The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

So, we're probably going to be seeing a lot of drama queen Danny next season. Me likes. I just hope Flack getting injured doesn't have the opposite affect on him and make him retreat into a shell away from everyone.

I drama queen Danny! :D It would be nice to see that. I hope he won't shell away like that, but I wouldn't be completely shocked if that happened.
i don't see him retreating from people, but i don't see him opening up either.

flack probably feels like he needs to be tough, and he can't show that these things are bothering him, when really, they are. and i'm not necessarily sure he should show them to the members of the team either. but little moments for the audience would make me very very happy.
flack probably feels like he needs to be tough, and he can't show that these things are bothering him, when really, they are. and i'm not necessarily sure he should show them to the members of the team either. but little moments for the audience would make me very very happy.

Right on iluvroadrunner! :) I don't see Flack expressing his feelings or anything with the team either, but a moment of him being upset/emotional while he is alone would be nice for us viewers.
sarramaks said:
^And of course, Top, you wouldn't mind at all if that scene didn't happen at Flack's desk and in a bedroom, perhaps? Maybe with a shirtless Danny... (been reading far too many slash fics!)

:devil: I wouldn't mind that at all. :devil:

I'm kind of surprised Danny didn't have a breakdown at the end of the season. It may have been the calm before the storm, though. He might have shut down emotionally because it just seemed to be one bad thing after another after another and he couldn't handle it. I hope we get to see him helping Flack through his recovery, though.
. He might have shut down emotionally because it just seemed to be one bad thing after another after another and he couldn't handle it.

Danny has been through ALOT and it would only be natural for him to breakdown in someway. It's alot for 1 person to handle.

I hope we get to see him helping Flack through his recovery, though.

Yeah me too. That would show another dimension to their friendship, plus it would make for a great scene.
The scene of Danny at the hospital annoyed me. We get, what, one second of him looking in through the window and then he seems more interested in taking Lindsey home?
Now I could totally understand if Danny had a problem with hospitals and couldn't deal with seeing Flack like that, but i wish that that's the way TPTB had played it. Made it seem like Danny just needed to get out into the fresh air and used Lindsey as an excuse.
If only the writers consider our ideas ... at least the harmless 'friendship' ideas. Lol....

I hope they open their eyes that Lindsey and Danny CANNOT be. Hell, even the characters seem to veer away from each other. Acting like they're interested in each other becomes an obvious effort.
Top41 said:
I'm kind of surprised Danny didn't have a breakdown at the end of the season.

yea me soon as i heard flack was going to be injured i just thought that, after all the shit that's happened in late season 2, danny would lose it. i mean, this guy is like his best friend and all danny gets is a small look. 1) it's not danny's character to just leave like that especially since flack was always there for him and 2) any real friend would wait instead of suddenly remembering that lindsay needs a ride.

how is he even thinking of lindsay when his best friend is lying there blown open?!?!?!
^Call it a diversion.

He's bound to pop.... someday. I think the writers got too much drama pre-season finale that they held-back on the finale itself. Maybe to save up for the next season?
*purely Emily's interpretation of Danny's character. Emily's only seen s2 in full.*

with flack, i think that danny was able to step back, detatch from the situation. like a switch, you know? you know how when something happens that's bad and you feel like you're gonna fall apart, you take two seconds, step back, take a deep breath, and keep going like nothing had happened?

i'm not saying danny didn't feel any of what happened, or that he's not concerened about flack in anyway, i just think that if he was going to be emotional about this, he wasn't going to do it in front of everyone. think about it, *this season* the only one he's really broken down in front of was Mac. if he was going to do the same thing for don, and it was to happen in the moments they gave him, it would have either effected his job, or the way the team looked at him, and neither danny nor his pride wants that.

when he was alone though, it was probably a different story.
Maybe to save up for the next season?

I was thinking that too. They like to save as much as they can and throw a cliff hanger in there so many viewers will return I guess.

if he was going to do the same thing for don, and it was to happen in the moments they gave him, it would have either effected his job, or the way the team looked at him, and neither danny nor his pride wants that.

Yeah, Danny would rather breakdown in private rather than sob or something in front of the whole team. I'm sure as a tough guy he doesn't want to look like the cry baby or anything although I think the team would understand his breakdown, but Danny still wouldn't want it out in the open.
afrikana said:
1) it's not danny's character to just leave like that especially since flack was always there for him and 2) any real friend would wait instead of suddenly remembering that lindsay needs a ride.

how is he even thinking of lindsay when his best friend is lying there blown open?!?!?!

That just made me sick to my stomach when he turned to Lindsay and asked "do you still want that ride". Let her take a cab home. Wasn't that a company car she had that got blown up? aaggghh....If that was TPTB's way to hint at something more, that wasn't the time to do it. Carmine and Anna didn't look all that enthused about it and it looked kinda forced especially on her part.

I hope when the new season starts, they will have forgotten about that little ride home because it bothers me that there is a possibility that something more could have happened. IMO, Danny needed to be at the hospital with Flack, not taking whiny ass home.
I haven't really seen the season finale. We're just up to Risk here in Asia. So my opinion's based off of observations from other's comments and from stuff I've read on the episode.

From what I can see, I think Danny was trying to detach himself from the situation. That if he indulged into that helpless, devastated feeling he has found himself in in the episodes past, he might be thinking that there might not be anyone on the other side to reel him back to reality. Mac could be there, but it could be male pride that will keep Danny from seeking the other one out for some sort of comfort.

And working from that perspective, he wanted physical escape from the place that was giving him inner torment, and Mac had given him the easy way out when he told them not everyone needed to stay. He might have picked Lindsay since, aside from the odd man out that doesn't have close ties with Flack, Danny might have felt that Mac needed someone to be there for him, and nobody's more qualified than Stella. I don't sail ships here, but it just seems to make sense that way.

Well, I'll see if I'll change my way of thinking once I actually see the ep... :lol:
I hope when the new season starts, they will have forgotten about that little ride home because it bothers me that there is a possibility that something more could have happened.

I do too. I would hate to have to see that moment re-hashed again. Something more? I hope not.
i actually like lindsay. so i'm not going to hop on that train.

i'm with tiqlado. lindsay didn't really have any close ties to flack, and he maybe wanted a way out of a situation he wasn't comfortable in.

despite the fact that i also ship M&M, if TPTB turn it into an entire moment, and something shipper comes out of it, i do agree on the fact that that would be a bad way to go.

i love angsty hurt comfort, but i will be really upset if it comes at flack's expense. i still going to get things thrown at me? *gives cute puppy dog look*