The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Sounds like a plan. *nods*

Maybe she'll be cool, like Maka. Because, as everybody knows, Kaile Maka owns. Mmm. But if she comes between D/L, then that leaves room for Lindsay and Flack to get together! Oh, my shippy heart.
but we don't need that though...we don't need another triangle like we had in miami (eric/natalia/ryan). i think what danny did was stupid, and i think he should have shown a little more respect for his best friend...

but angsty couple drama *gags* none of that.
i don't see why they insist on having romance between co-workers. i think the move with tina was smart for las vegas, this natalia thing was annoying too. i hope TPTB just leave the romance or do it right. no DL! there's NO chemistry...i never thought to ship lindsay and flack coz they hardly interact...
The Ryan/Natalia/Eric thing was a trainwreck.

Lindsay and Flack go good together. He seems to be someone she'd go for -- nice, honest, upstanding. He's not complicated, like Danny. They complement each other nicely.
yeah, i ship F/L too. they're so much easier because they don't have as many issues.

i like the flirting between danny and lindsay. but i wish it would just stay at flirting. we don't need a relationship. from either of them.

and i hated the whole tina storyline. but that's not for this thread.
^ yea but i always have the feeling flack wouldn't go for that kind of relationship with anyone he works with daily... plus, if ever they decide to ship lindsay with either one of the boys it better not wreck the friendship there. that would be a disaster for the show...
absolutely not!

no, lindsay does not come between them in any way.

on another topic, i was watching the ep from s1 "On the Job" and the one scene where danny breaks down to flack, and he feels like no one has his back, and i'm sitting there and i'm screaming at flack to tell him that. but he doesn't.

which probably explains all the fiercely loyal s2 flack. in my mind anyway.

not that flack wouldn't be that loyal otherwise. but it's more obvious in s2. which is really starting to make the whole D/L moment at the end a real slap in the face.

i'm just talking myself in circles. don't mind me.
lol. i know what you mean. in the other threads everyone was discussing how much of a guy flack was coz he couldn't just come out and say "i got your back." danny even GAVE don the words he wanted to hear him say. that bit pissed me off! :mad:

but a bit that made me really smile was when flack pushed the cops who were bad-mouthing danny. that was a good friendship moment...
^ Gonna make it a point to watch "On the Job" again!

Anyway, if we are to make the assumption that Flack has been consistently loyal, he might not have said what Danny wanted to hear because he could be trying to stay true to himself, and not want to make empty promises or something. What if the case was strong against Danny, and Flack has his own reservations about it? He probably did. And with that conflict going on inside his head, he didn't want to make promises that he's not sure he might keep in the end. He might not have proclaimed out loud that he's got Danny's back, but he's sure as hell do anything he can, imho.

One other point. If they know each other as well as we think they do, Flack might be thinking that Danny might not be in a receptive mood to reason, or was not receptive to hearing consolation. Some people have twisted tendencies to find comfort in misery, and Danny might have been feeling that way, and Flack wasn't going to give him that.

*exhales* Well, that's just my theory. Just thinking aloud, folks.
i hope TPTB just leave the romance or do it right. no DL! there's NO chemistry...i never thought to ship lindsay and flack coz they hardly interact...

MMmhmm! If they don't do the romance right [which shouldn't be the main focus anyway IMO] then it's best not to do it at all. Messing up the romantic side [if they decide to develop that part of the show] wouldn't be good for the show. Yeah, I'm not feeling the D/L either. Yeah. With mild interaction with each other they seem more like acquaintances.
screamingpoet said:
Sounds like a plan. *nods*

Maybe she'll be cool, like Maka. Because, as everybody knows, Kaile Maka owns. Mmm. But if she comes between D/L, then that leaves room for Lindsay and Flack to get together! Oh, my shippy heart.

OMG..I don't even wanna think about Lindsay chasing after Flack. I think Lindsay needs to find her a man somewhere else. From what I've seen so far in Season 2, Flack doesn't pay her much attention. What is there to come between Danny and Lindsay? All I've seen is some lame flirting. Danny had seen a girl in the subway twice and he looked interested in her. That makes me think there's nothing going on with D/L. Maka was in a couple episodes in season 2 and they flirted so why can't he flirt with the new detective. If she's anything like Maka, she'd be worth flirting with.
Personally, I don't think I want anybody flirting with anybody else at this point. The writers were able to have Danny and Maka flirting and not shove it down our throats, but when Danny and Lindsay flirt it gets to be too much. So I don't think the main characters need to flirt with each other because the writers can't seem to control themselves. I support everybody's right to like whatever ship they like, but I just don't want to see it on the show. Fanfic is fun and there are a lot of excellent writers who give you a lot more than even the show's writers would.

So personally, I'd like the show to stick with the science and the non-romantic personal relationships between the characters. That brings us back to Flack and Danny (and I'm afraid I might be the one responsible for taking us so far off-topic. :eek: Oops).

I'm always interested to know how these two could have become friends. It's been discussed countless times before, of course, but it's just such an intriguing topic. Flack's the latest in a long line of cops, and the show gives you the impression that Danny comes from a more, er, dubious background. So I wonder how in the world they became friends? I mean, I'm inclined to think that they didn't meet until they started working together, but I wonder if Flack had any qualms about being friends with Danny because of his family? Or maybe he was determined not to care about that because his father might have put a lot of emphasis on who Don should socialize with. It's an interesting topic, and one that would be nice to see if they ever had Daddy-Flack on the show. Maybe Danny would stop by to say something to Don and Daddy-Flack would give him the cold shoulder. *shivers* Ooh, me likey that idea. ;) A bit of awkwardness, maybe a wee argument between father and son. :p (And why in the hell can't I imagine anyone other than Jason Issacs for his dad? Someone mentioned him when we were discussing Flack's father either here or in another thread and, even though Jason is too young to be Daddy-Flack, he's stuck in my head and won't get out!...maybe that's because he's kind of sexy. *blushes*)

By the way, I mentioned this story in the Danny/Flack thread over in shipper central, but since I'm sure not everyone goes in there (although I can't see why not! ;)), I thought I'd mention it in here too. I read a great story last night called "Field of Dreams" on LJ that was a bit of a background story for Flack. I thought it was amazing. If anybody is into fanfic and would like to read it, PM me and I'll send along the link (it's not pornographic or anything, but it mentions certain, ah, male body parts that might not be appropriate to post on the board ;)). Here's the summary the author posted:

"Baseball is the stuff of magic and dreams, and Don Flack, Jr. has always loved it. It is the one thread between him and his aloof father that has never been broken, even after all else has slipped away. But every magic and all dreams fade if left untended."

ETA: By the way, I liked that fic about the train. I probably would never have come across it since I don't look for D/L stuff (and that seems to be a D/L writer ;)), but it was very good.
^ Hang on... isn't that on ffnet too? I might have skimmed through it at one point.

And those were interesting thoughts on their friendship, Fay, which made me wonder: could the father-son falling out stemmed from their friendship, because of Danny's family's "affiliations"? I dunno, just made me thinkg...
^ i really hope the writers go onto that topic during season3... don's father seems to fenerally be perceived as someone who pushed don to do things and was a hero himself so i'd really like to see what he thinks of his son and his relationship with danny. i can so see flack Sr. condescendingly calling him "that messer kid" or something

yea fay the writer is a DL fan and i don't remember how but this story just ended up in my faves :p