The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

^True. It's like life imitating art in a way.

Plus, they're both from NY -- the 'relationship' is natural. I'm sure if there will be a solo case for Danny and Flack will be his homicide detective, it'll be so great and so fun to watch. Danny's always stuck with Maca when he goes on solo....
there was one case...and i'm pretty sure it was Necrophilia Americana, but i can't think of it now, but it involved a golf ball, and there were some of the best Danny and Flack was hilarious.

but i like it when danny and maka work together too...just that danny and flack is a lot more fun.
i really hope danny'll step up and be there for flack when it comes down to it. even though he is the resident drama queen.

Me too. I mean it's what Flack deserves for being so helpful to Danny in his times of trouble and sorrow. I like drama queen Danny! :) Just not all the time...
i love drama queen danny. it's another reason why danny and flack compliment each other so well. flack's more stick to business, while danny tends to get more emotional. if they were both as rational as flack, or both as emotional as danny, the friendship would be the same thing all the time, and it would get boring.

it works better this way.
Yup! Don and Danny are simply two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that fit. And seeing such depth of friendship in a procedural drama is very refreshing. More friendship eps, please! Leave the romance to the fanfic writers. They're better at it. :devil: :devil:
it's another reason why danny and flack compliment each other so well. flack's more stick to business, while danny tends to get more emotional.

I know! They are like ying and yang with either. Where Flack faulters Danny comes in and where Danny slacks Flack is there. They're the perfect team! :) I think it works better the way they are too.
I love drama queen Danny too. I agree that if they were both drama queens or both all rational they would cancel each other out. :lol: and probably wouldn't even get along that great.

Must keep drama queen Danny and stable rational Flack.
Flack will never be a drama queen--I love that about him. He's so grounded and tough. Danny on the other hand is an emotional wreck half of the time. I imagine he's exhausting to be around at times. But that's what I like about these guys--they're kind of unlikely friends, and yet that bond is there and they're close.

"Necrophilia Americana" is great! I loved their case because of their interactions. Flack's all like, "They sent out the big guns for this one!" when he sees Danny, and Danny kind of teases him a bit, saying, "Nice suit." It's so cute. :D
Top41 said:
Flack will never be a drama queen--I love that about him. He's so grounded and tough. Danny on the other hand is an emotional wreck half of the time. I imagine he's exhausting to be around at times. But that's what I like about these guys--they're kind of unlikely friends, and yet that bond is there and they're close.

"Necrophilia Americana" is great! I loved their case because of their interactions. Flack's all like, "They sent out the big guns for this one!" when he sees Danny, and Danny kind of teases him a bit, saying, "Nice suit." It's so cute. :D

Awww!! That scene sounds so awsome! I can't wait to see "Necrophilia Americana" now! :D

I can imagine hanging out with Danny being tiring too.

they're kind of unlikely friends, and yet that bond is there and they're close.

I know! I think that too! In their case opposites attract! :)
Trying to keep it clean and non-romantic can be hard sometimes. :lol: :devil: ;)

I love it when they interrogate people. They both kind of play the 'bad cop' role. But it was cute in "Necrophilia Americana" when Flack took the lead and Danny just sat back and watched. That's rare for Danny and also suggests a level of trust there that doesn't really exist when he's with other people.
danny definitely does have trust issues. but he trusts flack, which can be strange considering what louie implies about his background, and flack's background as well.

the fact that danny, who could have wound up in the tanglewood boys before he became a cop, considers someone with a very cop oriented background his best friend, really says a lot about how much he trusts flack.