The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

^My very dirty thoughts exactly. :devil: ;)

I wonder if Flack will lean on Danny or if he'll push him away while he recovers. I don't think Flack would like anyone to see him in a weakened state, especially someone like Danny, who he clearly cares for but also views as somewhat weaker than he is and in need of shielding/protection.
<dirty> On Danny waking Flack up from his coma state:
Well, just hide it under the phrase: "giving snow white a kiss to wake her up." Lol....</dirty>

It's a heart-warming to think of that situation... that Danny will be the first one there whether Flack needs him or not. I'm still rooting for the Sr.-Jr.- Danny scene, though. Lol....
flack's a tough guy. he doesn't want anyone to see him down and out, he'll feel like he'll lose his edge. and he's alway felt like he needs to save/protect danny.

danny, and all the trouble he gets into, feeds flack's hero complex and keeps it in check. so if the roles are reversed and the one who usually is being protected is doing the protecting than it will make for all kinds of intersting flack angst/drama. which would be interesting to see.

and yes, i think flack has a hero complex when it comes to danny. danny always needs to be saved and flack is always there to do it. if he didn't have danny to save, he would probably be out there trying to be superman, and that could be a rather destructive way to go.
I'd be interesting in that kind of Flack angst and drama myself.

Flack will probably be in a somewhat weakened state somehow [mentally, physically, etc] depending on where they start him out next season and he probably won't be stong enough to be all tough hero to Danny like he may want to and I can see that really bothering him and making him frustrated. Sparky some newfound snarkiness to arise perhaps.

Danny will probably need to learn how to be the stronger one though for Flack. It would be different for him to be the one to console and comfort someone else when usually he's the one getting that kind of treatment, so it would be quite interesting to see how he handle the new role in the friendship.
iluvroadrunner said:
flack's a tough guy. he doesn't want anyone to see him down and out, he'll feel like he'll lose his edge. and he's alway felt like he needs to save/protect danny.

danny, and all the trouble he gets into, feeds flack's hero complex and keeps it in check. so if the roles are reversed and the one who usually is being protected is doing the protecting than it will make for all kinds of intersting flack angst/drama. which would be interesting to see.

and yes, i think flack has a hero complex when it comes to danny. danny always needs to be saved and flack is always there to do it. if he didn't have danny to save, he would probably be out there trying to be superman, and that could be a rather destructive way to go.

I agree completely. I think Flack likes playing the hero, and let's face it, Danny is someone who always seems to need a hero to lean on emotionally or actually rescue him ("On the Job," "Trapped"). I think it makes Flack feel tough and reliable, and like he's a good friend. Which he is.

But I don't know that he'd take Danny trying to help him out seriously. He probably doesn't look at Danny as someone who is capable of really helping out someone else. Mac and Stella, sure, but Danny's a mess who always seems to get himself into trouble wherever he goes. So if Danny was there for Flack, and Flack had to reevaluate the way he looks at Danny, it could be a turning point in their friendship.
and it could go either way. he could decided that he can't handle the responsible danny, and their friendship could go south (WHICH SHOULD NOT HAPPEN), or he could wind up giving danny more space to take care of himself.

which, personally, i think danny needs. he's always having people come and save his butt, when he really needs to learn how to cover his own. and giving danny that space he needs could strengthen their friendship even more, cuz now one's not completely leaning on the other. now they balance each other.
^Yeah, Danny is kind of dependent on Flack. Look how he called him to his side in "On the Job" to console him, and then stormed out on him! It makes me wonder if Danny kind of takes Flack for granted. I think maybe Flack getting wounded in the bombing might make Danny reevaluate that.
Yeah, Danny is kinda like a damsel in distress.

Danny did play the tough guy facade for sometime .. until he ultimately cracked in front of Mac. *Grrr... if only Flack was there...*

If Danny trusts Don enough to confide in him, maybe Don will be the same to Danny.
Danny's totally a damsel in distress. :lol: The man is always in trouble or in danger or in need of help. And as others have pointed out, Flack does have kind of a hero complex...helping Danny probably makes him feel good about himself.

But the role reversal will be interesting, and it would be nice to see Danny having to help someone else out for a change, and be there for Flack.
I think the role reversal would be intersting as well. It would be something totally new to both of them.

Danny would have Flack's job in the friendship and the guy who helps and reassures and Flack's going to kinda be the more helpless [though he probably wouldn't admit it] of the two who may need to ask someone else for assistance. But Danny especially will need to step up and be there for him.
Danny's an expert of getting himself in trouble. Lol.... *mimics DeeDee's voice in Dexter's Lab* ooohhhh, what does this button do? Lol...

Role reversal, yeah. I could see how that could possible pan out. It's not hard to picture Danny mad. Lol... and Flack, will accept the 'help' after much coaxing and probably a conversation like this:

Flack: Danny, I'm alright. You don't have to worry about me.
Danny: Don, buddy, I'm just looking out for you.

Then come the stares and the *friendly* smiles.
^ i actually think flack would put up a big fight before he lets danny take care of him. he would hate to feel like he needed help... he might even scream at danny. who would then have to somehow force his help onto flack.

oh and btw i love the danny/dee dee comparison!! :lol:
Good ideas about the role-reversal, guys. ;)

I was watching "On the Job" last night. I didn't remember Mac giving Danny that card for the lawyer--but when he did, he told Danny to call him so he could talk to someone (or something like that, I knew I should have written down the quote while I still remembered it :rolleyes:), and Danny gives him this little look. Then, what happens the next time we see Danny? He's meeting Flack in the cafe. Aww, I guess we know who Danny wanted to talk to. ^_^ Too bad he was being a butthead to poor Flack, who should really know better than to try to talk to Danny when he's being a stubborn ass. :p But when Danny said nobody had his back (again, paraphrasing), and Flack just kind of looked away, my first thought was: because he's probably been expressly ordered not to even speak to you, dumbass, and yet here he is--how is he not there for you?! *shakes head* I think Don would have had an easier time if he'd just beat the s***t out of Danny and left it at that. ;)
^^You're in luck Fay. I just happen to have the DVD in my laptop. :D

Mac: Come here. I want you to go home. I want you to call this guy. He's a good lawyer. He's expecting your call.
Danny: I don't need a lawyer Mac.
Mac: If the DA decides to prosecute, you will. Give him a call anyway. It will do you some good to talk to someone.

Here's part of the diner scene:

Danny: It was a good shoot Don and I feel like a gotta do something about it.
Flack: No,no, no. Listen to me. You don't have ta do anything but keep your mouth shut and let Mac handle it.
Danny: No Mac's worried about the reputation of the (something or other, couldn't tell)
Flack: You're wrong, he's got your back.
Danny: Well, it doesn't feel like that. I feel very alone in this. I feel like there's people out there talking about me and I got no chance to defend myself.
Flack: You gotta trust the system.
Danny: I know what it's like when the system gets you in their sights and I'm not gonna let that happen again.
Flack: Take it easy.
Danny: What do you mean take it easy? Take what, take it easy. What you think I can just shut this off. You think I can just shut this all down? Why didn't anybody just step up to me and say Danny, I got your back?
Flack: (has a disgusted look and looks away and then back) Don't hang yourself Danny.
Danny: You know what this feels like? It feels like I'm already being hung. (slams hand on table then leaves)

Poor Danny. I'd be happy to have his back for him. :devil: