The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

that scene kinda pissed me off.

because flack should have told danny he had his back.

because we know he did. but danny really needed to know that then.
^^Exactly..That's what pissed me off too.

Danny looked like he was in so much pain and he told Flack he felt all alone. He would have felt so much better if Flack had only told him that he had his back. Danny even called him Don. He really needed his support.
Ah yes, thank you for that 1CSIMfan, too bad you couldn't transcribe that look Danny gave Mac after he told him to call someone. ;)

It pissed me off that Flack didn't say anything, but then I thought about the fact that, because Don was working the case, he could get in trouble for even meeting Danny and talking to him, and here Danny is not listening to what he says. But sometimes Flack is like Mac--they just don't know how to say things on Danny's wavelength. Both of them were telling him to calm down and take their advice, which was their way of looking out for him, but Danny just heard them telling him to keep his mouth shut and stay out of the way.

Anyway, that conversation makes me wonder what the situation was when the 'system got Danny in their sights.' Or maybe he was referring to a time when the system got his father/brother/etc in their 'sights.'

D'you know, they never really said if Minhas was a dirty cop or not--he was undercover but he still tried to kill the guy Danny was chasing. And, if I'm not mistaken, didn't one of Minhas' bullets hit the column Danny was behind? IMO, that looks like Minhas was aiming at Danny. *scratches head* [/off-topic question]
i don't know. they never really cleared that up.

but from the interrogation scenes between mac and the guy who shot the original victim, i got the impression that minhas was dirty. but that's just my interpretation.
Faylinn said:
Ah yes, thank you for that 1CSIMfan, too bad you couldn't transcribe that look Danny gave Mac after he told him to call someone. ;)

I may not have been able to transcribe it :rolleyes: but I think I may have found it along with a couple other pics.

But sometimes Flack is like Mac--they just don't know how to say things on Danny's wavelength. Both of them were telling him to calm down and take their advice, which was their way of looking out for him, but Danny just heard them telling him to keep his mouth shut and stay out of the way.
Flack should have told him that Mac did have his back and that he was telling him to keep his mouth shut because Mac was trying to clear him and not trying to get him out of the way.

Anyway, that conversation makes me wonder what the situation was when the 'system got Danny in their sights.' Or maybe he was referring to a time when the system got his father/brother/etc in their 'sights.'
That's what I was thinking too.

Did you know, they never really said if Minhas was a dirty cop or not--he was undercover but he still tried to kill the guy Danny was chasing. And, if I'm not mistaken, didn't one of Minhas' bullets hit the column Danny was behind? IMO, that looks like Minhas was aiming at Danny. *scratches head* [/off-topic question]
Yeah, one of his bullets did hit the column Danny was behind. I think he might have been aiming at Danny and I'm sure he knew Danny was a cop. I wish they would have cleared that up about Minhas but that's about what you can expect from TPTB.

Is this the pic you were talking about after Mac gives Danny the card?

Awww, there's Flack defending his Danny.

Here's Danny's look after Flack wouldn't say he had his back.

Here's Flack when Danny said nobody had his back. Bad Flack. **cracks out whip**
The only theory I've got on why the writers wrote the scene the way they did is, if Flack really did say that he had Danny's back ... there is no way in hell they'd be able to deny there was something deep going on between Danny and Flack.

:lol: :D
there is defently something between those 2 my sis pointed out that in the epi 'blood,sweat and tears' the scene were danny goes into the bathroom and notices that the shower curtain is missing my sis said that flack did not take his eyes off of danny.
Heh. Danny could be like, 'oh look, a flying unicorn,' and Flack would just stare at his profile and go 'uh-huh, that's nice." :lol: But seriously, Flack should have just played footsie with him under the table and avoided all of the sad!Danny-ness. :p Hell, if we're being all slash-tastic here, Flack should have just escorted Danny to somewhere a little more private than the middle of a cafe and proven to him that he has his back. :devil:

Those pictures are great, 1CSIMfan. :D I think the 'look' I was thinking of was more of Danny having his head down and looking up at Mac. But I still like the ones you found. ;) I especially like your caption for the picture of Flack. :devil: *steals the whip from Rhonda* :lol:

Anyway, getting away from naughty thoughts and D/F slashiness... :p

I wonder if Flack knows about what Danny meant with the 'system' having someone 'in their sight' comment? *is curious*
Faylinn said:Those pictures are great, 1CSIMfan. :D I think the 'look' I was thinking of was more of Danny having his head down and looking up at Mac. But I still like the ones you found. ;) I especially like your caption for the picture of Flack. :devil: *steals the whip from Rhonda* :lol:
I went back and looked and that pic wasn't capped. :( **hunts down Fay to get whip back**can probably find her in gutter** :D
:eek: Oh, sorry about that feenx--you haven't been fully converted to the D/F way of thinking, have you? *hangs head in shame* I'm afraid I may have corrupted you for life. Perhaps the D/F thread over in Shipper Central will ease you gently into things--or maybe not so gently. ;) :lol:

*won't give Rhonda the whip back* :devil:
Faylinn said:
:eek: Oh, sorry about that feenx--you haven't been fully converted to the D/F way of thinking, have you? *hangs head in shame* I'm afraid I may have corrupted you for life. Perhaps the D/F thread over in Shipper Central will ease you gently into things--or maybe not so gently. ;) :lol:

*won't give Rhonda the whip back* :devil:
Oh, ah, I see you've actually been to the D/F, uh, why did you :eek:?... :p

Anyway, back to their friendship (I need to make myself a post-it to remind me to stay on track here ;)).

I hate that "Run Silent, Run Deep" didn't give us more time with the two of them. I would like to have seen how Flack reacted to the fact that Danny's DNA was with the body (or did they show his reaction and I'm just having a brain-fart right now? :confused:). We know that he stayed with Danny after Louie was beat up, but I'm curious about whether he believed, even for a second, that Danny could have been involved with the murder. I also wonder if Danny had ever told Flack that Louie was involved with Tanglewood. I tend to doubt it, since Danny didn't seem to want to acknowledge that part of his life until he absolutely had to, but it's an interesting line of discussion. ;)