^^You're in luck
Fay. I just happen to have the DVD in my laptop.
Mac: Come here. I want you to go home. I want you to call this guy. He's a good lawyer. He's expecting your call.
Danny: I don't need a lawyer Mac.
Mac: If the DA decides to prosecute, you will. Give him a call anyway. It will do you some good to talk to someone.
Here's part of the diner scene:
Danny: It was a good shoot Don and I feel like a gotta do something about it.
Flack: No,no, no. Listen to me. You don't have ta do anything but keep your mouth shut and let Mac handle it.
Danny: No Mac's worried about the reputation of the (something or other, couldn't tell)
Flack: You're wrong, he's got your back.
Danny: Well, it doesn't feel like that. I feel very alone in this. I feel like there's people out there talking about me and I got no chance to defend myself.
Flack: You gotta trust the system.
Danny: I know what it's like when the system gets you in their sights and I'm not gonna let that happen again.
Flack: Take it easy.
Danny: What do you mean take it easy? Take what, take it easy. What you think I can just shut this off. You think I can just shut this all down? Why didn't anybody just step up to me and say Danny, I got your back?
Flack: (has a disgusted look and looks away and then back) Don't hang yourself Danny.
Danny: You know what this feels like? It feels like I'm already being hung. (slams hand on table then leaves)
Poor Danny. I'd be happy to have his
back for him. :devil: