The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Man, so much great stuff in here! :D

OK, re: the diner. Flack's such a guy. :lol: Mac didn't say he had Danny's back because let's face it, he didn't. If the evidence had said it was a bad shoot, Mac would have presented the evidence to IAB. Mac's loyalties are to his job and his country--he said as much to Aiden.

Flack was showing Danny he had his back by going to the diner during the investigation. Danny was clearly Flack's priority, from the moment he shoved that cop for badmouthing Danny. Flack tried to console Danny, but from the look on his face when he looked away, he's dealt with hysterical Danny before. That was an "oh here we go again" look. He probably knew what he was in for but went anyway. The problem is that Danny needed it spelled out for him.

Re: RSRD. We didn't see much of Flack and Danny together, but what we did see was significant. The line "We're not going anywere" that Flack said while looking straight at Danny speaks volumes about their friendship. Danny also looks back and Flack and accepts what he says. He knows Flack isn't going to let him go off and get hurt, and he accepts it! That's huge for Danny. And, how did Flack know so quickly about Louie being attacked? It's possible Danny called him to tell him (but neglected to mention where he was).

Faylinn said:
Heh. Danny could be like, 'oh look, a flying unicorn,' and Flack would just stare at his profile and go 'uh-huh, that's nice." :lol: But seriously, Flack should have just played footsie with him under the table and avoided all of the sad!Danny-ness. :p Hell, if we're being all slash-tastic here, Flack should have just escorted Danny to somewhere a little more private than the middle of a cafe and proven to him that he has his back. :devil:

:lol: So true! :D Flack's eyes hardly ever leave Danny when they're in a scene together. It's incredibly sexy, and very, very telling. ;) Crime scenes don't really exist for Flack when Danny is around. :lol:
<innocence>I think the reason why Flack didn't say out right that he has Danny's back....Danny would've burst in tears right then and there in that diner. He was ready to cry already. There was something obvious in Flack's face and body language in that scene that is holding him back from bursting those words out. They both would've been a crying mess if Flack did comfort Danny in that diner lol.

On role reversal, well -- Flack would give Danny hell for sure if he'll play the big brother to him. But Danny'll insist until Flack buckles.</innocence>

<gutter>Okay, that last statement (...buckles) -- could be taken into the gutter and interpreted differently. Lol!!!!
^Maybe Danny could offer up favors in exchange for Flack helping him out. ;)

And of course I meant the running errands type of favors, and not the ones where Danny does a striptease for Flack. All the dirty minds in here! ;)

Danny was pretty close to tears in the diner as it was. He probably ran out so that Flack wouldn't see him cry. So...why didn't Flack chase after him??? ;)
^He knew that Danny will need some space. Danny just told him that he's feeling all alone in the situation. By walking out, he kind of sent the "leave me alone" message.

Gosh, I could almost see Flack grabbing Danny's arm and pulling him towards him. But the diner's a pretty public place lol... ;)
Flack should have chased after him. How sweet would that have been? I think Danny wanted someone to say that unconditionally he/she was there for him. Too bad he couldn't read from Flack's actions that that was just what Flack was doing!
See, guys? :D All our viable options so far always end with the two of them either hugging each other or chasing after one another or ... well, let your imagination roam free. :devil:

No wonder the scene was written the way it was! It was all the writers could do to keep the D/F love at bay! :lol:
Well, chasing after one another and an exchange of hugs (however friendly they seem to be) leads to *more* things. Lol....

It was obvious that Flack was holding back. He was talking like it was scripted, by the book. Hell, if it's not in that small diner -- Danny'll be in Flack's arms in no time.
I think Danny asked Flack to meet him in that diner on purpose because it was a crowded place. I don't think he wanted to be alone with Flack because Danny was close to tears and if they had been alone he would have lost it. Flack would have had to comfort him and well.... :p

I still believe that Flack should have told him that he had his back. The look on Danny's face...he was wanting **needing** to hear it. Danny and Flack both knew that but Danny also knew that Flack did have his back and he really didn't need to say it. Danny is just different from other people. He needs verbal reassurement. If Flack didn't care about him, he never would have showed up at that diner.

I can see why Danny got frustrated and stormed out of the diner but he was also ready to cry. He probably did after he left.

I think Flack should have emphasized more for Danny to stay out of it and not do anything because Mac was on his side. He needed that to get through to Danny. Mac wouldn't have gotten so pissed at Danny if he hadn't went and given his statement when Mac told him not to. Danny's always trying to prove himself. Trying to prove he's not like his family. Sometimes he just tries too hard. Mac would have never hired him if he didn't thinkt hat.

Kimmy, couldn't have said it better myself. ;) I can just imagine how the diner scene would have played out if they had been somewhere else.
If it hadn't been in the diner, Danny would have started crying, Flack would have taken Danny in his arms, there'd have been a kiss and then :devil: :devil: :devil: . ;)

Flack probably just didn't know what to say. Yeah, Danny was spelling it out for him, but Flack's a guy. He's so dense! And then Danny gets all huffy and storms out of the diner and Flack's like, WTF???? Poor Flack! And yet, he gets right back to the case. That's one damn loyal friend.
Danny was expecting Flack to say that he has his back. I guess apart from Mac's approval, he also seeks Flack's.

It was a sure blow to him when Flack held back the last minute and stormed out before he could say anything. I guess that's one more reason for Danny to cry.
I think Danny definitely seeks Mac's approval, but I think he also expects unwavering loyalty from Flack. Which Flack was actually giving him, but Danny wanted the precise words. Danny wanted Flack to pretty much tell him in no uncertain terms that he had his back. And Flack not saying it just got Danny more worked up and upset. Hence tears and storming out followed.
Naughty naughty girls! :lol: :lol: My brains will explode when I read your messages.
I know, I'm in wrong ship