The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Danny's got to be there for Flack during his recovery.

Yeah, he does! Friends are supposed to be there for friends in times of need/help. Flack has done alot for him and it's only right that Danny repays that kindness.
Exactly. If it's a truly balanced friendship, Danny will be there for Flack. If not, I feel bad for Flack, because the guy has pretty much done just about everything he can to be a good friend to Danny, and has really gone above and beyond for him. I'd hate to think of Danny being such a selfish character that he won't repay that when Flack needs him.
No, I don't think Danny will be like that. [sure hope not <_<] I know he'll help Flack and be by his side. He cares about Flack too much to just abandon him like that.
danny doesn't really strike me as that kind of character who's that selfish. but it is going to be somewhat of a change for him. danny's used to being the emotional one, and now he has to be the stable rock for someone who used to do that for him. it's going to be somewhat difficult for him, depending on how long he and flack have had the balance that they have now to their relationship.
happy birthday iluvroadrunner! :D

yea i agree with you guys and especially Top saying that danny can't be that selfish! i mean even if he has a thing for lindsay (which i don't seriously doubt) he would feel he owes it to flack to be there. just as a friend, especially after flack refused to give up on him and always had his back.
i definitely agree that it'll be a big change for danny to be the "rock" in the relationship but it;s nothing that he can't handle. he might flip out at times or start thinkin it's all too much but evetually he'll remember that he's doing it for flack and he'll deal with it. he might also see it as a chance to show everyone he can be the bigger person...that he doesn't always need to be taken care of.
i dono about y'all but that's just my opinion...
^ The reversal of roles between Danny and Flack would make an interesting scene! :D I'm also for Danny returning the favor. It's always been shown that Danny was the emotionally tortured one. So yeah, this will definitely be a challenge for him. And Flack, being the stubborn ass that he is :)p) might try to make it easy for Danny to cope with him.
Hello everyone!! I'm new to the boards, and I get the feeling I'm one of the only male posters (is that bad?) My room mate dragged me into this (CSINYRULZ), she was complaining about me always adding side comments to her while shes posting here. This is probably one of the only topics I feel appropriate for me to post on, the rest are for all you girls and your "girlish ways" with the boys from NY (shes filled me in on Gutterville life).

anyway, I love these two guys. They really have a great connection, a brotherly connection is probably the best way to put it. They play off eachother extremely well.
Welcome to the boards inShackintheback. Yep, there's a lot of us girls with our Flack and Danny obsessions. Happy posting. :D

Actually, IMO Danny and Flack are closer than brothers. Don't brothers always fight? Danny and Flack do have a special friendship that is clearly theirs alone.

but there is a brotherly quality to them. i bet if they ever did fight, it would be one of those stupid brotherly fights, that they would be over by the next day.
Welcome, inShackintheback! :D
anyway, I love these two guys. They really have a great connection, a brotherly connection is probably the best way to put it. They play off eachother extremely well.
THAT is one type of relationship I'd like to see explored/exploited more on screen and even in fanfiction. You guys' brotherhood thing really fascinates me. :)

Oh, neat sig, btw. :lol:
Riley - Dude, your such a loser... lol. I cant believe you actually listened to me when I said to get your own account. First you take over the Remote, the couch, the food in the house, I could go on... glad to see you here buddy, now you cant nag me anymore.

Yes, I'd really like to see their brother-type relationship explored more. Its that brother-like relationship I enjoy in them, the jokes, the way they connect with eachother, and of course you learn to love eachother like family in that kinda job, so its nice to see those scenes when they're watching eachothers backs.
I hope that Danny does come back to the hospital to be there for Flack but we'll probably never actually see it. I'm sure when season 3 starts he will already be out of the hospital and back to work. I can't see them starting off with him still in the hospital. If so, we wouldn't get to see much of Flack because he wouldn't be back to work yet.
^Maybe we can.
Flack's being discharged. Danny's helping him pack his stuff and offers to drive him to his (Flack) apartment. The Flack, Sr. comes in...