The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

I really hope season 3 shows more of the Danny and Flack friendship. It's the strongest friendship on the show and they really need to emphasize that. Please let Danny work with Hawkes in season 3 and give up on the Danny/Lindsay thing. It's not working.

You took the thoughts right out my head. They already have a stong friendship so they can continue the chemisty between the two and make their relationship stonger.

I would like Hawkes and Danny paired up on more cases like in "Fare Game". These 2 work great together.

Awsome pic Faylinn! :D I love that moment between these two.
Hee hee, oopsie! I didn't even realize that Flack's gun was peeking out in that picture. ;) :lol:

I'd love to see more of Danny and Hawkes' interaction, because I think they have some great chemistry together, just like our dynamic duo here. :p Putting the three of them together on one case? *head explodes* :lol:

Anyway, as for the giving-Lindsay-a-ride thing, I agree that all they had to do was add one teensy little line and I wouldn't be so tweaked about it. Just say that you're coming back or something, damnit! Why couldn't the writers see that the fans might be miffed about Danny just leaving? I'm not so anti Danny/Lindsay that I don't think they should interact at all, and if I'd been involved in an explosion (however minor in comparison to my colleague who's unconscious in the next room), it would be nice if one of my co-workers offered to drive me home (particularly if my car just happened to be a little too close to said explosion and I couldn't drive myself). But, and that's a big but, the way that the writers executed that scene was just...argh! That should have been a moment for the team to bond together and be there for Don, but the way that it came off, Hawkes is nice like he always is (which is a good thing and doesn't bother me because there's no indication of Hawkes and Flack being particularly close), Mac is torn between caring about Don and dwelling on a past event that left some psychological damage (not that I'm saying he shouldn't have his own shit to deal with, of course), Stella seemed more concerned about being there for Mac than for Flack (which, in and of itself doesn't bother me as much because they're supposed to be close friends), and Danny and Lindsay seemed like afterthoughts. It's like the writers remembered that they had to add them in as well, so they just chucked one more ambiguously-romantic bit our way before the end of the season (just when I thought I'd be free of them for a while), and they managed to forget that they themselves established over the course of the previous episodes that Danny and Don were good friends. :rolleyes: Like someone mentioned before (possibly in another thread), Danny and Lindsay could have gone down to the cafeteria for some food, or Danny could have mentioned driving Lindsay home and then going back to his place to shower and change before coming back, but it really seemed like they were just sort of, "right, I've done the minimum amount of give-a-shit required, and now I just want to leave in an ambiguous way so that shippers and non-shippers alike scratch their heads and wonder what in the hell happened." :rolleyes: Seriously, writers, was that the best you could come up with?

Anyway, back to Danny and Flack's friendship. ;)

I read a great fanfic yesterday that explored a possible way for the two of them to have met. It was smutty because it was a slash fic ( ;) ), but it made me curious as to how they might have become friends. I wonder if Flack knew anything about Danny's family's possible mob-connections, or if Danny cared that Don's father is an NYPD legend? It makes me curious if they just worked together for a while and then decided to hang out after work, or if they were possibly friends first and then started to work together later...I'm inclined to think that work came first. They just seem so different that I can't imagine them becoming friends otherwise. ;) (Unless perhaps Don heard his father saying things about Danny's family and started hanging out with him just to piss the old man off. :p :lol:)
licorice said:
^Oh sigh...why hadn't I thought of that before?

The first time I saw them together, the first thing that caught me was their eyes... cerulean blue. Plus, omg.... New York accents galore!
Faylinn et al, I'm definitely in agreement. The forced Danny and Lindsay pairing is nothing new. Whereas the opportunity to see a really great friendship play out on screen is somewhat more rare, and oftentimes more original. Not just here--think Buffy and Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Miles and Julian on Deep Space Nine, Chandler and Joey on Friends. Now, a great show can do romance just as well, but NY hasn't lived up so far.

As for Danny leaving the hospital--I think he kind of came off as a selfish little shit for doing that, honestly. Flack has shoved a cop for him, met him in a diner to console him, fretted over him in "Trapped," looked out for him in RSRD...and Danny casts one sad look in the hospital room and moves on? I know it's the writers, but still. I hope Flack takes Danny to task for that next season.
^Exactly. Flack is always there for Danny. CoTP would have been a great opportunity for Danny to be there for Flack but nooooo, the writers chose for him to be there for Linsday. How freakin lame. Poor Lindsay and the little cut on her head. Yep, that's way more important than Flack getting blown up. :rolleyes:

I just hope that season 3 doesn't start out with some hinting around that more went on with Lindsay and Danny than just him taking her home. I think I'll puke if that happens. I know that's what the writers were trying to imply. If so, I hope they forget about that.
CoTP would have been a great opportunity for Danny to be there for Flack but nooooo, the writers chose for him to be there for Linsday. How freakin lame.

