The Eh? Team: Canadian Thread #3

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No, cause you know how all those damn tourists will be like "Ooh, the island! Killer whales and quaintness!" and then they'll go over there and the ferry will be packed and stuff. THERE'S NO HOPE, SHURI! RUN WHILE YOU CAN!
So, Stephen Harper (whom, I have to admit, I supremely dislike) has proclaimed Quebec a nation within Canada. (okay, I dont' know if I worded that right, I dont' have all the details)
What do you all think of this? Personally, I don't think it's a good thing. I mean, for the moment, it might make some Qubecers happy, but in the long run, I just don't think it's going to lead to good things. I just have a bad feeling about it.
*sigh* Good lord. Politics.

Quebec becoming a nation within Canada? Oy. :rolleyes: I'm not really sure how to feel about that aside from the fact they've been complaining about wanting separate for eons now. So now they're a nice little country all on their own. Don't get me wrong, I love Quebec and Stephen Harper is my main man, but...Come on. :rolleyes:

I agree with you DragonFlyDreamer, it might seem like things will be great for the moment, but in the long run I don't see this as being a very beneficial action to Quebec or the rest of the provinces. All of this just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth, and things seem to have gotten more complicated.

Anyway, no offense intended to those who live in Quebec, but this is just the westener here whom her province never has a say in anything, venting. :p
Oh MG Ziggy you are so singing "The Saftey song" :lol: we added that song to are Wii for a car game :lol:

Please someone send me to Austraili for a couple day i just have to get out of this cold :(
Sure, csikicksurass *hands over plane ticket to australia* No, wait, on second thought... I'm keeping that for myself :devil:
^^ Of Course we have no say, Speeds. It's the West! Apparently, the only thing we're good for is Salmon and Oil. Oh, and Bread. Can't forget Saskatchewan bread.

Personally, I'm ignoring the whole thing. I live in Alberta. That's 3 Provinces away from Quebec. Unless they decide to invade us, I'm totally not caring about the whole shebang. And... my mom's paying me to vote today. HAHAHAHA. Weird.

You know what we should do to beat the cold? Runaway! XD
Or invade BC. [Putting on helmet] Watch out, Dayna! Soon... there'll be one person marching around Vancouver going "I'm Gonna eat all your muffins!"
And then fall down in a comical fashion. You should join, Kicky & Speeds! :D
i dont follow politics, but what the hell is this 'nation within canada' thing?? do they get special treatment or what? its been voted twice that quebec doesnt want to seperate, and if they do they should have no dependance on the rest of canada whatsoever. either youre part of canada or youre not, its simple. they already get special treatment anyways. can ontario get some too please? maybe the coasts and the prairies too? :rolleyes:
Stephen Harper pretty much just made up something to keep Quebec happy. It wasn't supposed to mean anything. That is, until the premier of Quebec added an amendment saying 'at the current time', and now people are trying to figure out what that means, and is it really possible to have a nation within a nation, etc etc. It's so stupid. I hate politics.
I think the only reason I'm interested in this at all is that my grandparents lived in Quebec when they were still alive. My dad grew up there. I visited there every summer until I was 15. So, yeah... I dunno. I think its' all stupid.
The whole idea of Canada being multicultural is that we have a huge mixture of different cultures mixed in together, but they're still free to celebrate that culture... and that includes the French. They shouldn't get any special treatment for being different, because we're all different.
...I think everyone is a bit unhappy with Harper's decision about Quebec. Why? Well, Quebec may have wanted to be it's own nation, but they don't want to be a nation within a nation like Harper has proposed, they want to be their own soverienty. o__O So in a way, most of Canada is unhappy with Harper's choice.

And get this, this whole idea came from a LIBERAL. Not a Conservative. Liberals are duking it out to full Paul Martin's place and then this one guy speaks up and said "If I was PM, I'd..." and he'd go on to explain the proposal about Quebec, but it was an "IF", then Harper turns around and actually proposes it in House.

*sigh* He's gotten a big press view, but has lost respect and popularity in the process.

