The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

I didn't like that Danny left the hospital. I know why it happened--CotP was all about Mac, even though we haven't seen any special relationship between Mac and Flack up to this point. The final scene had to be between Mac and Flack, because Mac and his Beirut issues were central to the episode.

Though I doubt it will happen, I'd love to see Flack get pissed/frustrated if Danny isn't there for him. That does happen in friendships sometimes, where one person is always there for the other one, but when it comes time to return the favor, suddenly the needy friend is nowhere to be found. I hope that isn't the way Danny actually is, but if it is, I'd love to see Flack call him out on that.

Though, I don't think guys handle their friendships that way. :lol: No doubt Flack would chuck a basketball at Danny's head, they'd tussle, and then five minutes later everything would be fine and they'd be sitting on the couch watching baseball, drinking beer. :lol:
Top41 said:
Though, I don't think guys handle their friendships that way. :lol: No doubt Flack would chuck a basketball at Danny's head, they'd tussle, and then five minutes later everything would be fine and they'd be sitting on the couch watching baseball, drinking beer. :lol:

:lol: i agree. they seem to have that kind of friendship. bicker over it for a few minutes, and then it's done.

but getting a bit more of a rise out of flack would seem more natural. in my opinion.
14 weeks.. ::sighs:: thats too long.. ugh!

I hope we dont see some emotional blow-up from Danny, or even from Flack, they both just dont strike me as the kind that would just go crazy over the whole bomb thing.
^^And NY isn't on tonight. :mad: They are airing it on Saturday night at 8pm EST. I guess that's better than nothing. Darn, I wanna see the episodes I missed in season 2. I can't wait until they air RSRD...that was obviously a BIG one I missed. :rolleyes:
RSRD was a great ep for Danny and Flack's friendship. Flack stands guard over Danny and makes sure he doesn't go after the Tanglewood boys...or vice versa.
Even though there was only one scene between the two it was a poweful episode for seeing inside their inner psyche. When Stella asked Flack about Danny and Flack's 'We're not going anywhere line', it showed how close these two are.
I too missed RSRD... I missed that one, and All Access, I pretty much missed the majority of S2 minus the season premiere, season finale' and a few here and there - damn school ::shakes fist:: even though I was on set for alot of the tapings, I never saw the finishing product on TV.. :( thats why I made sure I didnt schedule any classes on Wednesday evenings this year... yay me!!

damN, I was all excited to see Supermen, which I though they were airing tonight.. stupid shows taking over the CSI:NY time slot.. I ought to beat some people up.

RSRD - I heard it was a great ep. for the Danny/Flack friendship, which was one of the reasons I'm so apt to hurry and see it.
You're not alone CSINYRULZ. I missed YoungBlood, Jamalot (saw some of it), Cool Hunter, Necrophilia Americana, Supermen (which airs Saturday night), RSRD (I don't know what I was doing that I missed it), and Stealing Home.

Well, I only missed 7 of them. Less than I thought. Of course 2 of them I watched on the CBS website.

Are there any good Danny and Flack moments (besides RSRD) that I missed. *slaps self of forehead for missing eppy's with no good reason as to why* :)

ETA: But I did see All Access. I just love Kid Rock. I even DVR'd it. Still got it. Have watched it about 4 times.
never_a_promise said:
Even though there was only one scene between the two it was a poweful episode for seeing inside their inner psyche. When Stella asked Flack about Danny and Flack's 'We're not going anywhere line', it showed how close these two are.
I really did love that scene, I thought it was a great moment, even though it was a short scene, I thought it was quite a powerful comment Flack made, I agree with you never_a_promise it does show how close they are. I think that the two of them are so much on each other’s wavelength, I also think whatever happens Flack will always have Danny's back. :)
It's all right. Those are all good episodes 1CSIMfan! I think you will like them. :) I forgot you could watch them online! I'm probably going to do that!
Tinkerbell said:
never_a_promise said:
Even though there was only one scene between the two it was a poweful episode for seeing inside their inner psyche. When Stella asked Flack about Danny and Flack's 'We're not going anywhere line', it showed how close these two are.
I really did love that scene, I thought it was a great moment, even though it was a short scene, I thought it was quite a powerful comment Flack made, I agree with you never_a_promise it does show how close they are. I think that the two of them are so much on each other’s wavelength, I also think whatever happens Flack will always have Danny's back. :)

That might be my favorite scene between them too (or at least tied with the diner scene). It showed in Flack's face how much he cares about Danny--when he said the line, "We're not going anywhere," he was looking at Danny, not Mac. Flack was reassuring Danny that he would be there for him, and also letting him know he wasn't going to let him do anything stupid.

And Danny's look back showed that he understood and dare I say appreciated that. I don't think Danny would have accepted that from anyone else but his best friend. It's moments like that that show how deep their friendship is. They're not just basketball or drinking buddies--there's a real bond there.
Kimmychu said:
Necrophilia Americana is an instant DannyFlack classic episode. Why?

THE HANDWAVES. *explodeys*

Handwave! I love the handwave! :D

Awww!! That 2nd pic is adorable Faylinn but I love them both! :D
Fay - I loved that handwave... I seriously have like 5 tapes laying around my room ,so I popped them in the VCR and found like a few episodes from S2 (Heroes, Necrophelia Americana, and some others, cant think of the names right now) but I watched Necrophelia Americana and saw that dorky wave and I'm like "yes, total Flack/Danny moment!". I loved it.

I'm still stuck in the stone ages with dial-up connection, it moves just about as fast as molasses in winter.. he he (old Ranch quote around my house, had to use So, I unfortunatley cant watch the eps that are on the CBS website, which really ticks me off, but I can wait, I can wait for this Saturday and all. ugh.. ::bangs head on desk:: I wish they'd hurry up and make S2 DVD Box set already! I need my Flackie/Danny goodies.