I know! I was expecting Danny to pass giving Lindsay a ride over to someone else so he could stay at the hospital with Flack. When I saw that Danny was taking her home I was like, "What? What's going on here? You gonna leave your friend in the hospital after all he's done for you?" Very messed up indeed.

I just hope that season 3 doesn't start out with some hinting around that more went on with Lindsay and Danny than just him taking her home. I think I'll puke if that happens. I know that's what the writers were trying to imply. If so, I hope they forget about that.

I hope they do forget it really. I shudder at the very thought. Hopefully the writers won't futher skewer their friendship and us with unwelcome stuff like that. On somewhat of the same note, this is reminding me of fanfic I read and I'm hoping this situation plays out like it did in the fanfic. That would be a relief.
I've read several excellent fanfics that dealt with what happened after Flack woke up. I especially loved the ones where Flack took Danny to task for leaving. ;) Of course, those were all slash fics, but that's really all I read, so... :eek: Anyway, I hope that the writers use the time off this summer to re-evaluate the second season and see what may or may not have worked.

Danny and Flack's friendship=totally works
Danny and Lindsay's 'relationship'=doesn't work at all.

I mean, I know that there are fans of the D/L ship, but can you think of anybody who cringes at the very idea of Danny and Don being friends? Nah, I didn't think so. :p
Next season the writers have the perfect opportunity to redeem themselves by showing Flack giving Danny a verbal butt-kicking for leaving him in the hospital to take Lindsay home. Danny and Flack are the Ross and Rachel (although I'm not saying who's who :lol:) of the show they work no matter who or what comes between them they will always find each other, whereas Danny and Lindsay are more like Rachel and Joey, they have the possibility to be great friends not lovers, now if the writers could just realize this we would be set.
Although I can see why Danny left Flack, he was overwhelmed with everything that happened in the past could of weeks, Louie, Stella, Aiden and now Flack the one person that has always been there for him any normal person would have cracked long ago. I'm just looking forward to the role-reversal that I'm sure will be coming with Danny looking after Flack for a change.
Faylinn, I'm right there with you about the fanfics. :devil: I

When I think about it, I guess it would be a little overwhelming for Danny after Louie, Aiden, Stella, and now Flack but to drive Lindsay home. AAGGGHHH...the thought itself is scary because if (and I'm sure this is the case) he was that upset about another person he cares about getting hurt/killed that he would look to Lindsay for comfort. NOOOOOO :mad:...can't happpen.

In my own little world he comes back to the hospital when just Mac is there and he stays until Flack wakes up. Of course I'm sure TPTB won't see it my way. ;)

I can just hear Flack to Danny: After all I've done for you, you gave Lindsay of all people, a ride home and didn't even bother to see me?
mean, I know that there are fans of the D/L ship, but can you think of anybody who cringes at the very idea of Danny and Don being friends? Nah, I didn't think so.

:D No, I can't say I can and I knew there are quite a few people who don't want the D/L to work.

Danny and Flack's friendship=totally works
Danny and Lindsay's 'relationship'=doesn't work at all.

I like your math Faylinn! :D

I haven't thought about it the majority of fanfics I read are slash too! :D
Sigh, another long day at work spent listening to people complain about their damaged furniture. Time for a nice relaxing jaunt through the Danny/Flack threads...bliss.....
Great friendships are often more compelling than romance on screen. When it comes to romance, a lot of times some people see chemistry where others just don't. I've had favorite couples that other people hated together, and I've seen people rave about great chemistry between two people where I see none (like with Danny and Lindsay).

But on-screen friendships are different. I've never seen anyone complain about Joey and Chandler's friendship, or Monica and Rachel's. Most people genuinely enjoy friendships between the characters on their favorite shows.

I love what Eddie said about how the friendship between Danny and Flack is pretty unique in the CSI universe. It really is. It's rare to see characters on a CSI show go beyond the co-worker level. Even if they're close at work and joke a lot, at the end of the day they're still just co-workers.

Not so with Danny and Flack. They play basketball together on the weekends. They compliment each other on their wardrobe. And they turn to each other when they need a confidant. (At least, Danny turns to Flack. Hopefully he can return the favor at some point!) There's real depth here.
They play basketball together on the weekends. They compliment each other on their wardrobe. And they turn to each other when they need a confidant. (At least, Danny turns to Flack. Hopefully he can return the favor at some point!) There's real depth here.

I hope Flack turns to Danny too when he is in need of venting or anything it would just make the friendship that much deeper and closer. :) Depth is right. The friendship between these 2 is inseperable.
Faylinn said:
Danny and Flack's friendship=totally works
Danny and Lindsay's 'relationship'=doesn't work at all.

I totally agree with the first one.
And the second one... 'doesnt work at all' is almost an understatement.... it's more like non-existent
danny and flack's friendship is really easy to swallow. it shows that eddie and carmine are probably friends as well, because no matter how good of an actor you are, it never would look as good if you hate each other. or are just acquaintances or co-workers.

and i really hope danny'll step up and be there for flack when it comes down to it. even though he is the resident drama queen.