The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

...danny, papa flack and yummy the same scene...

that would be interesting. however if s3 starts out with flack being discharged, even if they show that scene, we probably won't see much of him for a while. and that wouldn't make me happy.

i'd rather see him on desk duty at the start of the season than still in recovery. it would keep him in the episode somewhat, and generate some good flack angst, which danny could help him with.

although it's not technically flack's bedside, it's kind of the same thing.
^ I agree. Plus they wouldn't really do a personal scene on Flack unless it would involve the case (like The Fall) or they're actually live up with their character-driven ploy and follow-up on the bombing . I mean, he's not a central character after all, much as it pains me to say. :(
I just wanna see him back at work all healed up and ready to go. Flashbacks would be nice to see what he had went through. The hospital, going home, dealing with the bomb, things like that. But I wanna see him healthy and ready to work.

I still want that basketball game between Flack and Danny-I wanna see those tattoos. Not to mention hot sweaty bodies in shorts and white tanks. Besides, that would be another aspect of their friendship that we would get to see.

We know they play ball together because they mention it on the show. I would even be happy with a couple minutes at the end of the show like after they finished up a long, grueling case and were letting off some steam. If it was a case they worked together that would be that much better.
that would be interesting. however if s3 starts out with flack being discharged, even if they show that scene, we probably won't see much of him for a while. and that wouldn't make me happy.

Yeah, I wouldn't be happy either.

I guess they could always have episode 1 while he's still in hospital, then do a bit of a time jump so he's just coming back to work in ep 2. Or maybe have ep 2 with a scene where Danny shows up at Flack's apartment to say hi at the end of a case or something. Or maybe have a case involve one of Flack's neighbours, so he's on the scene when the CSI's get there. And then he could be back on the job by ep3
Well, CSI:NY is the most people-centered of all the CSI shows. What I mean is, it has the most balanced elements of drama and human interest (centered on its characters) in it. I guess that can be an excuse to squeeze in some more drama.

S2 was Danny's. It didn't stop the writers from exploiting Carmine's talents and they pushed the character Danny as far as they could. Maybe they could do the same for Don.
1CSIMfan said:
I still want that basketball game between Flack and Danny-I wanna see those tattoos. Not to mention hot sweaty bodies in shorts and white tanks. Besides, that would be another aspect of their friendship that we would get to see.

could be part of flack's recovery. getting him back in shape?

and as for people centric, CSI:NY is definitely there, but what i like about it is it doesn't over-do it the way i feel miami definitely does.

if we got a flack-tastic season this year, it would make me so incredibly happy, you have no idea.
iluvroadrunner said:and as for people centric, CSI:NY is definitely there, but what i like about it is it doesn't over-do it the way i feel miami definitely does.

if we got a flack-tastic season this year, it would make me so incredibly happy, you have no idea.

That's what I like about CSI:NY, they aren't just about cases but the characters themselves. It reminds me of the way NCIS is done. Miami turned kinds soapy-ish in season 4. NY had a great blend without getting soapy-ish.

Season 2 was a lot of Danny but hey, I'm not complaining. I just hope season 3 is more Flack and please don't make it a season of Lindsay. Don't wanna see that because that would mean more of her and Danny together and the "flirting" grates on my nerves. I wanna see Danny work cases with Flack in season 3.
I would love to see them playing basketball. Purely for character development reasons, of course. ;) :devil:

I do want to see Danny helping out Flack during his recovery. If Flack's on desk duty, he's going to need a little morale boosting, and it would be great to see Danny trying to do just that. Danny could do it without being overly obvious, too--just suggesting a game of basketball or being around to remind Flack he won't be on desk duty forever would be great.
^And of course, Top, you wouldn't mind at all if that scene didn't happen at Flack's desk and in a bedroom, perhaps? Maybe with a shirtless Danny... (been reading far too many slash fics!)
Top41 said:
I would love to see them playing basketball. Purely for character development reasons, of course. ;) :devil:

Yeah Top, that's exactly why I wanted to see them playing basketball too. For character development, yeah that's it.. NOT!! :p I never once thought of them in shorts and tanks, skin glistening with sweat, licking their lips with their little tongue thing they do, which is so cute (not at each other, just in general)...nope, never crossed my mind. :rolleyes: :devil:
1CSIMfan, what are you talking about? of course the game is for character development reasons. duh. :rolleyes: :lol:

and tongue porn in a hot sweaty basketball game? brain just may melt.

now, more on topic, danny would be a great morale booster for flack. because he probably won't be as willing to go easy on flack. danny (hopefully) will treat him like nothing has changed, to an extent.

he'll push him, but he won't push him too hard. he'll know the limits.

Ok I get it....character development only...yeah I'll keep telling myself that. :rolleyes:

I think you're right. Danny will treat him the same and not harp on what happened to him. Maybe when season 3 starts it'll start with Flack just coming back to work, everyone welcoming Flack back, asking him how he is, stuff like that. But Danny will just get on with things and that will make Flack happy and much more comfortable.

I think that they are just such good friends that Danny wouldn't even think of treating him different.
hope that Danny does come back to the hospital to be there for Flack but we'll probably never actually see it. I'm sure when season 3 starts he will already be out of the hospital and back to work.

I think Danny will come back and check on him to see how he's doing and everything, but I'm with you in the fact that they may not even show Flack in the hospital season 3 and if they do he'll be leaving or something.
^ All the ideas we've been coming up are well and good since it does give us our gratuitous Flack moments. :D One idea that's been used in the fanfics I've read was that powers thing. I don't have a full grasp on the full details, but if exploited, would be heavy stuff. I hope someone has an idea of what I'm trying to say.