is an ass man!

Greg on the other hand, well I just get the feeling he's Bi (and Eric may be too) since he's an equal opportunity flirter. Admittedly had a crush on Sara (god only knows why) but he flirts with Nick and Nick is the one who flirts back.
I know! I think Sara may have been flattered back when he "liked" her, but I don't think she ever flirted back or even liked him back in the least. She's always had it BAD for Grissom.

I remember in Nesting Dolls when Catherine made a comment about the Russian women not speaking English and Warrick said that was the point, or that it was better. Catherine laughed but was disgusted, but Nick was just confused. lmao He litterally said "What?"

EDIT: I found the quote, poor Nicky, he's so not straight. :p

Warrick (Nick sits looking at the pictures of mail-order brides): Find anything you like, buddy? (Nick chuckles)
Catherine: So, you can't sell your kids, but you can buy their mother.
Nick (reading from the screen what the mail-order bride wants): "I'm looking for kindest, noble man." Well, I got news for you, sugar pants. Buying women ain't that noble.
Warrick: Well, life's short. Dating's complicated. This makes it much simpler, doesn't it?
Catherine: It's not supposed to be simple. Complicated is the whole point.
Warrick: It is?
Catherine: Yeah.
Nick: Hey, wait a mintue, you're not telling me you're into this stuff?
Warrick: Me? No. But for a guy who's over 40, lonely, tired of the bar scene, (Catherine just shakes her head) got a little cash, wants to buy himself a sweet honey, be his companion...
Nick: He needs a translator 'cause you're not even speaking the same language.
Warrick: That's the best part.
Catherine (groans and rolls her eyes): Ugh...! (walks out and Warrick chuckles)
Nick (clueless): Best part of what?
In my opinion as the gay guy here, George being fit and shaven and is sensitive and romantic doesn't make him sterotypically gay. If he was sterotypically gay then he wouldn't be as jockish and *drools* masculine, maybe he is naturally smooth? Hmm, I shall consult my friend Sari, she is able to sniff out a gay guy from miles away. But hey this is just my opinon.

OOOO I got one of the CSI books today, Grave Matters <3

About facebook, I got one too, I'd love a group for our boys!

About the quote, maybe Nick is just...naive? :devil: Or something else....
Well, basically the only reason I know anything is because of Queer as Folk. :)

Hey, that guy from Fraiser just admitted that he was gay finally. I'm sure we all saw that coming. :)

Though, if you watch, basically any scene between Nick and Greg, just by the way they may glance at each other. You can just tell they want each other. I think they both might be affraid to admitt it. Which is expected. But I hope they do.

Hey, we're here for you guys!

EDIT: I made a couple of GIFs for you guys.

Here's a banner and if you want it, use it.


Here's a avatar. It's too big for here, but you're welcome to use it anywhere else.

Twins I think you are right, they have the vibe where it's somthing they think about but they away's tell themselves that they should not or they cant have it. You can really see that in there expression's. And from personal experence that is a really hard position to be in. Not only is there a friendship to consider, but there is also work and the fact that it would be a same sex relationship, and that in it's self could be intimadating.
You've got to remember, nickfangirl, that there is more than one type of gay stereotype. There is the camp stereotype with the effeminate male, such as Emmett on Queer as Folk. Then there is the butch gay, a guy who is completely bulked up and masculine. There there is the middle range, which Nick is.

My boyfriend is actually more inclined to see Nick as gay rather than Greg. Mainly because of the way Nick acts, the songs he sings (*cough*Mandy*cough*), the way he dresses, his mannerisms, and that's just a start. Nick is like Queer as Folks Brian, just a little more manly.

Greg, on the other hand, he can see as gay just not so much as Nick. Greg is more effeminate, will dress in womens clothing, spends way too much time bragging about his sexlife with women for a man his age (always to Nick), and has some of the mannerisms. He's not camp, but rather sits more toward the middle with Nick, just not as obvious.

And, finally, there is the line in "Dark Motives" when Nick finds a pair of lacy womens underwear, and what does he say? "Think these will fit on me?" Well, something like that. Need to play that game again...
Clarrisani said:

My boyfriend is actually more inclined to see Nick as gay rather than Greg. Mainly because of the way Nick acts, the songs he sings (*cough*Mandy*cough*), the way he dresses, his mannerisms, and that's just a start. Nick is like Queer as Folks Brian, just a little more manly.

My husband says the same thing, I asked him if he thought Nick was gay and he did not hesitate to say yes, but when I asked him about Greg he said he's not sure.

Oh and I thought this was funny, I asked my husband who was hotter Nick or Greg. His answer: "Are you kidding? Nick isn't even close to being as good looking as Greg and Greg isn't that good looking in the first place" He cracks me up! :lol: :lol:

I think I drive him crazy :D
My boyfriend seems to be slightly jealous of Greg, actually, since I tend to talk about him a lot. So I started talking about all the guys on CSI. I don't think he appreciated that either, but I did stop talking about Greg as much! My bf is a sucker for a woman in a red dress, so I believe Sofia is a favourite. And he loves the name Jim Brass.

Maybe we should start asking all the guys in our lives what they think of Nick/Greg. I know my bf can see the flirting, although he admitted that if I hadn't pointed it out he would never have noticed. Now he looks for slash in everything... and I hate him for pointing out his favourite show Supernatural and the Wincest.
My boyfriend is more of a Archie fan, though I have to admit, he is kinda cute, but not as sexy as Nick/George :devil: Oh the things I would do to that man!

Anyways does anyone know how to resize pictures for avatars?
By KBs or pixels nickfangirl?

I can see Greg as gay. But you really have to dig into his character and sometimes it may feel like you may be making some stuff up. But that's why he's so convincing as bi.

Like I said, Nick's flame burns. I don't see how anyone can not suspect him to be gay in the least.
You know what I'd love? Somewhere in CSI someone makes a comment that Nick comes across as gay. In fact, it would be an excellent Hodges comment. I'd love to see Nick's reaction, and the reaction of anyone else around them. Not to mention if there's a smirking 'I-Know-Something-You-Don't' look from Greg in the background, it would be perfect.
Oh definatley!!!! lmao

I think we've said this before, but something where Hodges catches then flirting and basically says "Stop flirting." They're both shocked or whatever.

They could do a really good job doing something small like that.
Well, I'm a bit late, but I've got a Facebook...been searching for a group, couldn't find one that I let it go. Hahah, but, I'm not sure what you guys would think of me after seeing how old I really am. I guess I never really said anything about that, did I? Compared to the rest of you, I feel awkward and out of place. And...enough about that!

Anyway...I had something to share...not to get you off topic ...hmm...OH! Yeah, season five, 'Viva Las Vegas', I believe when Greg's searching for his replacement and Nick walks out, all pissed off and complaining about something, I noticed that Greg grinned when Nick said he was going to use the shower...hah. I dunno if anyone else noticed that or not, but I felt the need to share that.

Oh, Hodges. He should do that. If only I wasn't a nobody and had the capabilities to tell people to do such things.
One of my favourite season 5 scenes, that one. I actually screencaped it with the subtitles - Greg was definitely wanting to go join Nick in that shower. And who knows, the reason Nick said it was probably because he knew Greg was there...
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