The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Hmm, I dunno if that story is on I just found it on LJ. I've never really searched, so it's entirely possible (since so many people post their stories in both).

That's an interesting idea about the father-son relationship. Maybe Daddy-Flack was excited about his boy going into his line of work and was really proud, and then they might have had some words about their differing opinions about certain things. I can see Flack's friendship with Danny being one of those things (though certainly not the only one), and perhaps it was the one that finally facilitated the falling-out (if there was one, of course, since we're only working from theory at this point).
In "The Fall", Gavin Moran referred to Flack's father as an NYPD legend. Flack seemed to push any mention of his father aside, though. I wonder what that's about -- I definitely want to know more backstory. And why was his family not at the hospital at the end of "Charge of This Post" ?
^ Not enough time to field the Flack family in, the ep feeling rushed as it is :rolleyes:

Saw "The Fall" again during my day off, and I noticed that when Gavin mentioned about his father, Don had that slight exasperated look. His short answer could be interpreted as his not wanting to talk more about his father. As to why, it can be anybody's guess, e.g., tired of living in his shadow, wanted to be identified as himself than "a legend's son", etc.

One other thing to consider is Flack's approach to upholding justice, and his close association with the CSIs. I'm not sure how it works in the States, and if we're to check out Don's bio at CBS, Daddy Flack could be one of those old-school detectives that would stick his guns out with old-fashioned detective work.

This talking it out is fun! Great for story material. :D
Yeah, I can see father and son having different ideas of how detective work should be done. I remember reading somewhere that Flack's dad was part of more of an old-school detective squad, so maybe he looks down on what the CSIs do whereas Flack is much more open to working alongside the scientists. Also remember when Mac and Stella were talking to Moran in the store about the difference between blood and wine and he said 'scientists' sort of like you might say 'nerds' or 'geeks.' If Moran was Flack's mentor, then maybe that's more of the attitude that Daddy-Flack thought Don would have toward the CSIs--they're scientists, not cops, and that makes all the difference. It's possible that Flack's friendliness and close working-relationship with the CSIs rubs his father the wrong way. I can see him having dinner with his parents and, while his mom is fussing over the state of his hair and inquiring about when she's finally going to get some grandchildren, Don Sr. is making derogatory comments about 'scientists thinking they're cops.' Don't get me wrong, I feel respect for Flack Sr. (as much as you can respect a fictional character that's never actually had a scene ;)), but I think he's part of the Old New York and fits well into that era, while Don is made for more modern policework (which includes and embraces forensics). I'd be interested to see how his father reacted when he found out about Don supporting Danny during "On the Job" instead of standing with the other unforms on the platform talking trash about him. Hmm...that's interesting right there... :p

I'm also thinking of when Flack went to ask Moran for his notebook and was nicely suggesting that Gavin just forgot (rather than openly suggest that he thought his old mentor had lied), and Moran said something about Flack 'blaming the uniform.' That makes me wonder if perhaps Flack's father might have wanted him to be a uniformed officer and not a detective--or maybe just that he thought Flack should support a fellow officer regardless of what the 'evidence' says. It's a bit of a stretch, since Gavin isn't his father, but so far he's the only paternal figure we've seen for Don so I wonder if his feelings mirror Don's father's...

All total speculation of course. ;)
Well, I love playing with speculation and what-not! :D

For lack of Daddy Flack, it's obvious we'd turn to Gavin as a reflection or stand-in for Flack Sr. And Gavin speaking of his dad in such a way, and that little remark about the CSIs is a definite clue on where he stands (which is old-school).

Detectives vs. uniformed officers. Another interesting point of discussion. I never thought that there would be such a thing. Though you'd see some sort of tension between these two groups. I'm curious why such tension should exist, considering they both apprehend criminals, though the uniform is more "hands on" (for lack of a better term). I'm still a little foggy with the distinction between the two.

One other thing. If we are to infer from Gavin's sentiment about Flack Sr. and the "uniforms", are you also thinking that Flack Sr. was not a detective?

Thanks for bringing in a more tangible idea of where the possible tension between them could stem from. :) If we're going too much off topic, I'll be glad to make a new thread. :D
Yeah, I'm trying to stay on-topic and mention Flack and Danny's friendship and how it relates to everything I'm saying, but I think right now I'm just concentrating on Flack. :lol: (Isn't it strange how conversation seems centered around Danny during the season, but now it's suddenly shifted to Flack? I think Danny would get jealous. :p)

I'm a bit foggy about the difference between uniforms and detectives as well, but I think there is some sort of difference... :confused:

I see Flack Sr. as a very hands-on, collar the perp, chase him and throw him against a wall sort of guy. For all that Don might arrest people and chase them sometimes, from what we've seen on the show, it seems that the writers want us to see the detectives as people who gather information and work with the CSIs rather than doing a whole lot of the 'physical' stuff. So yeah, I see Daddy-Flack as more of a uniformed officer-type. Although, since I don't know how things really work with cops and whatnot, I'm only going off of what I've seen on the show (which, when I look at it, isn't really a lot).

