The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

I think Danny makes Flack laugh a lot, in an affectionate way of course. I love the way Flack smiles at Danny when Danny cracks a joke or says something funny. He clearly appreciates Danny's humor, which is kind of cute because Flack is by far the funnier and wittier of the two.
I find such playful affection between two grown men very sweet. No slashy intentions meant, of course. :)

Hey, Fay, will we ever see Danny taking over the driving? ;)
^^That's why I'm hoping that they get to work together a lot in season 3. They just click. It's almost like they can read each other's minds. I don't think I've ever seen any other pair work together to smoothly. And it also doesn't hurt that we get to drool over both of them at the same time when they work together. :devil:

ETA: tiqlado, how often does Flack let Danny drive anyway? **a car, i totally mean a car** :rolleyes:
ETA: tiqlado, how often does Flack let Danny drive anyway? **a car, i totally mean a car**

Sure, you meant the car. :rolleyes: :p

I think Flack would hardly let Danny drive, specially in his car. And if rough-housing's involved, then we definitely know who always ends up with the car keys, eh? :D
^^hehe....I honestly can't see Danny driving even though in the episode Necrophilia Americana when Flack gave him the dorky wave, he did pull up in one of the suv's. He just seems to hyper to drive and Flack seems like the type of guy who hates to ride in a car. They'd probably fight until Danny pulled over and let Flack drive. We all know that Flack is the driver. ;) :p
:D Flack's the driver all right. Necrophilia Americana is the only time I really remember him driving although he could have drove in past episodes. Yeah, I don't see Flack being ok with being a passenger.
Necrophilia Americana when Flack gave him the dorky wave, he did pull up in one of the suv's
The dorky wave... *giggles* I dunno, I just find that so dern funny! :lol:
Yeah, I don't see Flack being ok with being a passenger.
I agree. I get the impression that with him driving, he has control of everything, including if he wants to eat in the car. :p

FLACK: If you get catsup on my carpeting, Danny, you're gonna lick that off.
I agree. I get the impression that with him driving, he has control of everything, including if he wants to eat in the car.

FLACK: If you get catsup on my carpeting, Danny, you're gonna lick that off.

Oh man, I can so see Flack saying that to Danny and not be kidding about it either. :D

I watched Til Death do us Part last night where Stella says she's driving and Flack makes that comment about when she drives nobody eats. Love that.
I never really got that quote. I mean, is Flack just meaning that Stella doesn't let people eat when she's driving, and he's hungry? Or does she drive so wildly that nobody can eat?
Heh. Yeah, Danny will finally get to drive--but he has to take desperate measures to do so. :p And Flack won't be happy about it. I'm afraid the sequel will have slashy undertones, more-so than the first story. :lol: (Because, for a D/F shipper like myself, I know there was more than one reason why Flack liked wrestling for the keys :devil:) Anyway, hopefully I'll get some more story up soon. ;)
Ceindreadh said:
I never really got that quote. I mean, is Flack just meaning that Stella doesn't let people eat when she's driving, and he's hungry? Or does she drive so wildly that nobody can eat?

Yeah, Flack meant that when Stella drives she doesn't stop to eat because he asked her if she had crackers or candy (or something) in the glovebox and she asked why and he said because when you drive we don't eat.

Faylinn slashy is a must for the sequel. :)
I agree. I get the impression that with him driving, he has control of everything, including if he wants to eat in the car.

Yeah! I see that too! Sounds like him. I heard he likes to eat in the car alot. I just find that so cute for some reason. :D
Ceindreadh said:
I never really got that quote. I mean, is Flack just meaning that Stella doesn't let people eat when she's driving, and he's hungry? Or does she drive so wildly that nobody can eat?
The Flack & Stella scene is from *Rain*, or ? I'm sure...

I saw the episode yesterday on DVD and every time I come to the place, must I laugh, because it's so funny.... ;)

The poor Flack. He doesn't have anything to eat.

Is how a little schoolboy without his bread in the pause... ;)
^^I watched that Flack and Stella scene last night. It's from the eppy Til Death do we Part where they have to go back to the monestary. :)
The only reason I remember which eppy is while I was on here last night and reading fanfic I had a season 1 dvd in and the only eppy's on it were Recycling, Tanglewood, Blood Sweat & Tears, and Til Death Do We Part. I loved that Flack was kinda scared of that monestary. That was just too cute.