The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Yeah, Flack's driving, Danny's side-seat driving and bugging Flack, and Flack's yelling at Danny to shut up and let him drive! :lol:

Danny: You know, that was a yellow light.
Flack: It wasn't red was it?
Danny: No, but yellow means 'slow down' not 'speed up.'
Flack: *knuckles turning white as he clutches the steering wheel* Danny?
Danny: Yeah, Flack?
Flack: Shut up, damnit!
*silence for a few minutes*
Danny: Did you even see that pedestrian?
Flack: *snarls* Daaaaannnnny!


But hell, I don't mind Pouty!Danny. :devil:
:lol: Awww!! That's Danny and Flack in the car all right! Awsome situation! :D I love it when you think of those Faylinn!
*ROFL*! Priceless scene, Fay! Danny sounds like a whiny, backseat driver-wife! Like, he's sitting at the back, poking at Don! *LMAO*

And if Flack did get to drive, I'm sure Danny did take the backseat. For his safety. :D
Heh heh. They argue over who gets to drive, and Don finally wins, so Danny climbs into the back seat, hooks his seat belt, and checks to make sure it's secure. Meanwhile, Flack just grumbles under his breath. :lol: Danny would probably also clutch at the door handle whenever Flack did something stupid (like my mom does when I'm driving--it makes me insane! :p) and gasp.

*muffled sound and a gasp*
Flack: Danny, I saw the bike messenger, so stop grabbing at the door handle.
*a few minutes later, Danny gasps and yanks on the headrest of the seat*
Flack: Damnit Danny, what was that for?!
Danny: You told me not to grab the door handle.
Flack: *scowl* You're acting like I'm a maniac driver or something.
Danny: Well, if the lead-filled shoe fits, wear it.
Flack: That's it! Get out and walk!
Yeah, I can see Danny pushing Flack's buttons all of the time, and Flack lets him do it because he's usually so calm and collected (sort of ;))--but sometimes, it just gets to be too much! :lol:

D'you know what would be great? If, when S3 started and Flack was just getting back to field work, Danny kept stealing glances at him to see if he was okay. That would bug the crap out of Don, who wouldn't want anyone suggesting that he couldn't handle doing his job (and he definitely wouldn't want Danny to baby him). :lol:

I really wish the S2 finale hadn't been so rushed. I think there might have been more opportunity for some friendship there if they'd had more time. The entire thing felt rushed, and that last scene was like "everybody run in, now run the hell back out! Move it!" But it's over and done with now, so I guess I should stop pouting (*is still pouting*). Let's just hope that they make it up to us in S3. Lots of D/F friendship! And maybe even one of those basketball games they play. :devil: I mean, they could have a crime happen nearby that becomes part of the storyline, but start out with sweaty guys playing ball (maybe shirtless, or at least in tank tops). Please?! :lol:

ETA: Fanfic? *blushes* Ladies, you give me too much credit...but I'll think about it. :lol:
^ Like I said in the other thread, Fay, DO IT! Don't be afraid of crit. You're sure to handle that. :D

Flack was just getting back to field work, Danny kept stealing glances at him to see if he was okay. That would bug the crap out of Don, who wouldn't want anyone suggesting that he couldn't handle doing his job (and he definitely wouldn't want Danny to baby him).
Flack would be oh-so tempted to swipe poke his glasses off and poke him in the eyes! :lol:

Why don't we start a signature campaign for hot sweaty and shirtless guys playing ball? :devil:
Faylinn said:
Yeah, I can see Danny pushing Flack's buttons all of the time, and Flack lets him do it because he's usually so calm and collected (sort of ;))--but sometimes, it just gets to be too much! :lol:

:D Yeah, Flack takes Danny pushing his buttons all in stride since they're such good friends and he knows that how Danny is, but like you said every man has his limits.

D'you know what would be great? If, when S3 started and Flack was just getting back to field work, Danny kept stealing glances at him to see if he was okay. That would bug the crap out of Don, who wouldn't want anyone suggesting that he couldn't handle doing his job (and he definitely wouldn't want Danny to baby him). :lol:

Aww!! That's Danny all right! Always look after him to make sure he's ok, but doesn't want Flack to notice that he keeps stealing many glances at him. That would make Flack kinda annoyed. Flack sure is they type that doesn't want to be babied. He figures he can handle it and it perfectly fine [maybe even thinks he's not effected by the accident]

ETA: Fanfic? *blushes* Ladies, you give me too much credit...but I'll think about it. :lol:

YAY!! :D You're too awsome Faylinn!
Alright, I'm in the process of writing the "I'm Driving" story--it's not as funny as I thought it would be, but I'm pretty happy with it, so...I think I have a account (I signed up for one on an ambitious day a while back but never posted anything), so I'll go type it up. It takes a day to post, right? So I guess it'll be on there tomorrow evening if everything goes smoothly. :) *nervous giggle*

Anywho, back on topic:

A "hot sweaty and shirtless guys playing ball" campaign? Where do I sign up?! *grabs a pen* :lol:
^don't worry...i'm sure it's hilarious. :D

and it wouldn't be wise for flack to let danny walk. i don't usually pick up hitch hikers but if it were danny... :devil: and he'd have to pay for the service, too! :lol:

i can sooo see flack losing it coz danny is trying to see if he's ok. imo, he'd probably end up getting mad at danny who will consequently shut himself out for a while and there will be mucho angst...
I would definately pick up Danny from the side of the road. :devil: Fay loved the quotes. That so sounds like Danny and Flack. :)