The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

More than likely (and here's hoping), Danny giving Lindsey a ride home will simply never come up again.

That would work out best.

As for Don and Danny falling out over it, well who's going to tell Don?

I was thinking about that too unless they never tell him at all.

he'll probably just figure that Mac's the team leader and was taking first shift.

Yeah, very true! He won't wake up immediatly and start looking around to see who's all there with him [I wouldn't think so anyway]. It could take hours or even days for him to wake up and in that time Danny could have already returned to his side.
Ceindreadh said:
I am really hoping that the 'giving Lindsey a ride home' isn't going to turn out like the Sam/Martin 'sharing a cab' thing on the Without a Trace S2 finale.

oh! oh yeah! need for that.

personally, i think flack doesn't seem the type to hold a grudge over that. depending if they get into flack angst this season and how far they go, flack could feel anything from absolutely nothing at all, to totally needy and snapping at everyone, which is totally out of character for him.

i want flack angst, but it can't be too much. just a little frustration every once in a while, a little bit of hesitation in his step. that's about all i want to be happy.

as for how flack would feel about it, he probably would be just chalking it up to danny's already spent too much time in hospitals as it is, with his brother and everything, and move on. because that's the kind of character flack is.

i think.
i want flack angst, but it can't be too much. just a little frustration every once in a while, a little bit of hesitation in his step. that's about all i want to be happy.

Right on! That's the kind of Flack angst I would be looking for too. Doesn't have to a whole lot, but a little something is welcome.
Danny and Flack have amazing chemistry! :D I love seeing these 2 working a case together or something. It's great to see them on screen.
i just got it... :D chance, i'm watching as many episodes as i can non-stop. i haven't seen that much of s1, so this gift makes me very, very happy.

so there's lots of danny-flack banter in s1? something to look forward too...
Well...there's not a whole lot of scenes with them together. But what time they to have is short and sweet. Little bits spread out over all the episodes. IMO, they had more in season 2 and hopefully even more in season 3. :p
Yeah! I'll be looking out for more scenes with them both too. Hopefully we'll see a big difference in the number of scenes they get next season. :D
For Danny/Flack bantering in Season 1 ... Blood, Sweat & Tears is an absolute must. Not to mention Flack stares at Danny like he literally wants to eat the guy up. :lol:
Blood, Sweat & Tears is an absolute must. Not to mention Flack stares at Danny like he literally wants to eat the guy up.

*adds to list of must see episodes* Well you know he probably does. :lol: Seems like Flack does alot of staring. [Necrophilia Americana]
Kimmychu said:
For Danny/Flack bantering in Season 1 ... Blood, Sweat & Tears is an absolute must. Not to mention Flack stares at Danny like he literally wants to eat the guy up. :lol:

He stares at him that way because that is exactly what he wants to do. :D Could you blame him? Who wouldn't want to do that. :devil: **runs off to bedroom to get on laptop and watch the dvd of Blood, Sweat, & Tears again.
I've got the S1 DVD! *wheeeeee* The Danny-Flack tandem I've seen thus far was "Blink". Heheh. That was a nifty ploy Flack played on the suspect. :p Wanna see "On the Job" next!