So my question.. Are you guys for or against the motion of Quebec being it's own nation within Canada? Why or why not?
^Don't care. Ever.
Seriously. Politics is one of those subjects which gets everyone in a huff. If someone says they support Harper, you get 6 People saying how they hate him and why the other guy should too. If 3 people say they want to join the NDP, another 12 will come along and tell them their wrong and try to convert them to either a Liberal or a Conservative. It's annoying.

I mean, people get in this mind-field that because one guy says 'Huh. I think Gun Control is good' then he MUST be hated by those who oppose it. No one even cares if the person is nice or saves kittens for a living. It doesn't matter these days! All anyone cares about is if the one guy's opinions aren't straight-on with theirs, then OH! Must be hated! Let's bash him every chance we get and cause more people to be hateful, etc. etc.

Like when I went and met Ralph Klein. Everyone was bitching about why THEY had it bad. You know what I asked? What he did when he was bored. And everyone got ticked at me. So, I did what anyone would do. I retalitated with doing a jig in the halls.

It's hard to say what you feel when it comes to politics because it seems no one lightens up or just calms down when it comes to it. There's always that one person who goes all Nazi and tries to change people's minds to their opinion. That's why I think the government should check into Compromises. Instead of everyone bitching their one-sole opinion how the country could be run, why can't they take out a piece of paper and weigh the pro's and con's? Maybe think ahead to the future, or try to figure out a deal which makes at least a majority happy instead of a small minority. But then again, this is my opinion. Doesn't mean I'm right =|

Oi. And whatever happened to muffins at the voting tables?! I demand a chocolate-y muffin full of chocolate-y goodness! D:
Palm, you make some pretty good points. :)

Of course, even if politics gets everyone into a huff, it makes for an intelligent conversation at the least, so I'm going to go with the flow. :p

I'm against the motion for Quebec being it's own nation, and that's not just because I'm from the west and I go 'waa waaa waaaa' everytime the east gets special treatment. (ie: Quebec 100% of the time) I don't even know what Harper means by 'nation within Canada'. It's like wanting Canada to be a continent within North America. Sure we're big, but we're no more special than the United States just because we have more cultures than them. We should, they're a melting pot and we're not.

So Quebec gets to be a country within a county just to keep a small minority of culture happy? Because everyone else has conformed to being in the same god damned country. As allmaple said, you're either part of Canada or you aren't. There's no grey area here. They can't separate because the population doesn't want it, so they make up this garbage instead so they can be seen as independant but...You know, not really. They'll still get our precious oil and our money.

On the other hand, I can see why they'd want this motion carried. Quebec is very diverse, and it's the largest province. A pro to being a country within a country? More publicity outside of Canada. More recognition from other nations. Being the first province to become it's own country.

Palm, I vote we invade BC and then we can anex together and become our own country within Canada. And then the east will complain about. I mean, afterall, we have the mountains, the ocean and the oil. Can't we have special treatment too?
^ XD YES! Another liberator!
I say we strike with Wooden Sticks! Everyone will be like "Oh no! Sticks! Our guns are useless!" and We'll be like "We're creating our own nation! It'll Be Bralberta Colombia! And we own All the cool mountains and expensive parks. So in your face!"

And I'll become a Pirate on the Fraser river. No one will suspect me! Mwahaha!
I don't even know what Harper means by 'nation within Canada'. It's like wanting Canada to be a continent within North America.
Yes! Exactly! It doesnt' make any sense at all!
And hey, if Quebec can be it's own nation, how about Manitoba? We never get any attention for anything... ever. So, we should go out and be our own nation, because at least we care about ourselves. AARRRGGG!!!
AUGH. I've been sleeping for days on end, so I hadn't heard about this.. that's pretty estupido, per me. And what DOES it mean? Is it just some stupid title he's throwing out there, or is he actually giving them stuff to make them feel special? siiiiiiigh.

kicky- I want a Wii SO. VERY. MUCH. *jealous*
That is so stupid, just because they speak a different language then us that doesn't mean that they are a totaly different country. He just wants people to like him better :lol:

And yes Wii's are fun, but we almost didn't get one because after people were standing outside Best Buy for hourse (like my sister) they decided to just give them a number so they could come back later :lol: i thought it was funny.
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