The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Miss_Undercover -- that banner is a killer! Love it!

*Flack, Messer, SUV, crackers, donuts, sticky goo in a jelly donut.... stop me!* Lol, I love it that Flack refers to his squad car as his "limo".

Fay -- thanks! Yeah, maybe I'll take matters into my own hands lol. Don't worry, I can squeeze in a little (or more) Danny-isms in there if you like. Lol... I just hope the Almighty grants me more time in day to do fics. :(
Flack's totally the driver. :lol: ;) It's funny because I think Flack kind of looks at Danny as someone he needs to protect, someone who isn't quite as capable of taking care of himself as he (Flack) is. Flack stepped in so quickly to protect Danny in "On the Job" when the cop was bad mouthing Danny, and then whenever they go into a dangerous situation Flack makes sure he goes in first. I think Flack definitely sees himself as the tougher of the two.

So yeah, I totally don't see Flack letting Danny drive, especially not his car.
^in that respect, of flack seeing himself as tougher, it's really gonna be interesting to see how the roles become reversed. when danny's the one who has to take care of flack. make some great angsty moments. i'm excited. :D
^It will be interesting to see! Though I expect Flack will still look at himself as the tougher one, and be frustrated that Danny might have to help him out with some stuff.
yup. but angsty flack moments? something we rarely ever get? and danny has to step up and be slightly more mature than he used to be?

pretty intersting to see.
I could actually see them fighting if Danny does step up and try to help Flack. Flack might be frustrated and annoyed by Danny's attempts to help him because Flack probably figures he's tough enough to work through his physical limitations on his own while he's healing. Danny in turn would probably be hurt if Flack didn't let him help him out at all.
^^I agree. Flack is always the tough one and if Danny tries to be the tough one I think Flack will be bothered by that. He won't want to look weak to Danny. Since Danny is always the one being comforted and protected by Flack, he may not know exactly how to return the favor. That's a side of Danny we've never seen. Only because he's always been the one who needed comforted/protected.

I loved it when Flack totally snapped on that cop and came to Danny's defense. Shows how much he cares about him.
I don't see Flack being easy going and comfortable with the fact that Danny is comforting him and he's not able to be the same tough guy he was at first [not that he won't get back to being tough as he gets better]. It's an unfamiliar role for him so it would be intresting to see how this plays out.

Yeah, I love it when he sticks up for Danny and makes sure he's ok and nobody messes with him.
I can so see Flack playing a big brother role on Danny. Danny's such a kid sometimes and in some aspects, he is. We all know how he reacted during the Louie incident and all that.

I'm sure if Flack's the one in hot water, Danny will be the first one to protect him.
absolutely. and i'm all for danny protecting flack. i just want to see flack's reaction to it. he's not going to be happy that the roles are reversed and the status quo is being disturbed. that doesn't seem very stable to him at all.
Same here iluvroadrunner! I would love to see how Flack would react. I can see him being thrown off a bit by it because he's not used to it. But still seeing Danny protecting Flack is welcome and all good in my book.