The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

i'm with every one here: great fic fay! :D

somehow i don't think danny is capable of shouting at flack coz he got pissed during an interrogation. plus, flack could always be like "you're giving me an anger management speech?!?! YOU?" but then again i dono...
Flack's always the one to balance Danny, to calm him down. I think it would be great to see Danny comfort Don once -- to stabilize him. Maybe a post-CotP something or other where Flack's really frustrated and Danny's just, "That's the way it is, man, can't change things."
^ I, for one, would like to see how Danny would calm him down, since Flack has always played the cooler head between the pair. It would be a nice acting vehicle for Carmine, to show Danny "growing up" and being stronger for someone who's virtually been a pillar to him in the past.
^well we know danny has become a lot calmer in season 2 so maybe the writers will use his new placidness to kind of anchor flack who may become more...touchy. but i am also hoping that later on danny will have some kind or short relapse into his bitchy/agitated self... i'm not sure i want flack to comfort him then, tho. maybe his getting over it by himself will make danny a more even and stable character.
I, for one, would like to see how Danny would calm him down, since Flack has always played the cooler head between the pair.

Yeah same here. We're used to seeing Flack being level headed and in control, so emotional Flack and calm Danny would make for a nice change.
Well, we don't know Flack's reaction to a lot of things -- Aiden's death, for instance; he wasn't in the room when the rest of the team was notified, and he was too busy being there for Danny to show much of a reaction in the first place -- but in S1's episode "Officer Blue" it's clear that he can be very emotional, although it was Mac that calmed him down then. It would be a nice change to see Danny be there for him, to calm him down.
afrikana said:
^well we know danny has become a lot calmer in season 2 so maybe the writers will use his new placidness to kind of anchor flack who may become more...touchy. but i am also hoping that later on danny will have some kind or short relapse into his bitchy/agitated self... i'm not sure i want flack to comfort him then, tho. maybe his getting over it by himself will make danny a more even and stable character.

If they want to put Danny on another emotional roller coaster all they have to do is follow up on Louie. That is still up in the air. Whether he starts to recover or dies, it will do a number on Danny. It would be nice if Louie would recover and then Danny could tell him while he's conscious how he really felt about him. Louie treated him the way he did all those years so he would stay away from the Tanglewood Boys. If Louie died, then Danny would go through all the emotional stuff again. I myself would like to see Flack there for him instead of Danny dealing with it himself. I don't know if Danny could deal with something like that on his own. And God forbid they have him turn to Lindsay.
I myself would like to see Flack there for him instead of Danny dealing with it himself. I don't know if Danny could deal with something like that on his own.

Yeah me too. I would the he would be the first person to Danny's side if anything like that happened to him. He'd be patient and everything with Danny. It would show their friendship at another level.

And God forbid they have him turn to Lindsay.

*shudders* I sure hope that doesn't even cross their minds. That would- I don't even want to think about it.
csi_fanatic87 said:
I myself would like to see Flack there for him instead of Danny dealing with it himself. I don't know if Danny could deal with something like that on his own.

Yeah me too. I would the he would be the first person to Danny's side if anything like that happened to him. He'd be patient and everything with Danny. It would show their friendship at another level.

knowing TPTB, they'd probably have mac comfort danny coz it was on his shoulder that danny cried... but that said, i would prefer it to be flack. i think at first danny would shut himself out and flack will have to be patient and coax him out of it. the whole emotional rollercoaster thing could potentially be very interesting, but could also kill the show if it becomes redundant.

csi_fanatic87 said:
And God forbid they have him turn to Lindsay.

*shudders* I sure hope that doesn't even cross their minds. That would- I don't even want to think about it.

that would be distastrous! i don't think lindsay knows how to handle danny and her being all "small-town" and comforting won't help. if they do that then it'll sorta contradict season 1 where he goes to flack for help. unless they're trying to tell us that flack wouldn't come comfort danny outta his own concern (w/o being called). in my book that would be sacrilegious!
that would be distastrous! i don't think lindsay knows how to handle danny

Yeah it really would. She doesn't know Danny like Flack does so I can't even fathom how she would sincerely be able to help him or anything. It seems like she would be at a loss trying to comfort an unstable and emotional Danny.
Whoa, after skimming all your posts, guys -- I must say, this is a fic melting pot. I agree with all your mentions of Flack,Sr. and how Jr seemed to shy away from being compared to his old man.

Don and Danny does have a brother-brother thing on screen. Danny longed for that, which he didn't get from Louie until it was too late and... does Flack have any siblings? Anyway, it seems that they are of the same age bracket and they are both NY boys so that alone makes the viewer see how much respect and understanding they have for each other.

I have a fic idea. I know I have mentioned this before and I realized that maybe I could write this down as a Danny-Don friendship piece. It'll be when Flack gets released from the hospital and then Flack,Sr. appears -- to drive Jr. home and talk. But Don already called Danny to do that for him.... I can't really put it in words right now... I'll clear my head first hahhaha...
Ooh, I like the idea of that, chaos. Must let us know when you get it written, because I'd love to read it. Do I sense a bit of conflict perhaps? ;)
Yes, it's not mainly a Danny/Don-centric fic. I'm thinking of exploring the relationship between Jr and Sr Flack.

Danny's just there in case Jr. wants to rant and get things off his chest. It's strictly a Danny/Don friendship :)
Are you trying to imply that there will be no slash?...I'm afraid that doesn't compute with me...*brain explodes* look what you've done! ;) :p :lol:

But seriously though, that sounds interesting. :) I like when people write fanfic to show the relationships between the characters and their families, and the Sr./Jr. relationship is one of the most intriguing ones. So hop to it and get writing! ;) :lol:
I like when people write fanfic to show the relationships between the characters and their families

Yeah, so do I! I find those types of fanfics very good and real interesting to read. If you write that fanfic idea of yours chaostheory08, I would love to read it. :)