The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

Awsome! That's great tiglado! :D Congrats on getting your S1 DVD.

Blink is Danny/Flack case too? Wow! That's great! Season 1 seems to have them paired up more often than season 2.
Thanks, csi_fanatic87

Actually, they didn't work on a case together. It's more like:
Danny came by the interrogation to get a DNA swab, and the suspect wasn't cooperating. Flack simply made the suspect open his mouth with Snark!Gun(TM). :D
tiqlado said:Actually, they didn't work on a case together. It's more like:
Danny came by the interrogation to get a DNA swab, and the suspect wasn't cooperating. Flack simply made the suspect open his mouth with Snark!Gun(TM). :D

Ooo! Now that's hot! :D I've got to get out in stores and get that DVD! Where did you all find it by the way [store, online, etc]? Thanks for the info, tiqlado! :)
You're welcome! :D

Mine I got in a local store in the Philippines. Can't afford the shipping costs, anyway. :p
tiqlado said:
Thanks, csi_fanatic87

Actually, they didn't work on a case together. It's more like:
Danny came by the interrogation to get a DNA swab, and the suspect wasn't cooperating. Flack simply made the suspect open his mouth with Snark!Gun(TM). :D

That was a good scene... :D
I really want to see them work together more in S3. Danny and Flack work so well together, and are obviously really good friends. They have a great dynamic.
I really want to see them work together more in S3. Danny and Flack work so well together, and are obviously really good friends. They have a great dynamic.

You are so right! These are my thoughts too! These to get along wonderfuly, are funny together, and it's always nice to see the two hottest guys on the show together anyways. :D Obvious reasons why these two should be paired up for more cases in season 3. Hopefully TPTB will deliver on that.
Yeah! It's kinda surprising that TPTB aren't capitalizing on something that really clicks! I mean, it would appeal to both male and female audiences alike. SPECIALLY to us female species. :D
Yeah! It's kinda surprising that TPTB aren't capitalizing on something that really clicks!

Yeah, that seems to be a big problem with them. They are blind to what works and don't bother to fix what's not right for the show. :rolleyes:
^ well, in their opinion the fans like danny/lindsay pairings. they might be afraid that less DL fans will watch if the flirting stops...
but i agree, they should really put more friendship clips into season 3. hopefully TPTB will make danny and flack closer coz of the accident...
hopefully TPTB will make danny and flack closer coz of the accident...

Yeah! That gives them the perfect situation to go off of and make them closer. If they needed a reason, they have one now.

Well if that's what TPTB thinks about viewers and D/L they couldn't be more wrong.
^more people are probably DL fans than DF fans y'know. but as said before, if they ever took a big step and made the show controversial (DF love :D ) they'd attract new fans. i mean, brokeback did pretty well.... *hintnudgesTPTBhint*
afrikana said:
^more people are probably DL fans than DF fans y'know. but as said before, if they ever took a big step and made the show controversial (DF love :D ) they'd attract new fans. i mean, brokeback did pretty well.... *hintnudgesTPTBhint*

Oh ok. Yeah true. Didn't think about that. The D/L ship is kinda popular I guess. Yeah they would! Lots of new fans would come around, plut it'd be really hot! Brokeback Mountain did do really well. Won awards and everything. :D
hmmm... maybe they should get lindsay to have some kind of relationship with someone else. and just hint that DL didnt work so they can focus on a DF friendship. i don't want lindsay mac though coz it'll be too much like the original csi with grissom and sara. we really need to see danny helping flack at some point coz right now im stuck thinkin they made danny seem like an asshole just leaving flack there...
I've managed to see COTP, and yeah, Danny's reaction seemed really off. Seems that the writers have conveniently forgotten that Flack and Danny are actually friends. :rolleyes: The episode had that all-Mac feel, which it ought to be, I suppose. But. To. Forget! those two are friends. *sigh*