The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

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Yay...Sports....*kicks the TV out the window* I hate sports. Every sport. :lol: :p Ah well, that's why I never listen to the radio or watch CBC anymore. Well okay, I used to watch it for The Simpsons. Do they still have The Simpsons on CBC? Because Global sucks big eggs.

^ Yep. @ 5:00 every weekday, the Simpsons still plays. Unfortunately, it's still in the really old episodes and I'm having a meltdown because I own them all D:

XD Dr. Shuriyu, I have a fat, overweight grey cat who I named 'Gibbs' even though he's the opposite of him in everyway. He meows like a parrot on crack, he bites my leg, and his favourite thing is showing off in front of my other cat. I should have named him Malone or something... Oi. Or Tony.

BC Won! Hooray! I didn't watch it. But the news is all "HOLY HELL! LOOKIT! A SILVER CUP!" [Insert frothing of the mouth]. Very scary.
I have a fat adorible named Archie!!! sucha a cutie and he doesn't bark much, hahaha Palm *_*

I love the old episode episodes of the Simpsons, No offence Palm but i dont like the new ones *Sheilds myself" dont hurt me.
^ I only tape the ones with Fat Tony. I'm doing sorta a... whatchamacalit. Anaylsis on what crimes the Springfield Mafia actually commits and I've got all of them written down. But I'm missing some, that's why I want to see the new ones. But, iunno. I still like the new ones. They still have the twisted humor that amuses me.

The twisted... twisted humor I have. Oi. *ashamed*
*pokes at Gibbs fat* Yeah. *ashamed still* Why? WHY CAN'T PEOPLE FIND PAIN FUNNY?!
It's only funny until someone gets hurts, then it's halarious!

I have dark humur, i laugh when little kids fall down, when someone hurts themslefs (Not seriously though that cause's blood, unless they do it in a funny matter like on Jackass) or when things get akward and there is a odd silence. I crack my self up then.
XD That's hilarious. My humor is.... well.

"And the Elephant who couldn't stop laughing was put to sleep."

And visual jokes. Like AFV. It makes me laugh so hard when someone gets smashed in the face with a Stability ball.
I've been off doing stuff. I'm very cool.

My letter was published in the current (December) Cosmo. I'm so cool.

Yay for BC winning some sort of competition that involved balls.
ziggystarduzt said:
My letter was published in the current (December) Cosmo. I'm so cool.

Awww congrats hon! I was gonna read it in Superstore a few days ago but my dad wanted me to go right away.

Yay for BC winning some sort of competition that involved balls.

I'd make a comment on that but this is a pg-13 board :devil:.

Seriously I wanted to go to the parade but damn classes didn't allow me to. BC rules!!!
Jorja must you have awesome icons all the time :lol: (And lets not forget your siggy!)

I wish i was in school, you know i cant believe i just said that but i do :lol: i am having bad stomach problems :( i miss my friends and social, and LA :(
Thanks guys :D Yeah, it's the one with Katherine Heigl. I haven't bought it yet myself, but some friends told me it's in there. I'm the one who talks about bad boob behaviour. The sister that I mention in it is really freaking furious with me. I don't think she'll be talking to me for a while. siiiigh.
XD When I get home, I'm sorry searching for it and going "I ARE PANTS!" and taping it to my wall. Creepily. And then dancing around singing "The Saftey Dance."
Wow, I feel like I'm on crack. It's -20 and I'm screaming in horrible pain curled up in a blanket in my "Computer Signage" class. HA HA. Dangly parts.

So! When's the Olympics coming to Canada again?
*snicker* -20. It's 10 here. Burn on all you people who dwell in coldness.

The stupid Olympics are coming in stupid 2010. *scowl* I am not a fan. I strenuously object to them. I'm glad they're expanding our transit system because of it, but otherwise they can go to hell. Our medical and educational systems are in the crapper and they're spending billions on new sports arenas for the damn Olympics. Which have never in their history made any money for host cities- at best they break even. On top of it all, I lived in Sydney during the 2000 games and it was awful. It was crowded and miserable all freaking year. I'm going to dig a hole and hide in it for all of 2010, damnit.


we can dance if we want to, we can leave your cares behind! Cause your friends don't dance, and if they don't dance then they ain't no friends of mine!

Wooooah, I just put on the Safety Dance, and my kitten avvie is totally licking in time with it. Seriously. Put it on and then watch my av. It's trippy. heh.
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