The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Yeah, totally hated how Danny just left with Lindsay.

If I was Flack, I'd turn Godly and hop out of that bed (with magical healing powers of course) and guard the door with my life.

Hell no. Best friend sha'll not leave with the new girl. Totally a slap in the face.
Yeah, totally hated how Danny just left with Lindsay.

So did I! He should have stayed with Flack, I mean the man is his best friend!

Best friend sha'll not leave with the new girl. Totally a slap in the face.

Yeah, it really is. The new girl doesn't look out for Danny like Flack would.
If I was Flack, I'd turn Godly and hop out of that bed (with magical healing powers of course) and guard the door with my life.

Hell no. Best friend sha'll not leave with the new girl. Totally a slap in the face.
11th commandment?! :lol: but i agree, that part pissed me off. they could buy us back with a nice s3 intro tho... *hinthint* flack would be hurt that danny just left him there... :(
^ Well they've got the off season to patch things up between them. And when Flack's all better, he can always wipe the hardcourt with Danny's ass... :devil:
tuesdaymorning said:
Yeah, totally hated how Danny just left with Lindsay.

If I was Flack, I'd turn Godly and hop out of that bed (with magical healing powers of course) and guard the door with my life.

Hell no. Best friend sha'll not leave with the new girl. Totally a slap in the face.

I agree. There's only what 50,000 taxis in NY? Is Lindsay too good to take one home. Danny never should have left. I'm hoping that wasn't intended to set up Danny and Lindsay as a couple next year. :mad: Do you think if the situation was reversed that Flack would have left his side? No way.

I just knew that when Mac said not everybody had to stay that Stella would be the only one that would. I knew the ride question was gonna come up but I thought Danny would do more than just look in at Flack. With the friendship they have, I never would have left Flack's side until he woke up. Danny screwed up big time. I just hope he didn't make another mistake with Lindsay.
There's only what 50,000 taxis in NY? Is Lindsay too good to take one home.

:lol: I know! I'm not sure why she didn't take herself home since she seemed like the main who was ready to leave.

I'm hoping that wasn't intended to set up Danny and Lindsay as a couple next year.

Oh NO!! I sure hope not!! That would be terrible. I'm thinking though Danny was just being nice to her and went ahead and took her home with nothing romantic behind it.
I didn't think Lindsay would've left. She was the first one to look in on Flack -- everyone else went to Mac, she went to look in through the window. And Danny basically had to stand in front of her when he asked her about the ride. Maybe she's not as inconsiderate as you think. *nods*

But Danny has some serious work to do if he's going to get back in my good graces; leaving one's friend by the wayside to get some with the country girl is not the way to go.
We still don't know what really went on with Danny. He and Lindsay talked about that ride earlier in the episode. Maybe he felt an obligation to her too and then he came back to the hospital after he dropped her off.

Danny and Flack are too close for Danny to just dismiss him altogether. I think Danny is extremely worried about Flack. Look at what all Danny's been through. His brother is in a coma because he was protecting Danny. Aiden was fired and then murdered. He's gotta be worried about Flack too. He probably just needed to get out of there and calm down some first. I can understand if he needed a little break. Just because they didn't show it, doesn't mean he didn't come back.

ETA: Also, Danny was standing there looking in on Flack too, if only for a brief moment.
Danny and Flack are too close for Danny to just dismiss him altogether. I think Danny is extremely worried about Flack.

Yeah that are. That's why I don't think anything was behind Danny giving her a ride. These two have helped each other alot through tough times so I know Danny will be there for Flack too. I mean since Flack's helped him through so much it's the least he could do. Plus it's the right thing to do.
Ideally, there would be nothing behind Danny giving Lindsay a ride. But this is CSI:NY, and TPTB are obviously intent on making DL canon -- so there probably was something behind it. You know, one of those statements that means nothing and everything.
Let's just hope TPTB are just playing with us and nothing happens. Give everybody something to talk about until season 3 starts. In my own little world, that's what I'm going with. Hoping the new Detective will maybe come in between D/L. That is, if we can stand her.