The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

I'd say that Danny/Lindsay is hugely popular on the whole (moreso than you'd even think from this site), but that doesn't necessarily mean that it makes the show better (soap operas are full of romantic relationships, and that doesn't make them good tv *grimace*). There are certainly people who love the D/L ship, and there are probably quite a few that would leave the show if the ship sank, but I think it's insulting to the fans if TPTB think that the romance is all that the general fanbase cares about. I think it's pretty safe to say that, if the writers decided to discontinue the Danny/Lindsay flirtation (or whatever you want to call it), some fans would be upset, but they wouldn't stop watching. The show needs to be good on it's own, regardless of the romantic attachments, because if CSI:NY becomes a prime-time soap opera, you can bet that'll lose more fans than it would by dropping the D/L ship. It might be that the writers, etc. want to set NY apart by appealing to a slightly different audience, but I think they should concentrate on trying to appeal to the massive audience that the original CSI has drawn. But then, that's all really just my opinion, and I'm no expert on this sort of thing...

Now, that having been said, the idea of a controversial relationship on this sort of show is very interesting. If it was done well and taken seriously, I think it would be awesome, and could bring in new viewers even if some other fans got offended and left. It isn't the most popular show on television right now, so I think the risk would be less than if, say, the original CSI decided to have a relationship between two of it's main male characters. But I'm sure that, even if the writers were game for it (not to mention the actors), the network would never let it happen, not at this point. But I can deal with that because, as much of a D/F fan as I am, I'm happy with the fan community, the fanfics, etc.

However, I think that the friendship between these two can and should be explored and featured. They'd be absolutely insane not to utilize the obvious chemistry between Eddie and Carmine (and Flack and Danny) more on the show. The actors seem to respond to it, and the fans certainly respond to it. Like was mentioned before, a deep friendship can be appreciated by anyone, male and female, regardless of their opinions about sexual preference. Having two people work together and develop a deep friendship is realistic and appealing. I hope that the writers see that the fans are responding to Danny and Flack as friends (and I don't know how they could not be aware of it) and give their friendship some much-needed attention in season 3 (beyond Danny asking Flack to be the best man at his and Lindsay's wedding *gag*).

Wow, that was longer than I intended it to be. :eek:
Whoa. I go back to this thread, and BOOM. But Fay, you couldn't have put it in better words. This stuff can go into a letter of petition to the writers.
^ wow. passionate mini essay there fay! lol
but i do agree with most of the points you made. the network would be more inclined to allow the original csi to go into a controversial subject than csi:NY. however, i doubt the original csi would ever go there... their characters have mostly already been paired. but then again, i don't think the NY writers would go there either. as was said, i like reading the romantic side of the DF relationship in fanfic and i'm not sure i would actually liek it if it were put on the show. a serious portrayal of that romance could be very interesting though...

i think right now TPTB are recruiting more fans before trying anything else. however, if the show doesturn into a soapie *shudders at DL wedding idea* then i, for one, would stop watching. like you said, they may be trying to appeal to a different audience but they should see that a DF frienship would appeal to both males and females. the actors work well together so it's be less excruciating to watch than the DF pairing.
Very, very well said Faylinn! :D

I agree with you when you say that she show will still do just fine if they drop the D/L ship, but if they made it into some kind of CSI: soap opera the intrest in the show would decline a great deal. I know they said that CSI: NY will be more character driven and with that in mind they must take careful care in deciding what to do with the characters and their interactions. Just because one cerain ship maybe popular doesn't mean you can't explore and focus on other ships. If you even do that. Since CSI: is is a show about crimes and science, ships can be an extra added every now and then if done well and don't dominate over the whole show, but it shouldn't be the main focus.
I, for one, watched the show because of the science that was the main element that had the entire franchise going. Flack was a wonderful addition to why I got hooked to NY :D. So if they ever veer from the very essence of the show, it's gonna turn a lot of viewers who already feels shortchanged. So here's hoping the soapies won't happen.
tiqlado said:
Thanks, csi_fanatic87

Actually, they didn't work on a case together. It's more like:
Danny came by the interrogation to get a DNA swab, and the suspect wasn't cooperating. Flack simply made the suspect open his mouth with Snark!Gun(TM). :D

Man, I am off of here for like 12 hours or so and you guys have filled up another page. :)

That is the first time they mention a game of hoops. When Danny goes to leave after getting the DNA swab he tells Flack "Don't forget, hoops on Saturday". That first episode established their friendship and it shouldn't be forgotten.
1CSIMfan said:
That is the first time they mention a game of hoops. When Danny goes to leave after getting the DNA swab he tells Flack "Don't forget, hoops on Saturday". That first episode established their friendship and it shouldn't be forgotten.

How can I forget? :p Was their playing hoops ever mentioned anywhere else?
1CSIMfan said:
That is the first time they mention a game of hoops. When Danny goes to leave after getting the DNA swab he tells Flack "Don't forget, hoops on Saturday". That first episode established their friendship and it shouldn't be forgotten.

Aww! I see "Blink" was an episode that established their friendship! [to my knowledge] or just the first episode where they played sports, but still how wonderful! :D
tiqlado said:
How can I forget? :p Was their playing hoops ever mentioned anywhere else?

I don't remember them ever mentioning playing hoops after that. But then again, between the episodes and the fanfic, sometimes they start running together. :rolleyes:

I think they did that in the first episode (like csi_fanatic87 said, to establish their friendship.) That showed they were already good friends before the show started.
I'm still getting worked up on the season three premiere. I'm nervous, wondering how they'll show us Flack and if he's going to need some help getting along and if the writers head towards that direction, Danny better be at that man's side.

I don't care if God says no, they must.

As mentioned above, we were introduced in the first episode ever! that these two are very close so why all of a sudden would Flack find comfort and help in the need of someone other than Danny?

These two balance one another out - keep the other stronger and if these two aren't there for each other, mistakes happen.

I'll smack a writer if their friendship goes down the drain.
I didn't like how they shoved off their friendship in the finale. Mac said "We don't all have to stay" and Danny's all, "Let's heave ho, Montana." Ugh. He would've stayed -- Flack's his best friend.
that was a great scene. i just got the s1 dvds too, so it's cool that i actually know what scene you're talking about...makes me happy... :D i feel not so out of the loop.

not that i ever mind being out of the loop, but you know what i mean.
The only loop you're in is mine. *licks*
Just kidding?

Their friendship is definitely one of a kind in the CSI: verse. They're basically brothers from a different mother, k.
They better give us one scene--one Danny-Flack scene--that'll reinforce that friendship, and all(?) would be forgiven.