The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

^ :lol: don't worry...we won't hurt you just coz you're a DL shipper! but as you said even for the ship, it wasnt a great moment to bring in romance. if they wanna get closer they can do it later but let danny stay with his crtically injured best friend for a little longer than 5mins.

that said i also hope they dont come back to the car ride next season. i think it would really destroy any friendship (DD) or even romance (DL) possible. i don't think flack would be too happy to learn that danny left him in the hospital to go get on with lindsay. if DL did go on to...more serious things, then it'd seem it was only coz of the situation they were in and not real feelings for each other.
afrikana said:
^ :lol: don't worry...we won't hurt you just coz you're a DL shipper! but as you said even for the ship, it wasnt a great moment to bring in romance. if they wanna get closer they can do it later but let danny stay with his crtically injured best friend for a little longer than 5mins.

that said i also hope they dont come back to the car ride next season. i think it would really destroy any friendship (DD) or even romance (DL) possible. i don't think flack would be too happy to learn that danny left him in the hospital to go get on with lindsay. if DL did go on to...more serious things, then it'd seem it was only coz of the situation they were in and not real feelings for each other.

Amen to that. I love ships in fanfiction but I don't feel they really have a place in the shows. All the sexual tension is what makes us sit on the edge of our seats wondering will they or won't they. Once they do, it takes away from that tension. Just take a look at GSR on Las Vegas. 6 years of sexual tension was the best but now that they've been together...who cares anymore.

Let's just forget about the car ride and just say he was only taking her home and that was all that went on. At least in my little world that's what I'm thinking. Also, IMO, I think he went back to the hospital to be there when Flack woke up. Just fantasies of mine.

I know the finale was more or less centered around Mac but they still should have had Danny be there for Flack. After everything Danny and Mac has been through in the past (On the Job, Tanglewood, RSRD) I think it would have made more sense for them to be there waiting for Flack to wake up.
^ Makes total sense to me, 1CSIMfan! I do hope they patch that up with Danny come next season. Their friendship was left at odds in that one scene.
I do hope they patch that up with Danny come next season. Their friendship was left at odds in that one scene.

I do too. I think they will patch things up though. I don't like scenes or anything just left hanging.
neither do i.

i really hope that there's something said for that scene, but i don't really want them to dwell on it too much. some things do need to be let go over time.

and i doubt that anyone's going to say anything to flack about this in the frame of mind of what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

we don't really need flackdanny angst. seperately is fine, but between them i think would kill the show for me.
i really hope that there's something said for that scene, but i don't really want them to dwell on it too much.

I do too. Yeah, it's a good idea not to dwell on it too long. Get the situation resolved and move on.
I would agree that the little scene doesn't need to be stretched longer than necessary, else it would just simply go stale or something.

iluvroadrunner said:
we don't really need flackdanny angst. seperately is fine, but between them i think would kill the show for me.
Care to elaborate that a bit more for those of us whose brains are clocking out for the day? :p
if this thing about danny giving lindsay a ride home turns up into this whole big blow out between them, and they wind up having issues with each other, i would be very upset. danny and flack's friendship is what sets NY apart from the other CSI's and if there was a problem within it, i wouldn't want to watch the show anymore.

they're allowed to have their own angsty fact, i love those...but they just can't have them with each other.
^I think I understand what she's saying. We want season 3 to start with them still being close friends and not a big rift because Danny chose to drive Lindsay home and didn't stay with him. It's ok if they have angst that doesn't involve them. Like the Danny and Mac angst on On The Job. Flack and Danny can't do that. :mad:

ETA: You bet me to it Emily. I'm hoping the thing with Danny giving Lindsay a ride home was just that "a ride home" and that nothing else will be said about it. I don't think TPTB want to put them in a relationship (if they listen to Carmine and Anna) and Danny and Flack have too good of a friendship for Danny to ruin it. I still believe he came back to the hospital.
Okay, I think I see what you mean, Emily. It's kind of unimaginable at this point that those two would have a falling out of sorts. It would be awkward if based on what they left us with in the finale.

Okay, now I can go home for the day and will play in the sandbox again tomorrow. Ta! :D
^^I understood exactly what you meant. :) I feel the same way about Danny and Flack. No angst on the show...fanfic, yeah I can tolerate it but not on the show. they gotta stay bestest buddies.
I am really hoping that the 'giving Lindsey a ride home' isn't going to turn out like the Sam/Martin 'sharing a cab' thing on the Without a Trace S2 finale.

As for Don and Danny falling out over it, well who's going to tell Don? For starters, it'll probably be a day or two before he's aware of who is by his bedside, and if he does happen to notice that Mac was the only one holding his hand that first night, he'll probably just figure that Mac's the team leader and was taking first shift.

More than likely (and here's hoping), Danny giving Lindsey a ride home will simply never come up again.