The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

^ I'm still googling at it. But I found this fic where I first saw it mentioned. Here's the part from that fic:

"The Powers Act Ratification, 1998," says Mac matter-of-factly, quoting the paragraph verbatim. "Unmedicated Powers: In such instances as emergency medical treatment, where the subject is unconscious or otherwise not in control of their abilities and faculties, the State shall be authorized to administer suppressant medication as necessary for their treatment, until such time as the subject is able to regain their control."

Like I said, I still have no full understanding what that is about, but it's been use as nice angst material on two fanfics I've seen.
What I got from it is pretty much that if someone is down and unconscius the State can give drugs/medicine to the patient at no cost to them while they are out or they're given special medications to wake them up and when the patient wakes up the medications cease.

:) What are the names of these fanfics you speak of?
Oh, the Powers ficlets! I love those. They're pretty amazing, actually. And I loved the Danny/Flack slash from that same verse that resulted from scarlett_awry's Yay!PornHotWeekend!
Well, there's that fic I mentioned, then a Flack/Messer fic mentioned something about it. This one's slash (if the '/' ain't any indicator enough. :p). I'm not into them, but I find some slash stories have nice character interactions, then the rest is "blah blah" to me when it gets down and dirty. :)

(For the links, you can PM me. :) )

The vibe I'm getting from that Powers Act is that the patient's being pumped suppressants without prior knowledge so the patient would not pose any harm on himself and others.

Maybe I ought to make a new thread since I'm starting to digress. :lol: But one thing I wanna point out is that in both fics, it affected Danny, and the first fic had Danny talk to Mac about it. Nice angst ploy.
Thanks for the link tiqaldo but as I found out after I did it, we're not supposed to link to stories rated above pg-13. When I find them, I just pm them to whoever wants them. ;)
^^no problem...I forgot too and one of the mods deleted mine. Now, since I wasn't smart enough to keep the link, can you pm it to me??? pretty please. :D
^^^ No problem. Already sent.

Oooookay. Looking into the first fic. I looked over the fact that. This. Was. AU. Maaajor duh. But it was a nice premise, though. Anything for more maningful Flack screentime will make me happy. :)
The Friendship between Danny and Flack is, for me at least, the best part of the show. The Danny/Lindsay shippers need to face it, the friendships between the characters and the cases themselves are the heart of the show, not romances that have very little chemistry.

Since the friendships are so important to the show, I think Danny will be there for Flack, it's probably going to make Danny feel uncomfortable, but I bet he'll be there.
And about the whole Danny and the emotional breakdown thing, I think he has to have one. He's been bottling things up this season, like what happened to Louie (Come on, one cry on Mac's shoulder does not alleviate the distress) then Stella is attacked (You know he's close to Stella, so of corse he had to be worried about her) then Aiden is murdered (he was surprisingly calm about it, one outburst about a suspect isn't like the Drama Queen we know and love) and then the bombing happened and Flack gets hurt (One meaningful look into his hospital room doesn't even begin to cover how emotionally distressed he has to be by now) I mean after all, he's only human. And humans can only take so much. After all that, excuse me while I quote Katee Sackhoff from Battlestar Galactica, "If you don't scream, you're crazy." You'd have to be crazy if you didn't react in some way, like trashing an apartment, or going out and getting drunk.
So, we're probably going to be seeing a lot of drama queen Danny next season. Me likes. I just hope Flack getting injured doesn't have the opposite affect on him and make him retreat into a shell away from everyone.

No, that could never happen...he's too emotional for that.

I agree with you Flackscountrygrl, friendships are the heart of the show, not ships. Ships are for fanfiction. :)
I agree, despite being a big D/L shipper. But yea, I'd rather see strong friendships than ships betweent the characters.