The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

I love it when they interrogate people.

Me too! I was watching "Cool Hunter" last night and I loved seeing Flack interrogate suspects! :D

the fact that danny, who could have wound up in the tanglewood boys before he became a cop, considers someone with a very cop oriented background his best friend, really says a lot about how much he trusts flack.

That's a really good observation iluvroadrunner! You would never expect these 2 to turn out to be friends, but despite their backgrounds they have become the wonderful friends. It does say alot when Danny trusts and befriends Flack, despite the fact that he is a cop and has always been told that cops are terrible/no good/harsh/etc.
love it when they interrogate people. They both kind of play the 'bad cop' role. But it was cute in "Necrophilia Americana" when Flack took the lead and Danny just sat back and watched. That's rare for Danny and also suggests a level of trust there that doesn't really exist when he's with other people.

I missed that episode during the regular season but it's going to be repeated on 06/28/06. I can't wait to see Danny and Flack working together. :p
Thank you for the episode date 1CSIMfan! I was wondering when it was going to be in reruns again. *gasp* That's just next week! :D Me either!
^You're welcome. :) I'm really hoping they will repeat RSRD because I'm such an idiot and missed it. :rolleyes: I'd love to see Trapped again too. Anything to see Danny and Flack.
csi_fanatic87 said:
I'd love to see Trapped again too. Anything to see Danny and Flack.

Me too! I love Danny and Flack scenes! :D You haven't seen Trapped yet? It's an awsome episode! You'll love it!

Oh yeah, I've seen it. I just want to see it again so I can DVR it. Danny hot and sweating in white tank. *fans self*. I'd like to be "Trapped" in that room with him. Would have to turn off that monitor though. of course a dead body would be a little bit of a distraction. But hey, Danny did lay down on the bed at one point. *naughty thoughts*

ETA: roadrunner, they've only shown it once so you haven't missed the repeat. At least that's what it says on the NY episode guide on CSI Files.
huh. could of sworn they showed the repeat...*shrugs* oh well. something to look forward to. i haven't seen bad beat yet either.

and RSRD was a fabulous episode for danny. carmine made me cry. i hope they show the rerun sometime soon.
Flack is definitely Danny's rock. The man is so incredibly supportive of Danny no matter what Danny's going through. And it's obvious Flack has a soft spot for Danny, because he's so quick to judge everyone else and hold them to high standards, but he's very forgiving of Danny's flaws, which I find quite interesting. These two really have a wonderful dynamic.
They HAVE to explore their friendship. They've already dug Danny's familial past (somwhat) and I wish they would just give up on his love 'interest'.

Now that Flack's injured, and Danny's in his emo mode (with the tears and all that) -- maybe they could pick-up from there...
Danny's got to be there for Flack during his recovery. I can't believe Danny's that shitty a friend and that selfish that it really is all about him. He's got to show Flack some support after all Flack has done for him.