I think that there are a thousand things that could have contributed to the tension between them. I get the feeling that, no matter how much Don might have tried to impress his old man and make him proud, Daddy-Flack would have expected too much of him and been disappointed. I can see that really hurting Flack because, even if he knows that he could never live up to his fathers expectations, he would still want to. :(

Now, back to Danny and Flack's friendship. ;)

I can see them arguing over what type of pizza to order when they're hanging out and watching baseball--even though they both like the same toppings. :lol: You know, like they both like sausage and pepperoni, but they sit there arguing back and forth about which to get until they finally just order both. :lol:

I can also see them just hanging out at a bar and talking about whatever case they'd worked, playing a little bit of pool and exaggerating the story a bit. Like, the guy didn't just run and Flack had to chase him, the guy took off down the street and Flack had to run his ass down and slam him up against a wall. You know, a bit of a pissing contest between them...although I think it might ruin it a bit if Danny starts up with "Yeah, this guy was being a total ass, but when I analyzed that strange white powder from his hoodie and ran it through the GCMS, it totally sealed the deal...why are you staring at me?" :lol: And then he'd go, "Oh, and then I chased him and took him down." And Flack would nod and go back to playing pool. :lol:

I can also see the two of them sitting around one of their apartments, talking about all of the women they work with and being adorably lewd and suggestive--not that they'd dare to say that stuff when they're around the women of course. Stella would kick their asses, and I suspect that Lindsay might help her. :lol:

How's that for on-topic? ;)
^Oho, sneaky way to get back to topic. :D Better to start a new thread for our speculations... ;)

Actually, you reminded me of this fic I read over ffnet. You might have seen it, the way you mentioned about the sausage v. pepperoni thing. :p

I could really see those two get into a pissing competition, just for the sake of. :lol: And I would've DIED to see Stella kick their assess if she ever heard them in their guy talk about women. *lmao*

And Flack body slamming perps up the wall. Hm. Seems like he likes to do that a lot... ;)

I take it these you get from experience? Brothers? Significant other? ;)
Well my brother is a lot older than me (and we're not close at all), and there's no significant other for this girl, so I've either been reading too many fanfics or I've got a dude in my brain...either one of those possibilities is frightening, to tell you the truth. :lol:

Ooh, a new fic! *grabs* Gimme, gimme! No, I've never seen that one before. And I'd love to see Stella kick their asses at the same time--even two on one, the guys wouldn't stand a chance. :lol: Of course, they'd be sitting around later nursing their bruises and saying that they just didn't want to hit a girl, but we know better. :p

Hmm, could we start a thread to talk about Flack and his relationship with his Dad, etc? I wouldn't want to open it if we didn't have a definite topic to discuss that didn't belong anywhere else...Hmm...Has there already been a similar thread, perhaps, that we could bump up? I don't remember either way, but I'll check and see if I can find one. :)
I'd love to discuss the relationship between Flack and his dad. There's not much about them on the show, so it leaves a lot to speculation.
Folks, I've started a thread, a general speculations thread that we can recycle if one topic's done. But seeing the stuff talked over here, I doubt it'll end. :lol

Head on right over here and bring in your thoughts. :)

... so I've either been reading too many fanfics or I've got a dude in my brain...either one of those possibilities is frightening, to tell you the truth.
Technically got no brother, and no significant other, either. I plead the same excuse as yours. Or, I am a dude in the head. :lol:

And I'd love to see Stella kick their asses at the same time--even two on one, the guys wouldn't stand a chance. Of course, they'd be sitting around later nursing their bruises and saying that they just didn't want to hit a girl, but we know better.

ROFLMAO! Damn, that would be a verrrrry nice fic idea, huh? *nudge nudge* ;)

Hope you like the fic! I felt like it really celebrates their friendship.

Heeey, why don't we plug in friendship fics in tribute to the dynamic duo? Whaddya guys think?
I love that thread already. It's so going on my favorites. *snuggles*

It's always good to discuss things -- makes it good for writing fic, and just in general is a nice thing to do with the CSI: shows.
I know! And putting it in the NY thread kind of un-clutters things. Besides, it's all open speculation. Readers can get in on the game, too. :)

DOH. Me needs to put it in favorites, too! Silly silly me...
i'd really like to see what he thinks of his son and his relationship with danny.

That would be very interesting to see! I can see him thinking his son is crazy or somthing for befriending Danny. That would make for an awsome scene or episode.

I can see them arguing over what type of pizza to order when they're hanging out and watching baseball--even though they both like the same toppings.

I know! :lol: Fighing over differnt little things like that! I love it. I can totally see them doing that too.
Alright, alright, I'll write down that idea for a fic, but we'll see if it ever gets written. :lol:

I'm loving the new thread, by the way. :) It also opens things up in here to concentrate on the friendship between Danny and Flack instead (because we wouldn't want Danny to get all pouty ;)). :p

Here's an interesting question: When they guys go out, who drives? I can see them arguing about it because they wouldn't want to look like the bum in the passenger seat who doesn't have his own car or something. :lol:
^ My bet is that whoever wins the driver seat, the other would sit and the back then yell, "Drive, Sims." :D

Glad you like the new thread, Faylinn! And we wouldn't want pouty!Danny. Oh, no no...