The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Yay, Fay! :D *throws confetti* At least, that ffnet account didn't entirely go to waste...

I think the story shows up in a couple of hours. Mine did when I incessantly dogged the CSI: NY section to check. :p

I promise I won't bite when I review! :D

Oh and the signature campaign? *fumbles with page of a notebook, slaps it on the table* Here ya go. Line up, ladies!
I thought it took a while, but maybe it works immediately. I couldn't search for it to see if it worked. So, er, I dunno how this whole thing works. *scratches head* I guess we'll see tomorrow if it's up there. ;)

I'd pick Danny up on the side of the road too. :lol: But you know Flack was just kidding, and it's not like Danny would take him seriously and actually get out, after all. ;)
^ You'd see your new fic up on in the Stories section when you're logged in. Come on! Gimme the link! Gimme the link! :D

But you know Flack was just kidding, and it's not like Danny would take him seriously and actually get out, after all.
The twisted goblin that is me says Flack'll ditch him on the side of the road, then come back after five minutes. Then they'd have a yelling match in the middle of the road. Of course, that could just be me talking... :devil:
Er, well then I hope you're not expecting that in the story! :lol: 'Cause my Flack didn't really kick him out, he just wanted him to shut the hell up. :lol:

I found it. *gulp* Here it is: "I'm Driving (Oh, How Quickly He Forgets)"

Keep in mind that it's not exactly how I image their friendship to be, but it's just meant to be humorous, so...

*bites nails*
:lol: Fay, I enjoyed it. With your long explinations and views tied in with your creative talent.. You make a very good writer! :D You must write more.
i left you a review.

but it totally reminded me of the episode in s1...the title's escaping me at the moment...but there's the one scene where stella tells flack she's driving, and he begs her to let him drive because "when you drive we don't eat." which made me smile.
Aww!! Faylinn, what were you worried about? Your writing is great! :) I loved that fic! Looking forward to other fanfics you write [if you decide too].
*blushes* Thanks. ;) If I could write decent smut, there would have been a very interesting ending tacked on there. :devil: My D/F brain wouldn't be able to help it. :lol:

Anywho, back to the topic at hand. :p

Speaking of Danny keeping an eye on Flack, can you imagine how he'd react if he found out that Flack had been chasing suspects (and slamming them into walls, *cough*) too soon? I'd love to see Danny chew him out in front of everyone else. :lol:
I'd love to see Danny chew him out in front of everyone else.

That would make for a great scene! It's nice to see the tables turned a bit. [Danny calming Flack down] You're very welcome! That's all right. Smut isn't a requirement for me. :)
They're like DX, aka D-Genertion X, the most dominant jackasses on WWE Raw. But, hilarious at the same time. Like those high school clowns who people liked.
Just read your fics, Fay, and they're really good. What were you afraid of? I love your narrative style 'cause it had the character's "voice", so to speak. :) You should be getting my reviews by now. Thanks for indulging us! ^____^

(and slamming them into walls, *cough*)
*sits up* Did you just say "body slamming"? :D